中務 孝(ナカツカサ タカシ)
- 論文
- Multipole modes of excitation in triaxially deformed superfluid nuclei
Washiyama Kouhei; Nakatsukasa Takashi
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/96(4), 2017-10 - Adiabatic self-consistent collective path in nuclear fusion reactions
Wen Kai; Nakatsukasa Takashi
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/96(1), 2017-07 - In-gas-cell laser spectroscopy of the magnetic dipole moment of the N approximate to 126 isotope Pt-199
Hirayama Y.; Mukai M.; Watanabe Y. X.; Ahmed M.; Jeong S...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/96(1), 2017-07 - Octupole deformation in the nuclear chart based on the 3D Skyrme Hartree-Fock plus BCS model
Ebata Shuichiro; Nakatsukasa Takashi
Physica Scripta/92(6)/p.064005, 2017-05 - Nuclear reaction path and inertial mass in the self-consistent collective coordinate method
Wen Kai; Ni Fang; Nakatsukasa Takashi
Proceedings of Science (INPC2016)/p.211, 2017-04 - Density functional calculations for the neutron star matter at subnormal density
Kashiwaba Yu; Nakatsukasa Takashi
Baczyk P.; Dobaczewski J.; Konieczka M.; Nakatsukasa T.; ...
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B/48(3)/pp.259-264, 2017-03 - Time-dependent density-functional description of nuclear dynamics
Nakatsukasa Takashi; Matsuyanagi Kenichi; Matsuo Masayuk...
REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS/88/p.045004, 2016-11 - Self-consistent collective coordinate for reaction path and inertial mass
Wen Kai; Nakatsukasa Takashi
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/94(5), 2016-11 - Quantal rotation and its coupling to intrinsic motion in nuclei
Nakatsukasa Takashi; Matsuyanagi Kenichi; Matsuzaki Masa...
PHYSICA SCRIPTA/91(7), 2016-07 - Microscopic derivation of the Bohr–Mottelson collective Hamiltonian and its application to quadrupole shape dynamics
Matsuyanagi K.; Matsuo M.; Nakatsukasa T.; Yoshida K.; Hi...
Physica Scripta/91(6)/p.063014, 2016-05 - Time-dependent density-functional calculation of nuclear response functions
Nakatsukasa Takashi
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Theory in the Supercomputing Era-2014/pp.15-22, 2016 - Multiple period states of the superfluid fermi gas in an optical lattice
Gentaro Watanabe; Yoon Sukjin; Dalfovo Franco; Nakatsukas...
Journal of Physics Conference Series/752/p.012002, 2016 - 低密度領域における中性子星核物質の密度汎関数計算
柏葉優; Nakatsukasa Takashi
原子核研究/61(Supplement 1)/p.35, 2016-03 - 物質を構成する原子核
中務 孝
自動車技術会関東支部報「高翔」/65/pp.32-35, 2016-01 - Microscopic derivation of the quadrupole collective Hamiltonian for shape coexistence/mixing dynamics
Matsuyanagi K.; Matsuo M.; Nakatsukasa T.; Yoshida K.; Hi...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics/43(2)/pp.024006-1-024006-20, 2016-01 - Multiple period states of the superfluid Fermi gas in an optical lattice
Yoon Sukjin; Dalfovo Franco; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Wata...
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS/18, 2016-01 - Time-dependent density functional studies of nuclear quantum dynamics in large amplitudes
Wen Kai; Washiyama Kohei; Ni Fang; Nakatsukasa Takashi
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement/8/pp.637-644, 2015-12 - Covariant density functional theory: Reexamining the structure of superheavy nuclei
Agbemava S. E.; Afanasjev A. V.; Nakatsukasa T.; Ring P.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/92(5), 2015-11 - Repulsive aspects of pairing correlation in nuclear fusion reaction
Nakatsukasa Takashi; Ebata Shuichiro
JPS Conference Proceedings/6/p.020056, 2015 - Mean-field calculation based on proton-neutron mixed energy density functionals
Sato Koichi; Dobaczewski Jacek; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Satula ...
JPS Conference Proceedings/8/p.020051, 2015 - Systematic analysis of total reaction cross sections of unstable nuclei with Glauber theory
Wataru Horiuchi; Tsunenori Inakura; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Yas...
JPS Conference Proceedings/6/p.030079, 2015 - Systematic investigation of low-lying dipole modes using the canonical-basis time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory
Ebata Shuichiro; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Inakura Tsunenori
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/90(2), 2014-08 - Mean-field analysis of ground-state and low-lying electric dipole strength in C-22
Inakura T.; Horiuchi W.; Suzuki Y.; Nakatsukasa T.
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/89(6), 2014-06 - Isospin-invariant Skyrme energy-density-functional approach with axial symmetry
Sheikh J.A.; Hinohara N.; Dobaczewski J.; Nakatsukasa T.; Naz...
Physical Review C/89(5)/pp.054317-1-054317-12, 2014-05 - さらに表示...
- Multipole modes of excitation in triaxially deformed superfluid nuclei