島田 雅晴(シマダ マサハル)


  • Mirative interpretations with verbal past-tense forms in Japanese
    Shimada Masaharu; Nagano Akiko
    Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adjectives and Participles (WAASAP III)/2016-06-13--2016-06-14
  • Mirativity and Focus in DP
    Shimada Masaharu; Nagano Akiko
    Olomouc Linguistic Colloquium 2016 (Olinco 2016)/2016-06-09--2016-06-11
  • A recipe website as a context for code-switching: A web-based survey on recipe English by Japanese speakers
    Nagano Akiko; Shimada Masaharu
    The 2nd international conference on Food and Culture in Translation (FaCT)/2016-05-19--2016-05-21
  • Apparent omission of inflectional endings in Japanese adjectives
    Shimada Masaharu
    The international workshop on syntactic cartography 2015/2015-12
  • 「的」の新用法:属性叙述の範囲指定としての対照焦点
    長野 明子; 島田雅晴
  • Mirativity解釈の由来と情報構造について
    島田 雅晴
    日本英語学会第33回大会ワークショップ 「日英語を対象にしたMirativity研究:統語論・意味論・語用論の観点から」/2015-11
  • 英語における等位複合語の生起について
    島田 雅晴
  • The Rise of Mirative Markers in Japanese via Grammaticalization Processes
    Shimada Masaharu; Nagano Akiko; Ikarashi Keita; Honda Masato...
    The 22rd International Conference on Historical Linguistics Workshop: The Grammaticalization of Evidential and Epistemic Markers/2015-07
  • How Poor Japanese Is in Adjectivizing Derivational Affixes and Why
    Nagano Akiko; Masaharu Shimada
    Word Formation Theories II/ Typology and Universals in Word-Formation III/2015-06
  • Translation of Prefix-like Elements in Medical English
    Shimada Masaharu; Nagano Akiko
    The Word in Language and Discourse/2015-03
  • 動詞に関わる史的変化と言語タイプ
    島田 雅晴
    日本英文学会中部支部第66回大会シンポジウム 「英語の史的変化と言語のタイプ」/2014-10
  • Borrowing of English Adpositions in Japanese
    Shimada Masaharu; Nagano Akiko
    The Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB 2014)/2014-09
  • Functions and Typology of the Compounding Stem: Meaning-Independent Elements in Compounds
    Shimada Masaharu; Nagano Akiko; Okubo Tatsuhiro; Asano Masanao
    International Morphology Meeting 16/2014-05
  • 筑波大学の実践:研究型大学におけるグローバル化と国際化に対応した外国語教育
    島田 雅晴
  • Relational Adjectives (RAs) in Japanese and the RA vs. PP debate
    Nagano Akiko; Shimada Masaharu
    Mediterranean Morphology Meeting 9/2013-09
  • Morphology of Direct Modification in Japanese
    Shimada Masaharu; Nagano Akiko
    Morphology and Its Interfaces/2013-09
  • Adpositional Morphemes in Japanese: Contact with Chinese and English
    Nagano Akiko; Shimada Masaharu
    Societas Linguistica Europaea 2013 Workshop: Typology of Adposition and Case Marker Borrowing/2013-09
  • Lexeme, Stem, and Word-Form: Compounding as a Morphosyntactic Context
    Shimada Masaharu
    Interdisciplinary Workshop on Grammatical Word/2013-05
  • Three types of coordinated compounds: Comparison between Western and Asian languages
    Shimada Masaharu
    Universals and Typology in Word-Formation II/2012-08
  • On the category-changing prefixation in English
    Nagano Akiko; Shimada Masaharu
    The 14th International Morphology Meeting/2012-05
  • 筑波大学の英語教育改革
    島田 雅晴
    2011年度獨協大学全学共通カリキュラム外国語科目英語部門GPシンポジウム 「アカデミックスキルとしての英語教育-学士力育成のための共通教育の取り組み-」/2012-03
  • On the relationship between semantics and morphological boundness and its implication for diachronic analysis
    Shimada Masaharu; Nagano Akiko
    Historical English Word-Formation and Semantics Conference/2011-12
  • A note on affixal and non-affixal anaphors in Japanese
    Shimada Masaharu
    The 2011 Winter International Conference on Linguistics in Seoul/2011-11
  • Development of kanji pronunciations in Japanese and its analysis based on a lexeme-based morphology
    Shimada Masaharu; Nagano Akiko
    20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics/2011-07
  • Two types of bound morphemes and their interaction with morphology and syntax
    Shimada Masaharu; Nagano Akiko
    Interfaces 3/2011-05
  • さらに表示...