久保 敦(クボ アツシ)
- 論文
- 表面プラズモンのフェムト秒時間・ナノメートル空間分解イメージング
Kubo Atsushi
光アライアンス/27/pp.14-18, 2016-11 - Optical Modulating Device using Phase Transition of [ (GeTe)2/ (Sb2Te3)]20 Superlattice
Sugiyama Takeru; Kubo Atsushi; Nakano Takashi
Extended Abstracts of the 2016 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials/pp.863-864, 2016-09 - Near-field spectral properties of coupled plasmonic nanoparticle arrays
Yu Han; Sun Quan; Yang Jinghuan; Ueno Kosei; Oshikiri...
OPTICS EXPRESS/25(6)/pp.6883-6894, 2017-03 - Exploring Coupled Plasmonic Nanostructures in the Near Field by Photoemission Electron Microscopy
Yu Han; Sun Quan; Ueno Kosei; Oshikiri Tomoya; Kubo ...
ACS NANO/10(11)/pp.10373-10381, 2016-11 - Dissecting the Few-Femtosecond Dephasing Time of Dipole and Quadrupole Modes in Gold Nanoparticles Using Polarized Photoemission Electron Microscopy
Sun Quan; Yu Han; Ueno Kosei; Kubo Atsushi; Matsuo Yasutaka; M...
ACS NANO/10(3)/pp.3835-3842, 2016-02 - pi-Resonance of Chemisorbed Alkali Atoms on Noble Metals
Borisov A. G.; Sametoglu V.; Winkelmann A.; Kubo Atsushi...
Physical Review letters/101/pp.266801-1-266801-4, 2008-12 - Universal Aspects of Ultrafast Optical Pulse Scattering by a Nanoscale Asperity
Zhang Lingxiao; Kubo Atsushi; Wang Leiming; Petek Hrvoje; Sei...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C/117(36)/pp.18648-18652, 2013-09 - Direct imaging of the near field and dynamics of surface plasmon resonance on gold nanostructures using photoemission electron microscopy
Q. Sun; K. Ueno; H. Yu; A. Kubo; Y. Matsuo; H. Misawa
Light: Science & Applications/2/p.e118, 2013-12 - ピッツバーグ大学留学
久保 敦
表面科学 : hyomen kagaku = Journal of the Surface Science Society of Japan/34(1)/pp.50-51, 2013-01 - フェムト秒時間分解光電子顕微鏡法によるナノ構造金属表面の光応答ダイナミクス
久保 敦
レーザー研究/40(8)/pp.579-586, 2012-08 - フェムト秒レーザー励起二光子蛍光顕微鏡法を用いた表面プラズモンポラリトンのイメージング
服部 竜己; 久保 敦; 小栗 克弥; 中野 秀俊; 宮崎 英樹
レーザー研究/40(8)/pp.603-609, 2012-08 - An Intense Pulsed Atomic Hydrogen Beam Source
A. Kubo M. Kitajima M. Yata and H. Fukutani
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics/39/pp.6101-6104, 2000-01 - Abstraction and desorption kinetics in the reaction of H+D/Si(100) and the relation to surface structure
A. Kubo; Y. Ishii; and M. Kitajima
The Journal of Chemical Physics/117/pp.11336-11346, 2002-01 - Development of an Intense Pulsed Atomic Hydrogen Beam Source
A. Kubo; M. Kitajima
JAERI-Conf 2003-001/p.309-315, 2003-01 - Effects of Strain on the Dissociation Dynamics of O2 on Si(001)
M. Yata; Y. Uesugi-Saitow; M. Kitajima; A. Kubo; V. E. K...
Physical Review Letters/91/pp.206103-1-206103-4, 2003-01 - Imaging of localized silver plasmon dynamics with sub-fs time and nano-meter spatial resolution
A. Kubo; K. Onda; H. Petek; Z. Sun; Y. S. Jung; H. ...
Springer Series in Chemical Physics 79, Ultrafast Phenomena XIV/79/p.645-649, 2005-01 - Femtosecond Imaging of Surface Plasmon Dynamics in a Nanostructured Silver Film
Kubo A.; Onda K.; Petek H.; Sun Z.; Jung Y. S.; Kim H. K.
Nano Letters/5(6)/pp.1123-1127, 2005-01 - Femtosecond Microscopy of Surface Plasmon Propagation in a Silver Film
A. Kubo; N. Pontius; and H. Petek
Springer Series in Chemical Physics 88, Ultrafast Phenomena XV/88/p.636-638, 2007-01 - Angle-dependent study of a direct optical transition in the sp bands of Ag(111) by one- and two-photon photoemission
Winkelmann A.; Sametoglu V.; Zhao J.; Kubo A.; Petek H.
Physical Review B/76/pp.195428-1-195428-11, 2007-01 - Femtosecond microscopy of localized and propagating surface plasmons in silver gratings
Kubo A.; Jung Y. S.; Kim H. K.; Petek H.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics/40/p.S259-S272, 2007-01 - Femtosecond Microscopy of Surface Plasmon Polariton Wave Packet Evolution at the Silver/Vacuum Interface
Kubo A.; Pontius N.; Petek H.
Nano Letters/7(2)/pp.470-475, 2007-01 - Electronic potential of a chemisorption interface
Zhao J.; Pontius N.; Winkelmann A.; Sametoglu V.; Kubo A...
Physical Review B/78/pp.085419-1-085419-7, 2008-01 - フェムト秒時間分解光電子顕微鏡による表面プラズモンダイナミクス研究
久保敦; ペテック ハルヴォエ
真空/51(6)/pp.368-376, 2008-01 - Ultrafast photoemission electron microscopy: imaging light with electrons on femto-nano scale
H. Petek; A. Kubo
Springer Series in Chemical Physics 92, Ultrafast Phenomena XVI/92/p.687-689, 2009-01 - Spectral properties of Cs and Ba on Cu(111) at very low coverage: Two-photon photoemission spectroscopy and electronic structure theory
S. Achilli; M. I. Trioni; E. V. Chulkov; P. M. Echeni...
Physical Review B/80/p.245419-1-8, 2009-01 - さらに表示...
- 表面プラズモンのフェムト秒時間・ナノメートル空間分解イメージング