神田 晶申(カンダ アキノブ)
- 論文
- History dependent vortex configurations in superconducting disks of amorphous MoGe
N. Kokubo; S. Okayasu; A. Kanda; B. Shinozaki
Journal of Physics Conference Series/150/p.022044, 2009-01 - グラフェンにおける超伝導近接効果の理論(不均一超伝導超流動状態と量子物理,研究会報告)
林 正彦; 吉岡 英生; 神田 晶申
物性研究/91(3)/p.241, 2008-12 - Stability of vortex states in mesoscopic superconducting squares with artificial pinning
Furugen R.; Hatsumi S.; Ootuka Y.; Kanda A.
PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS/468(15-20)/pp.1301-1304, 2008-09 - 21aYE-4 2×2の微細孔を持つメゾスコピック超伝導体における渦糸配置のMSTJ法による検出(21aYE 超伝導,領域6(金属,超低温,超伝導・密度波))
初見 慎也; 大塚 洋一; 神田 晶申
日本物理学会講演概要集/63(2)/p.697, 2008-08 - 22pTA-4 数層グラフェンの強電場下における電気伝導(22pTA 領域7,領域4合同 グラフェン・電子物性,領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
宮崎 久生; 小高 隼介; 田中 翔; 後藤 秀徳; 神田 晶申; 塚越 一仁; 大塚 洋一
日本物理学会講演概要集/63(2)/p.767, 2008-08 - Gate control of spin transport in multipayer graphene
H. Goto; A. Kanda; T. Sato; S. Tanaka; Y. Ootuka; S. Oda...
Appl. Phys. Lett./92/p.212110, 2008-06 - Gate control of spin transport in multilayer graphene
Goto H.; Kanda A.; Sato T.; Tanaka S.; Ootuka Y.; Odaka ...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/92(21)/pp.0-0, 2008-05 - グラファイト超薄膜の超伝導近接効果
神田 晶申; 塚越 一仁
表面科学 = Journal of The Surface Science Society of Japan/29(5)/pp.315-320, 2008-05 - A different type of reentrant behavior in superconductor/thin graphite film/superconductor Josephson junctions
Sato T.; Kanda A.; Moriki T.; Goto H.; Tanaka S.; Ootuka Y.; Mi...
PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS/468(7-10)/pp.797-800, 2008-04 - Location of flux-induced vortex
Berger J.; Kanda A.; Furugen R.; Ootuka Y.
PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS/468(7-10)/pp.848-851, 2008-04 - Superconducting proximity effect through graphene and graphite films
M. Hayashi; H. Yoshioka; A. Kanda
Journal of Physics Conference Series/109/p.012014, 2008-04 - Inter-layer screening length to electric field in thin graphite film
Miyazaki Hisao; Odaka Shunsuke; Sato Takashi; Tanaka Sho...
APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS/1(3)/pp.0-0, 2008-03 - Inter-Layer Screening Length to Electric Field in Thin Graphite Film
MIYAZAKI Hisao; ODAKA Shunsuke; SATO Takashi; TANAKA Sho...
Applied physics express/1(3)/pp.34007-1, 2008-03 - Gate-controlled superconducting proximity effect in ultrathin graphite films
Sato T.; Moriki T.; Tanaka S.; Kanda A.; Goto H.; Miyazak...
PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES/40(5)/pp.1495-1497, 2008-03 - Coulomb blockade oscillations in narrow corrugated graphite ribbons
Miyazaki Hisao; Odaka Shunsuke; Sato Takashi; Tanaka Sho...
APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS/1(2)/pp.0-0, 2008-02 - Observation of gate-controlled superconducting proximity effect in microfabricated thin graphite films
T. Sato; S. Tanaka; H. Goto; A. Kanda; Y. Ootuka; H. Miyazaki; ...
Journal of Physics Conference Series/109/p.012301, 2008-01 - Coulomb Blockade Oscillations in Narrow Corrugated Graphite Ribbons
H. Miyazaki; S. Odaka; T. Sato; S. Tanaka; H. Goto; A. K...
Applied Physics Express/1/p.034001, 2008-01 - Detecting superconducting states in nanoscale superconductors using multiple-small-tunnel-junction method
A. Kanda; S. Hatsumi; R. Furugen; Y. Ootuka
Journal of Physics Conference Series/109/p.012016, 2008-01 - Coulomb blockade oscillations in patterned ultrathin graphite films
Odaka Shunsuke; Miyazaki Hisao; Moriki Takuya; Sato Taka...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/47(1:Part 2)/pp.697-699, 2008-01 - Vortex states in mesoscopic superconducting squares with engineered pinning
R. Furugen; S. Hatsumi; Y. Ootuka; A. Kanda
Journal of Physics Conference Series/109/p.012010, 2008-01 - Electron transport in thin graphite films: Influence of microfabrication processes
Moriki Takuya; Kanda Akinobu; Sato Takashi; Miyazaki His...
PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES/40(2)/pp.241-244, 2007-12 - Fluxoid state transitions in mesoscopic superconducting rings: Effect of geometrical symmetry
Furugen R.; Kanda A.; Vodolazov D. Y.; Baelus B. J.; Ootu...
PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS/463/pp.251-253, 2007-10 - Quasi-one-dimensional vortex in an asymmetric superconducting ring
Baelus B. J.; Kanda A.; Vodolazov D. Y.; Ootuka Y.; Peete...
PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS/460(Part 1)/pp.320-321, 2007-09 - Evidence for a different type of vortex that mediates a continuous fluxoid-state transition in a mesoscopic superconducting ring
Kanda A.; Baelus B. J.; Vodolazov D. Y.; Berger J.; Furug...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/76(9)/pp.0-0, 2007-09 - 23pRA-7 超薄膜グラファイトの伝導とゲート電圧効果(領域4シンポジウム,領域4,半導体,メゾスコピック系・局在)
神田 晶申
日本物理学会講演概要集/62(2)/p.708, 2007-08 - さらに表示...
- History dependent vortex configurations in superconducting disks of amorphous MoGe