武内 勇司(タケウチ ユウジ)
- 論文
- Measurement of the WW and WZ production cross section using final states with a charged lepton and heavy-flavor jets in the full CDF Run II data set
Aaltonen T.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A.; Annovi ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/94(3), 2016-08 - Measurement of sin2θ(lept/eff) using e+e- pairs from γ*/Z bosons produced in p・anti-p collisions at a center-of-momentum energy of 1.96 TeV
Yoshida Takuo; T. Aaltonen; G. Bellettini; D. Toback; S.H. Ki...
Phys. Rev. D/93(11)/pp.112016-1-112016-29, 2016-06 - Search for a low-mass neutral Higgs boson with suppressed couplings to fermions using events with multiphoton final states
Aaltonen T.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A.; Annovi ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/93(11), 2016-06 - Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry in low-mass bottom-quark pairs produced in proton-antiproton collisions
Yoshida Takuo; T. Aaltonen; G. Bellettini; D. Toback; S.H. Ki...
Phys. Rev. D/93(11)/pp.112003-1-112003-12, 2016-06 - Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of top-quark and antiquark pairs using the full CDF Run II data set
Yoshida Takuo; T. Aaltonen; G. Bellettini; D. Toback; S.H. Ki...
Phys. Rev. D/93(11)/pp.112005-1-112005-17, 2016-06 - COBAND実験におけるSTJ検出器較正用遠赤外光源開発
浅野 千紗; 坂井 誠; 中村 昂弘; 西村 航; 吉田 拓生; 岡島 茂樹; 中山 和也; 金 信弘; 武内 ...
日本物理学会講演概要集/71(0)/pp.46-46, 2016 - 超伝導遠赤外センサーの開発
武内 勇司
日本物理学会講演概要集/71(1)/p.153, 2016-03 - Measurement of the B-c(+/-) production cross section in p(p)over-tilde collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A.; Annovi ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/93(5), 2016-03 - Measurement of the single top quark production cross section and vertical bar V-tb vertical bar in 1.96 TeV p(p)over-bar collisions with missing transverse energy and jets and final CDF combination
Aaltonen T.; Amerioa S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A.; Annovi...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/93(3), 2016-02 - Tevatron Combination of Single-Top-Quark Cross Sections and Determination of the Magnitude of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Element V-tb
Aaltonen T.; Abazov V. M.; Abbott B.; Acharya B. S.; Adam...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/115(15), 2015-10 - ニュートリノ崩壊光子探索のためのSTJ検出器較正用遠赤外分子レーザーの性能評価
加藤 圭騎; 廣瀬 龍太; 吉田 拓生; 浅野 千紗; 中村 昂弘; 岡島 茂樹; 中山 和也; 金 信弘; 武内...
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(2)/p.81, 2015-09 - Measurement of the production and differential cross sections of W+W- bosons in association with jets in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV (vol 91, 111101, 2015)
Aaltonen T.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A.; Annovi ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/92(3), 2015-08 - Measurement of the top-quark mass in the t(t)over-bar dilepton channel using the full CDF Run II data set
Aaltonen T.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A.; Annovi ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/92(3), 2015-08 - Development FD-SOI MOSFET Amplifiers for Integrated Read-Out Circuit of Superconducting-Tunnel-Junction Single-Photon-Detectors
Kenji Kiuchi; Shin-Hong Kim; TAKEUCHI YUJI; Kenichi Take...
FERMILAB-CONF/15-355-E-TD, 2015-07 - Development of Superconducting Tunnel Junction Detectors as a Far Infrared Photon-By-Photon Spectrometer for Neutrino Decay Search
Yuji Takeuchi; Shin-Hong Kim; Kenichi Takemasa; Kenji Ki...
Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2015 IEEE International/pp.551-555, 2015-05 - Tevatron Constraints on Models of the Higgs Boson with Exotic Spin and Parity Using Decays to Bottom-Antibottom Quark Pairs
Aaltonen T.; Abazov V. M.; Abbott B.; Acharya B. S.; Adam...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/114(15), 2015-04 - Constraints on Models of the Higgs Boson with Exotic Spin and Parity using Decays to Bottom-Antibottom Quarks in the Full CDF Data Set
Aaltonen T.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A.; Annovi ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/114(14), 2015-04 - Search for production of an Υ(1S) meson in association with a W or Z boson using the full 1.96 TeV p anti-p collision data set at CDF
T. Aaltonen; G. Bellettini; K. Hara; S.H. Kim; Koji Sato...
Phys. Rev. D/91(5)/pp.052011-1-052011-10, 2015-03 - Development of Superconducting Tunnel Junction Photon Detector on SOI Preamplifier Board to Search for Radiative decays of Cosmic Background Neutrino
Kota Kasahara; Shin-Hong Kim; YUJI TAKEUCHI; Ren SENZAKI...
Proccedings of Science/TIPP2014(074), 2015-03 - Studies of high-transverse momentum jet substructure and top quarks produced in 1.96 TeV proton-antiproton collisions
Aaltonen T.; Alon R.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/91(3), 2015-02 - Measurement of differential production cross sections for Z/gamma* bosons in association with jets in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A.; Annovi A.; A...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/91(1)/pp.012002-1-012002-24, 2015-01 - Measurement of the Single Top Quark Production Cross Section and
in Events with One Charged Lepton, Large Missing Transverse Energy, and Jets at CDF
Aaltonen T.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A.; Annovi A.; A...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/113(26)/pp.261804-1-261804-8, 2014-12 - Measurements of Direct CP-Violating Asymmetries in Charmless Decays of Bottom Baryons
Aaltonen T.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A.; Annovi A.; A...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/113(24)/pp.242001-1-242001-8, 2014-12 - Measurement of indirect CP-violating asymmetries in D-0 -> K+K- and D-0 -> pi(+)pi(-) decays at CDF
Aaltonen T.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A.; Annovi A.; A...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/90(11)/pp.111103-1-111103-8, 2014-12 - Measurement of the top-quark mass in the all-hadronic channel using the full CDF data set
Aaltonen T.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anastassov A.; Annovi A.; A...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/90(9)/pp.091101-1-091101-8, 2014-11 - さらに表示...
- Measurement of the WW and WZ production cross section using final states with a charged lepton and heavy-flavor jets in the full CDF Run II data set