木下 保(キノシタ タモツ)


  • On the wellposedness in the Gevwey classes of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperblolic systems with H(]E88D8[)lder continuous coefficients in time
    木下 保
    Osaka Journal of Mathematics/35(4)/p.3-18, 1998-01
  • On the wellposedness in the Gevrey classes of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic equations whose coefficients are Holder continuous in t and degenerate in t=T
    木下 保
    Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova/(100)/p.81-96, 1998-01
  • On the wellposedness in the ultradifferetiable classes of the Cauchy problem for a weakly hyperbolic equation of second order
    木下 保
    Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics/22(1)/p.241-271, 1998-01
  • On the Cauchy problem with small analytic data for nonlinear weakly hyperbolic systems
    木下 保
    Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics/21(2)/p.397-420, 1997-01