木下 保(キノシタ タモツ)
- 論文
- A note on wave equation in Einstein and de Sitter space-time
Galstian Anahit; Kinoshita Tamotu; Yagdjian Karen
JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS/51(5)/pp.0-0, 2010-05 - Generalized Duhamel's Principle for Some Semi-linear Hyperbolic Type of Equations
木下 保
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications/15/p.355-370, 2010-01 - ON THE 2 BY 2 WEAKLY HYPERBOLIC SYSTEMS
D'Ancona Piero; Kinoshita Tamotu; Spagnolo Sergio
OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS/45(4)/pp.921-939, 2008-12 - On the Cauchy problem for wave equations with time-dependent coefficients
K. Yagdjian; +木下 保
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics/13/p.1-20, 2008-01 - Energy estimates for strictly hyperbolic equations with low regularity in coefficients
D. Del Santo; M. Reissig; +木下 保
Differential and Integral Equations/20(8)/p.879-900, 2007-01 - Klein-Gordon type equations with a singular time-dependent potential,
D. Del Santo; M. Reissig; +木下 保
Rendiconti Universita Trieste/39/p.141-175, 2007-01 - Hyperbolic equations with non-analytic coefficients
Kinoshita Tamotu; Spagnolo Sergio
MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN/336(3)/pp.551-569, 2006-11 - Hyperbolic equations with non analytic coefficients well posed in all Gevrey classes (Microlocal Analysis and Related Topics)
木下 保; Spagnolo Sergio
数理解析研究所講究録/1431(0)/pp.30-36, 2005-05 - About the loss of derivatives for strictly hyperbolic equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients
M. Reissig; +木下 保
Adv. Differential Equations/10/p.191-222, 2005-01 - On the wellposedness of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of higher order
D'Ancona P; Kinoshita T
MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN/278(10)/pp.1147-1162, 2005-01 - Weakly hyperbolic systems with Holder continuous coefficients
D'Ancona P; Kinoshita T; Spagnolo S
JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS/203(1)/pp.64-81, 2004-08 - Gevrey-well-posedness for weakly hyperbolic operators with holder-continuous coefficients
Colombini F; Del Santo D; Kinoshita T
MATHEMATICA SCANDINAVICA/94(2)/pp.267-294, 2004-01 - On the Cauchy problem for hyperbolic operators with non-regular coefficients
F. Colombini; D. Del Santo; +木下 保
Jean Leray '99 Conference Proceedings The Karlskrona Conference in Honor of Jean Leray Series : Mathematical Physics Studies , Vol. 24 de Gosson, Maurice (Ed.), 2003-07 - On the wellposedness of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic operators
P. D'Ancona; +木下 保
Surikaisekikenkyusho/1336/p.114-120, 2003-01 - Representation theorem for the solution of weakly hyperbolic equations with fast oscillating coefficients
K. Yagdjian; +木下 保
Boncch Center Publications/60/p.121-130, 2003-01 - On weakly hyperbolic operators with non-regular coefficients and finite order degeneration
F. Colombini; D. Del Santo; +木下 保
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications/282/p.410-420, 2003-01 - On the Gevrey wellposedness of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of 4th order
F. Colombini; +木下 保
Hokkaido Mathematical Journal/31(1)/p.39-60, 2002-01 - Gevrey-well-posedness for weakly hyperbolic operators with non-regular coefficients
F. Colombini; D. Del Santo; +木下 保
Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees/(81)/p.641-654, 2002-01 - Well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for a hyperbolic equation with non-Lipschitz coefficients,
F. Colombini; D. Del Santo; +木下 保
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Cl. Sci./((5) Vol. I)/p.327-358., 2002-01 - On the wellposedness of the Cauchy Problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of higher order
P. D'Ancona; +木下 保
Surikaisekikenkyusho Kokyuroku/(1261)/p.46-55, 2002-01 - On the Gevery well posedness of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of highr order
F. Colombini; +木下 保
Journal of Differential Equations/186(2)/p.194-419, 2002-01 - On the Canchy problem in Gevrey classes for dispersive equations
木下 保
Differential and Integral Equations/14(2)/p.159-173, 2001-01 - On the Gevrey wellposedness of the Cauchy Problem for some non-Kowalewskiaw equations
H. Nakazawa; +木下 保
Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees/79(3)/p.295-305, 2000-01 - On the 3-rd order hyperbolic equations with the analytic coefficients
木下 保
Journal D'Analyse Mathematique/77/p.287-314, 1999-01 - Gevrey wellposedness of the Cauchy problem for the hyperbolic equtions of third order with coefficients depencling only on time
木下 保
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences/34(3)/p.249-270, 1998-01 - さらに表示...
- A note on wave equation in Einstein and de Sitter space-time