海後 宗男(カイゴ ムネオ)


  • Assessing American Attitudes Toward East Asian Countries
    海後 宗男
    国際日本研究/(7)/pp.111-120, 2015-03
  • 大学生における政治家の知名度 ― 情報飽和時代の偏重の影響 ―
    海後 宗男
    国際日本研究/(7)/p.121, 2015-03
  • Social Media and Red Tape in Japan
    Kaigo Muneo
    CeDEM Asia 2014 Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government/pp.217-223, 2014-12
  • 市民活動SNSへの参加促進要因に関する研究 : つくば市民活動のひろばを事例として
    海後 宗男; 大倉 沙江
    情報通信学会誌/32(2)/pp.67-81, 2014-09
  • 市民活動SNSへの参加促進要因に関する研究 : つくば市民活動のひろばを事例として
    海後 宗男; 大倉 沙江
    情報通信学会誌, 2014-9
  • Return on Investment or Social Capital? Comparing Field Experiment Results of a Civil Society SNS Page in Japan
    海後 宗男
    64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, 2014-05
  • Internet Aggregators Constructing the Political Right Wing in Japan
    Kaigo Muneo
    eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government/5(1)/pp.59-79, 2013-11
  • US Press Coverage of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident: Frames, Sources and News Domestication
    Kaigo Muneo
    Media Asia Vol. 40 No. 3 pp. 260-273, July 2013. Dragana Lazicと 共著。「審査付」/40(3)/pp.260-273, 2013-07
  • U.S. Press Coverage of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident: Frames, Sources and News Domestication
    Kaigo Muneo
    22nd AMIC Annual Conference, 2013-07
  • Internet Aggregators Constructing the Political Right Wing
    海後 宗男
    63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, 2013-06
  • 政治報道の内容分析から見る政権交代への影響
    海後 宗男; 徳間恵理、中村隆宏、王文青 、楊素茵
    筑波大学地域研究/pp.21-36, 2013-03
  • Constants and Shifts in Relation to Communication, Information and Printed Text
    Muneo Kaigo
    Korean Journal of Communication Studies/20(5)/p.27-37, 2012-12
  • Social Media Usage by Local Municipalities in Japan: Enhancing Civil Society and Disaster Relief
    Muneo Kaigo
    Proceedings of The 19th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, 2012-11
  • Social Media Usage for Civil Society in Japanese Municipalities
    Muneo Kaigo; Leslie Tkach-Kawasaki
    CeDEM Asia 2012 Proceedings of the International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government/p.59-70, 2012-11
  • Fukushima in Bitter Silence: Opaque Communication of Radioactive Contamination by the March 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident
    Muneo Kaigo; Jun Oguro
    21st AMIC Annual Conference/p.1-25, 2012
  • Printed Text, Communication and Information: Constants and Shifts
    Muneo Kaigo
    Humans, Media and Communication Paradigms: Respecification of Printing Media in the Age of Smart Media/p.53-62, 2012
  • Social Media Usage During Disasters and Social Capital: Twitter and the Great East Japan Earthquake
    Muneo Kaigo
    Keio Communication Review/34/p.19-35, 2012-03
  • The Picture of Latin America by the Japanese: An analysis of representation among media audiences
    Betsy Forero-Montoya; Muneo Kaigo
    20th AMIC Annual Conference, 2011-06
  • Exploring the Challenge of Mobile Access to Online Reviews and Price Comparison in Japan
    Muneo Kaigo
    61st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association/p.1-22, 2011-05
  • A型H1N1亜型インフルエンザ報道の影響に関する研究」
    海後 宗男; 康 雪梅; 蔡 莉; 松枝 世; 内山 祭; 金 餘珍; ジェニファー・エヴァ; 楊 素茵
    地域研究/(32)/p.59-81, 2011-03
  • When Local Infections are Global: Examining Print Media Responsibility in the Coverage of H1N1, A Four-Country Study
    Muneo Kaigo; Reggy Figer; Betsy Forero Montoya; Sei Mats...
    19th AMIC Annual Conference/p.CD-ROM, 2010-06
  • Two-way IP Video Communication Use in Japan: Closeness of Relationships and Sentiment Flows
    Muneo Kaigo
    Proceedings of The 18th Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society/p.CD-ROM, 2010-06
  • ハイブリッド自動車のCMと環境意識に関するアンケート調査と実験
    海後宗男; 松枝世; 内山祭; 李彦江; 沢田由貴
    筑波大学地域研究/(31)/p.68-78, 2010-03
  • メディアの犯罪報道と大学生の治安・社会参与意識についての調査研究
    海後宗男; 松枝世; 内山祭; 金餘珍; ジェニファー・エヴァ; 楊素茵
    筑波大学地域研究/(31)/p.79-92, 2010-03
  • メディアの広場「なぜテレビ電話が流行らないのか?」
    視聴覚教育 2009年10月号/(744)/p.6-7, 2009-10
  • さらに表示...