小波藏 純子(コハグラ ジユンコ)


  • Study of Plasma Behavior during ECRH Injection in the GAMMA 10 SMBI Experiments
    Islam Md. Maidul; Nakashima Yousuke; Kobayshi S.; Nishino...
    International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas/2017-09-18--2017-09-22
  • Study of Plasma Behavior during ECRH Injection in the GAMMA 10 SMBI Experiments
    Islam Md. Maidul; Nakashima Yousuke; Kobayashi Shinji; Ni...
    International Conferences on Research and Applications of Plasmas (PLASMA)/2017-09-18--2017-09-22
  • GAMMA 10/PDXにおけるマイクロ波干渉計を用いたダイバータ模擬プラズマの電子密度計測
    J. Kohagura; Yoshikawa Masayuki; Y. Shima; 桑原大介; 伊藤直樹; 長山好夫...
    第33回 プラズマ・核融合学会年会/2016-11-29--2016-12-03