増岡 彰(マスオカ アキラ)


  • Failhfal flatness of Hopf algebras(共著)
    A. Masuoka; D. Wigner
    Journal of Algebra/170(1)/p.156-164, 1994-01
  • Coideal subalgebras in finite Hopf algebras
    A. Masuoka
    J. Algebra/163/p.819-831, 1994-01
  • Quotient theory of Hopf algebras
    A. Masuoka
    Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics/158/p.107-133, 1994-01
  • Cleft extensions for a Hopf algebra generated by a nearly primitive element
    A. Masuoka
    Comm. Algebra/22/p.4537-4559, 1994-01
  • Self-dual Hopf algebras of dimension p3 obtained by extension
    A. Masuoka
    Journal of Algebra/178/p.791-806, 1995-01
  • Semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension 6,8
    A. Masuoka
    Israel Journal of Mathematics/92/p.361-373, 1995-01
  • Semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension 2p
    A. Masuoka
    Communications in Algebra/23(5)/p.1931-1940, 1995-01
  • The pn theorem for semisimple Hopf algebras
    A. Masuoka
    Proceeding of the American Mathematical Society/124(3)/p.735-737, 1996-01
  • Some further classification results on semisimple Hopf algebras
    A. Masuoka
    Comm. Algebra/24/p.307-329, 1996-01
  • Calculations of some groups of Hopf algebra extensions
    A. Masuoka
    Journal of Algebra/191(2)/p.568-588, 1997-01
  • Faithfully flat forms and cohomology of Hopf algebra extensions
    A. Masuoka
    Communications in Algebra/25(4)/p.1169-1197, 1997-01
  • A result extended from groups to Hopf algebras(共著)
    T. Kobayashi; A. Masuoka
    Tsukuba. J. Math./21/p.55-58, 1997-01
  • Extensions of Hopf algebras and Lie bialgebras
    A. Masuoka
    Transactions of the American Mathematical Society/352(8)/p.3837-3879, 2000-01
  • Cocycle deformations and Galois objects for some cosemisimple Hopf algebras of finite dimension
    A. Masuoka
    Contemporary Mathematics/267/p.195-214, 2000-01
  • Cohomology and coquasi-bialgebra extensions associated to a matched pair of bialgebras
    A. Masuoka
    Advances in mathematics/173/p.262-315, 2003-01
  • Hopf module duality applied to X-outer Galois theory
    A. Masuoka
    Journal of Algebra/265/p.229-246, 2003-01
  • Hopf cohomology vanishing via approximation by Hochschild cohomology
    A. Masuoka
    Banach Center Publications/61/p.111-123, 2003-01
  • More homological approach to composition of subfactors
    A. Masuoka
    J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo/10/p.599-630, 2003-01
  • Examples of almost commutative Hopf algebras which are not coquasitriangular
    A. Masuoka
    Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics/237/p.185-191, 2003-01
  • Formal groups and unipotenat affine groups in non-categorical symmetry
    A. Masuoka
    J. Algebra/317/p.226-249, 2007-01
  • Semisimplicity criteria for irreducible Hopf algebras in positive characteristic
    A. Masuoka
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc./137/p.1925-1932, 2009-01
  • On minimal quasitriangular pointed Hopf algebras
    A. Masuoka
    J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo/16/p.547-576, 2009-01
  • Twisting algebras using non-commutative torsors: explicit computations
    Guillot Pierre; Kassel Christian; Masuoka Akira
    MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT/271(3-4)/pp.789-818, 2012-08
  • Quotient sheaves of algebraic supergroups are superschemes
    Masuoka Akira; Zubkov Alexandr N.
    JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA/348(1)/pp.135-170, 2011-12
  • ホップガロア拡大と型部分因子環 (作用素環における量子解析の展開)
    増岡 彰
    数理解析研究所講究録/1354(0)/pp.35-52, 2004-01
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