江角 晋一(エスミ シンイチ)
- 論文
- RHICビームエネネルギー走査実験とSTAR実験のアップグレード計画
Esumi ShinIchi; the STAR collaboration
日本物理学会講演概要集/72(0)/pp.379-379, 2017 - LHC-ALICE実験 超前方光子測定用 Si-W 電磁カロリメータSi PAD及びPixel統合型試作機のテストビームによる性能評価
川名 大地; the ALICE Focal collaboration; 稲葉 基; 江角 晋一; 川村...
日本物理学会講演概要集/72(0)/pp.348-348, 2017 - pi(0) and eta meson production in proton-proton collisions at root s=8 TeV
Acharya S.; Adam J.; Adamova D.; Adolfsson J.; Aggarwal ...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/78(3), 2018-03 - Azimuthal transverse single-spin asymmetries of inclusive jets and charged pions within jets from polarized-proton collisions at root s=500 GeV
Adamczyk L.; Adams J. R.; Adkins J. K.; Agakishiev G....
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/97(3), 2018-02 - Measurements of Multiparticle Correlations in d plus Au Collisions at 200, 62.4, 39, and 19.6 GeV and p plus Au Collisions at 200 GeV and Implications for Collective Behavior
Aidala C.; Akiba Y.; Alfred M.; Andrieux V.; Aoki K.; Apa...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/120(6), 2018-02 - Beam-Energy Dependence of Directed Flow of Lambda, (Lambda)over-bar, K-+/-, K-s(0), and phi in Au plus Au Collisions
Adamczyk L.; Adams J. R.; Adkins J. K.; Agakishiev G....
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/120(6), 2018-02 - Measurements of azimuthal anisotropy and charged-particle multiplicity in d + Au collisions at root s(NN)=200,62.4,39, and 19.6 GeV
Aidala C.; Akiba Y.; Alfred M.; Aoki K.; Apadula N.; Ayus...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/96(6), 2017-12 - Coherent diffractive photoproduction of rho(0) mesons on gold nuclei at 200 GeV/nucleon-pair at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
Adamczyk L.; Adkins J. K.; Agakishiev G.; Aggarwal M....
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/96(5), 2017-11 - Bulk properties of the medium produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions from the beam energy scan program
Adamczyk L.; Adkins J. K.; Agakishiev G.; Aggarwal M....
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/96(4), 2017-10 - Measurements of e(+)e(-) pairs from open heavy flavor in p plus p and d plus A collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV
Adare A.; Afanasiev S.; Aidala C.; Ajitanand N. N.; Akiba...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/96(2), 2017-08 - Global Lambda hyperon polarization in nuclear collisions
Adamczyk L.; Adkins J. K.; Agakishiev G.; Aggarwal M....
NATURE/548(7665)/pp.62-+, 2017-08 - Dijet imbalance measurements in Au plus Au and pp collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV at STAR
Adamczyk L.; Adkins J. K.; Agakishiev G.; Aggarwal M....
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/119(6), 2017-08 - Energy dependence of J/Psi production in Au plus Au collisions at root S-NN=39, 62.4 and 200 GeV
Adamczyk L.; Adkins J. K.; Agakishiev G.; Aggarwal M....
PHYSICS LETTERS B/771/pp.13-20, 2017-08 - Measurements of jet quenching with semi-inclusive hadron plus jet distributions in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV
Adamczyk L.; Adkins J. K.; Agakishiev G.; Aggarwal M....
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/96(2), 2017-08 - Measurement of D-meson production at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV
Acharya S.; Adamova D.; Aggarwal M. M.; Rinella G. Aglie...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/77(8), 2017-08 - Direct virtual photon production in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV STAR Collaboration
Adamczyk L.; Adkins J. K.; Agakishiev G.; Aggarwal M....
PHYSICS LETTERS B/770/pp.451-458, 2017-07 - o Cross section and transverse single-spin asymmetry of muons from open heavy-flavor decays in polarized p plus p collisions at root s=200 GeV
Aidala C.; Ajitanand N. N.; Akiba Y.; Akimoto R.; Alexand...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/95(11), 2017-06 - K*(892)(0) and phi(1020)meson production at high transverse momentum in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at root sNN=2.76 TeV
Adam J.; Adamova D.; Aggarwal M. M.; Rinella G. Aglieri; ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/95(6), 2017-06 - More efficient formulas for efficiency correction of cumulants and effect of using averaged efficiency
Nonaka Toshihiro; Kitazawa Masakiyo; Esumi ShinIchi
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/95(6), 2017-06 - Measurement of the cross section and longitudinal double-spin asymmetry for dijet production in polarized pp collisions at root s=200 GeV
Adamczyk L.; Adkins J. K.; Agakishiev G.; Aggarwal M....
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/95(7), 2017-04 - Measurements of B -> J/psi at forward rapidity in p plus p collisions at root s=510 GeV
Aidala C.; Ajitanand N. N.; Akiba Y.; Akimoto R.; Alexand...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/95(9), 2017-05 - Angular decay coefficients of J/psi mesons at forward rapidity from p plus p collisions at root s=510 GeV
Adare A.; Aidala C.; Ajitanand N. N.; Akiba Y.; Akimoto ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/95(9), 2017-05 - Measurement of D-0 Azimuthal Anisotropy at Midrapidity in Au plus Au Collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV
Adamczyk L.; Adkins J. K.; Agakishiev G.; Aggarwal M....
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/118(21), 2017-05 - Nonperturbative-transverse-momentum effects and evolution in dihadron and direct photon-hadron angular correlations in p plus p collisions at root s=510 GeV
Adare A.; Aidala C.; Ajitanand N. N.; Akiba Y.; Akimo...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/95(7), 2017-04 - Measurement of the relative yields of psi(2S) to psi(1S) mesons produced at forward and backward rapidity in p plus p, p plus Al, p + Au, and He-3+Au collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV
Adare A.; Aidala C.; Ajitanand N. N.; Akiba Y.; Alfre...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/95(3), 2017-03 - さらに表示...
- RHICビームエネネルギー走査実験とSTAR実験のアップグレード計画