BENTON Caroline Fern(ベントン キャロライン ファーン)


  • Facebook: Changing the Way People Connect with Relevant Social Graphing, Meso-Research Group
    Caroline Benton
    *EMPTY*, 2007-01
  • Company Needs for Management Education in Japan
    Hiroe Tsubaki; Hirohisa Nagai; Caroline Benton; Cindy Sh...
    Improving Quality of Management Education/p.27-29, 2008-06
  • A Cross-country Comparison of the Enabling Factors of Knowledge Management
    Caroline Benton; Remy Magnier-Watanabe
    TJASSST 2009, 2008-11
  • Knowledge Sharing and Creation in the Semiconductor Equipment Industry
    Tsuyoshi Moriya; Caroline Benton
    International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2008/p.27-29, 2008-01
  • A Hybrid Style of E-learning in MBA Education: blending of synchronous/asynchronous learning and cross-cultural education for an international group of students
    Caroline Benton; Remy Magnier-Watanabe; Harald Herrig; Ol...
    International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning, 2009-09
  • グローバル・リーダーシップ・コンピテンシー
    永井裕久; ベントンキャロライン; +BENTON Caroline Fern
    Exploring Learning & Learning Theories in Asia, 2011-02
  • A Study of the Effects of Commitment, Empowerment, Embeddedness on Knowledge Management in Japan
    Caroline Benton; Remy Magnier-Watanabe
    6th Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference (KMO 2011), Tokyo, Japan, 2011-01
  • Blended Learning in MBA Education: A cross-cultural experiment
    Remy Magnier-Watanabe; Caroline Benton; Herrig Harrold; A...
    Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning/26(3)/p.253-263, 2011-01
  • A Hybrid Style of e-Learning in MBA Education Across Borders
    Caroline Benton; Magnier-Watanabe Remy; Herrig Harrold; A...
    International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development/2(3)/p.112-126, 2011-01
  • A study of knowledge management enablers across countries
    Magnier-Watanabe Remy; Benton Caroline; Senoo Dai