中務 孝(ナカツカサ タカシ)
- 論文
- Finite-amplitude method: an extension to the covariant density functionals
Liang Haozhao; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Niu Zhongming; Men...
PHYSICA SCRIPTA/89(5), 2014-05 - Nuclear charge-exchange excitations in localized covariant density functional theory
Liang Haozhao; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Niu Zhongming; Meng Jie
EPJ Web of Conferences/66/p.02064, 2014 - Quadrupole shape dynamics from the viewpoint of a theory of large-amplitude collective motion
Matsuo M.; Hinohara N.; Sato K.; Matsuyanagi K.; Nakatsukasa ...
Physica Scripta/89(5)/p.054020, 2014-04 - Finite amplitude method in linear response TDDFT calculations
Nakatsukasa Takashi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series/533/p.012054, 2014 - Pairing effects in nuclear fusion reaction
Ebata Shuichiro; Nakatsukasa Takashi
JPS Conference Proceeding/1/p.013038, 2014 - Nuclear charge-exchange excitations in localized covariant density functional theory
Liang Haozhao; Meng Jie; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Niu Zhongming; ...
EPJ Web of Conferences/66/p.02064, 2014 - Energy-density-functional calculations including proton-neutron mixing
Sato Koichi; Dobaczewski Jacek; Nakatsukasa Takashi; S...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/88(6), 2013-12 - Low-energy E1 strength in select nuclei: Possible constraints on neutron skin and symmetry energy
Inakura Tsunenori; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Yabana Kazuhiro
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/88(5), 2013-11 - Shape evolution of giant resonances in Nd and Sm isotopes
Nakatsukasa Takashi
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/88, 2013-09 - Deformation and cluster structures in 12C studied with configuration mixing using Skyrme interactions
Fukuoka Y; Shinohara S.; Funaki Y.; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Yaba...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/88(1), 2013-07 - Feasibility of the finite-amplitude method in covariant density functional theory
Liang Haozhao; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Niu Zhongming; Men...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/87(5), 2013-05 - Efficient calculation for the quasiparticle random-phase approximation matrix
Avogadro Paolo; Nakatsukasa Takashi
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/87(1), 2013-01 - Density functional approaches to collective phenomena in nuclei: Time-dependent density functional theory for perturbative and non-perturbative nuclear dynamics
Nakatsukasa Takashi
PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS/2012, 2012-09 - Shape transition and fluctuation in neutron-rich Cr isotopes around N=40
Sato K.; Hinohara N.; Yoshida K.; Nakatsukasa T.; Matsuo M.; M...
Physical Review C/86(2)/pp.024316-1-024316-10, 2012-08 - Fragmentation of electric dipole strength in N=82 isotones
Tohyama Mitsuru; Nakatsukasa Takashi
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/85(3), 2012-03 - Effect of time-odd mean fields on inertial parameters of the quadrupole collective Hamiltonian
Hinohara N.; Li Z.P.; Nakatsukasa T.; Nikšić T.; Vretenar D.
Physical Review C/85(2)/pp.024323-1-024323-14, 2012-02 - Shape fluctuations in the ground and excited 0+ states of 30, 32, 34Mg
Hinohara N.; Sato K.; Yoshida K.; Nakatsukasa T.; Matsuo M.; M...
Physical Review C/84(6)/pp.061302-1-061302-5, 2011-12 - Development of axial asymmetry in the neutron-rich nucleus 110Mo
Watanabe H.; Yamaguchi K.; Odahara A.; Sumikama T.; Nishimura...
Physics Letters B/704(4)/pp.270-275, 2011-10 - Monopole strength function of deformed superfluid nuclei
Stoitsov M.; Kortelainen M.; Nakatsukasa T.; Losa C.; Nazarew...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/84(4), 2011-10 - Emergence of pygmy dipole resonances: Magic numbers and neutron skins
Inakura Tsunenori; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Yabana Kazuhiro
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/84(2), 2011-08 - Finite amplitude method for the quasiparticle random-phase approximation
Avogadro Paolo; Nakatsukasa Takashi
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/84(1), 2011-07 - Canonical-basis TDHFBを用いた線形応答計算(大振幅集団運動の微視的理論,研究会報告)
江幡 修一郎; 中務 孝; 稲倉 恒法; 吉田 賢市; 橋本 幸男; 矢花 一浩
Nakatsukasa Takashi; Avogadro Paolo; Ebata Shuichiro; Ina...
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B/42(3-4)/pp.609-618, 2011-03 - Microscopic description of large-amplitude shape-mixing dynamics with inertial functions derived in local quasiparticle random-phase approximation
Hinohara N.; Sato K.; Nakatsukasa T.; Matsuo M.; Matsuyanagi K.
Physical Review C/82(6)/pp.064313-1-064313-16, 2010-12 - Canonical-basis time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory and linear-response calculations
Ebata Shuichiro; Nakatsukasa Takashi; Inakura Tsunenori; ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW C/82(3)/pp.0-0, 2010-09 - さらに表示...
- Finite-amplitude method: an extension to the covariant density functionals