初貝 安弘(ハツガイ ヤスヒロ)


  • Energy spectrum and the quantum Hall effect on the square lattice with next-nearest-neighbor hopping
    Y. Hatsugai; M. Kohmoto
    Phys. Rev. B/42/p.8282 - 8294, 1990-01
  • 4p-PS-1 2次元正方格子上でのフラックス状態について
    甲元 真人; 初貝 安弘
    秋の分科会講演予稿集/1989(3)/p.410, 1989-09
  • 5a-ZB-6 相関の強い電子系の数値計算
    初貝 安弘
    秋の分科会講演予稿集/1989(3)/p.315, 1989-09
  • Pairing of Fermious Coupled with Spin-1/2 Heisenberg System ---Exact Diagonalization Study for Mechanism of High-Tc Superconductivity---
    Yasuiro Hatsugai; Masatoshi Imada; Naoto Nagaosa
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/58(4)/pp.1347-1371, 1989-04
  • Spin Wave Theoty of the Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiherromagnet Coupled with Localized Holes
    Nagaosa Naoto; Hatsugai Yasuhiro; Imada Masatoshi
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/58(3)/pp.978-997, 1989-03
  • Spin Wave Theory of the Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnet Coupled with Localized Holes
    Naoto Nagaosa; Yasuhiro Hatsugai; Masatoshi Imada
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/58(3)/p.978-997, 1989-01
  • Numerical Studies on the Hubbard Model and the t-J Model in One- and Two-Dimensions
    M. Imada; Yasuhiro Hatsugai
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/58(12)/p.3752-3780, 1989-01
  • Magnetic Mechanism of Superconductivity in Coupled Spin-Fermion Systems
    IMADA MAsatoshi; NAGAOSA Naoto; HATSUGAI Yasuhiro
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/57(9)/pp.2901-2904, 1988-09
  • 6a-PS-19 磁気的メカニズムによる高温超伝導
    初貝 安弘; 永長 直人; 今田 正俊
    秋の分科会講演予稿集/1988(3)/p.310, 1988-09
  • Ab initio bond self-interaction correction calculation of tetrahedrally bonded semiconductors and its application to superlattices by the most localized linear muffin-tin orbital method
    Yasuhiro Hatsugai; Takeo Fujiwara
    Phys. Rev. B/37/p.1280 - 1286, 1988-01
  • Numerical analysis of coupled spin-fermion model --- pairing mechanics through extended Kondo singlet
    Masatoshi Imada; Yasuhiro Hatsugai; Naoto Nagaosa
    International Journal of Modern Physics B/2(5)/p.959-973, 1988-01
  • Spin polarized electron energy band of orthorhombic (La2CuO4)2
    Yasuhiro Hatsugai; Takeo Fujiwara
    Solid State Communications/65/p.1271-1274, 1988-01
  • Electronic Structure of High Tc Superconducting Layered Perovskite La-Cu-O and Y-Ba-Cu-O by LMTO Method
    Takeo Fujiwara; Yasuhiro Hatsugai
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./26/p.L716-L718, 1987-01
  • 29a-B-9 Most-Localized LMTO-ASA 法によるGaAsの電子構造とSIC効果
    初貝 安弘; 藤原 毅夫
    秋の分科会講演予稿集/1986(2)/p.247, 1986-09