竹山 美宏(タケヤマ ヨシヒロ)
- 論文
- A functional model for the tensor product of level 1 highest and level -1 lowest modules for the quantum affine algebra U_q(sl^_2)
B. Feigin; M. Jimbo; M. Kashiwara; T. Miwa; E. Mukhin; Y....
European Journal of Combinatorics/25(8)/p.1197-1229, 2004-01 - Counting minimal form factors of the restricted sine-Gordon model
M. Jimbo; T. Miwa; Y. Takeyama
Moscow Mathematical Journal/4(4)/p.787-846, 2004-01 - A recursion formula for the correlation functions of an inhomogeneous XXX model
H. Boos; M. Jimbo; T. Miwa; F. Smirnov; Y. Takeyama
Algebra i Analiz/17(1)/p.115-159, 2005-01 - Fermionic basis for space of operators in the XXZ model
H. Boos; M. Jimbo; T. Miwa; F. Smirnov; Y. Takeyama
Bethe Ansats: 75 years later, SISSA Proceedings of Science, 2007-01 - A q-analogue of non-strict multiple zeta values and basic hypergeometric series
Yoshihiro Takeyama
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society/137(9)/p.2997-3002, 2009-01 - Differential equations compatible with boundary rational qKZ equation
Yoshihiro Takeyama
Proceedings of the Infinite Analysis 09 -- New Trends in Quantum Integrable Systems/p.421-450, 2010-11 - 多重ゼータ値の
類似が満たす関係式について (多重ゼータ値の諸相)
竹山 美宏
数理解析研究所講究録/1813(0)/pp.66-72, 2012-10 - Quadratic relations for a q-analogue of multiple zeta values
Takeyama Yoshihiro
RAMANUJAN JOURNAL/27(1)/pp.15-28, 2012-01 - A RECURSION FORMULA FOR THE CORRELATION FUNCTIONS OF AN INHOMOGENEOUS XXX MODEL(Solvable Lattice Models 2004 : Recent Progress on Solvable Lattice Models )
竹山 美宏
数理解析研究所講究録/1480(0)/pp.59-65, 2006-04 - The Quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Equation and Non-symmetric Macdonald Polynomials
Kasatani Masahiro; Takeyama Yoshihiro
Funkcialaj Ekvacioj/50(3)/pp.491-509, 2007-12 - Algebraic representation of correlation functions in integrable spin chains
Boos H.; Jimbo M.; Miwa T.; Smirnov F.; Takeyama Y.
ANNALES HENRI POINCARE/7(7-8)/pp.1395-1428, 2006-01 - Hidden grassmann structure in the XXZ model
Boos H.; Jimbo M.; Miwa T.; Smirnov F.; Takeyama Y.
COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS/272(1)/pp.263-281, 2007-05 - On relations for the multiple q-zeta values
Okuda Jun-ichi; Takeyama Yoshihiro
RAMANUJAN JOURNAL/14(3)/pp.379-387, 2007-12 - Sets of rigged paths with Virasoro characters
Feigin B.; Jimbo M.; Miwa T.; Mukhin E.; Takeyama Y.
RAMANUJAN JOURNAL/15(1)/pp.123-145, 2008-01 - A phi(1,3)-filtration of the Virasoro minimal series M(p,p ') with 1 < p '/p < 2
Feigin B.; Feigin E.; Jimbo M.; Miwa T.; Takeyama Y.
PUBLICATIONS OF THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES/44(2)/pp.213-257, 2008-05 - Hidden Grassmann Structure in the XXZ Model II: Creation Operators
Boos H.; Jimbo M.; Miwa T.; Smirnov F.; Takeyama Y.
COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS/286(3)/pp.875-932, 2009-03 - The Rational qKZ Equation and Shifted Non-Symmetric Jack Polynomials
Kakei Saburo; Nishizawa Michitomo; Saito Yoshihisa; Takey...
Takeyama Yoshihiro
PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY/137(9)/pp.2997-3002, 2009-09 - A monomial basis for the Virasoro minimal series M(p,p '): The case 1 < p '/p < 2
Feigin B; Jimbo M; Miwa T; Mukhin E; Takeyama Y
COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS/257(2)/pp.395-423, 2005-07 - Traces on the Sklyanin algebra and correlation functions of the eight-vertex model
Boos H; Jimbo M; Miwa T; Smirnov F; Takeyama Y
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL/38(35)/pp.7629-7659, 2005-09 - Reduced qKZ equation and correlation functions of the XXZ model
Boos H; Jimbo M; Miwa T; Smirnov F; Takeyama Y
COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS/261(1)/pp.245-276, 2006-01 - Density matrix of a finite sub-chain of the Heisenberg anti-ferromagnet
Boos H; Jimbo M; Miwa T; Smirnov F; Takeyama Y
LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS/75(3)/pp.201-208, 2006-03
- A functional model for the tensor product of level 1 highest and level -1 lowest modules for the quantum affine algebra U_q(sl^_2)