初貝 安弘(ハツガイ ヤスヒロ)
- 論文
- Multisheet configuration space and fractional quantum statistics
Yasuhiro Hatsugai; Mahito Kohmoto; Yong-Shi Wu
Phys. Rev. B/45/p.11161 - 11165, 1992-01 - Spin-liquid ground state of the half-filled Kondo lattice in one dimension
Hirokazu Tsunetsugu; Yasuhiro Hatsugai; Kazuo Ueda; Manfr...
Phys. Rev. B/46/p.3175 - 3178, 1992-01 - Braid Group and Anyons on an Annulus and a Torus
Y. Hatsugai; M. Kohmoto; Y.S.Wu
The physics and chemistry of oxide superconductors/p.485-488, 1992-01 - Spectrum and the Quantum Hall Effect on the Square Lattice with Next-Nearest-Neighbor Hoppins: Statisstics of Holons and Spinons in the t-J model
Y. Hatsugai; M. Kohmoto
The physics and chemistry of oxide superconductors/p.489-492, 1992-01 - シリンダー及びトーラス上の分数量子統計:くみひも群およびゲージ不変性
初貝安弘; 甲元真人; Yong-Shi Wu
日本物理学会会誌/47(11)/p.881-888, 1992-01 - Monte Carlo Simulations for Seceral Correlated Electron System: dp model and Periodic Anderson model
Y. Hatsugai
The physics and chemistry of oxide superconductors/p.457-460, 1992-01 - Braid Groups, Anyons and Gauge Invariance ---On Topologically Nontrivial Surfaces ---
Yasuhiro Hatsugai; Mahito Kohmoto; Yong-Shi Wu
Progress of Theoretical Physics (Supplement)/107/p.101-119, 1992-01 - 28p-BPS-15 任意次元で解ける相互作用のある格子フェルミオン系
初貝 安弘; 甲元 真人
年会講演予稿集/46(3)/p.457, 1991-09 - Braid Group and Anyons on an Annulus and a Torus
Y. Hatsugai
物性研究/56(No.3)/p.317-322, 1991-06 - Braid Group and Anyons on an Annulus and a Torus (統計物理ワ-クショップ)
初貝 安弘
物性研究/56(3)/pp.317-322, 1991-06 - 27p-PS-117 Torus及びAnnulus上のAnyon
初貝 安弘; 甲元 真人; Wu Yong-Shi
春の分科会講演予稿集/1991(3)/p.386, 1991-03 - フェルミオン系のモンテカルロシュミレーション(物性研短期研究会「低次元系の磁場効果,分数統計,量子スピン系等の諸問題」報告,研究会報告)
初貝 安弘
物性研究/55(5)/p.517, 1991-02 - Spectrum and Quantum Hall Effect of the Lattice Fermion on the Square Lattice with Next-Nearest-Neighbor Hopping
Y. Hatsugai; M. Kohmoto
Phycsics in (2+1)-Dimension/p.304-312, 1991-01 - Numerical study of the hidden antiferromagnetic order in the Haldane phase
Y. Hatsugai; M. Kohmoto
Phys. Rev. B/44/p.11789 - 11794, 1991-01 - Anyons on a torus: Braid group, Aharonov-Bohm period, and numerical study
Yasuhiro Hatsugai; Mahito Kohmoto; Yong-Shi Wu
Phys. Rev. B/43/p.10761 - 10768, 1991-01 - Braid group and anyons on a cylinder
Yasuhiro Hatsugai; Mahito Kohmoto; Yong-Shi Wu
Phys. Rev. B/43/p.2661 - 2677, 1991-01 - Gauge invariance of fractionally charged quasiparticles and hidden topological Zn symmetry
Yong-Shi Wu; Yasuhiro Hatsugai; and Mahito Kohmoto
Phys. Rev. Lett./66/p.659 - 662, 1991-01 - Exactly solvable model for correlated lattice fermions in any dimensions
Yasuhiro Hatsugai; Mahito Kohmoto
Physica C/185-189/p.1539-1540, 1991-01 - 4p-PS-51 第2隣接トランスファーのある系での量子ホール効果とレベル交差
初貝 安弘; 甲元 真人
秋の分科会講演予稿集/1990(3)/p.502, 1990-10 - Braid Group and Anyons on the Cylinder and Annulus
初貝 安弘; 甲元 真人; Wu Yong Shi
秋の分科会講演予稿集/1990(3)/p.386, 1990-10 - 30p-K-6 フェルミオン系のモンテカルロ計算
初貝 安弘; 今田 正俊
年会講演予稿集/45(2)/p.125, 1990-03 - 30p-K-6 フェルミオン系のモンテカルロ計算
初貝 安弘; 今田 正俊
年会講演予稿集/45(3)/p.354, 1990-03 - Stabilization of flux states on two-dimensional lattices
Y. Hasegawa; Y. Hatsugai; and M. Kohmoto; G. Montambaux
Phys. Rev. B/41/p.9174 - 9182, 1990-01 - ボソン、フェルミオンそしてエニオン
パリティー/(47)/p.12-19, 1990-01 - Peierls stabilization of magnetic-flux states of two-dimensional lattice electrons
Y. Hatsugai; M. Kohmoto
Phys. Rev. B/41/p.9527 - 9529, 1990-01 - さらに表示...
- Multisheet configuration space and fractional quantum statistics