武内 勇司(タケウチ ユウジ)
- 論文
- Measurements of the Angular Distributions in the Decays B -> K-(*)mu(+)mu(-) at CDF
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/108(8)/pp.081807-1-081807-8, 2012-02 - Search for Radiative Decays of Cosmic Background Neutrino using Cosmic Infrared Background Energy Spectrum
Kim Shin-Hong; Takemasa Ken-ichi; Takeuchi Yuji; Matsuura...
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/81(2)/pp.24101-024101-8, 2012-02 - Search for the rare radiative decay W -> pi gamma in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/85(3)/pp.032001-1-032001-7, 2012-02 - Measurement of CP-violating asymmetries in D-0 -> pi(+) pi(-) and D-0 -> K+ K- decays at CDF
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/85(1)/pp.012009-1-012009-28, 2012-01 - Search for a Higgs Boson in the Diphoton Final State in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1: 96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/108(1)/pp.011801-1-011801-9, 2012-01 - Evidence for the charmless annihilation decay mode
T. Aaltonen; Y. Takeuchi et al.; 佐藤 構二
Physical Review Letters/108/p.211803, 2012-01 - Search for high-mass resonances decaying into ZZ in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/85(1)/pp.012008-1-012008-13, 2012-01 - Search for Higgs Bosons Produced in Association with b- Quarks
T. Aaltonen; Y. Takeuchi et al.
Physical Review D/85/p.032005, 2012-01 - Search for heavy metastable particles decaying to jet pairs in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/85(1)/pp.012007-1-012007-16, 2012-01 - Search for new phenomena in events with two Z bosons and missing transverse momentum in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/85(1)/pp.011104-1-011104-7, 2012-01 - Measurement of the branching fraction
at CDF
T. Aaltonen; Y. Takeuchi et al.; 原 和彦; 佐藤 構二; 吉田 拓生
Physical Review D/85(3)/pp.032003-1-032003-12, 2012-01 - Development of superconducting tunnel junction photon detector using Hafnium
Kim Shin-Hong; Jeong Hyun-Sang; Kiuchi Kenji; Kanai Shin...
Physics Procedia/37/pp.667-674, 2012-01 - Observation of Exclusive Gamma Gamma Production in p pbar Collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV
T. Aaltonen; Y. Takeuchi et al.; 佐藤 構二; 吉田 拓生
Physical Review Letters/108/pp.081801-1-081801-7, 2012-01 - Search for a Heavy Toplike Quark in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/107(26)/pp.261801-1-261801-8, 2011-12 - Measurements of branching fraction ratios and CP-asymmetries in suppressed B(-) -> D(-> K(+) pi(-))K(-) and B(-) -> D(-> K(+) pi(-))pi(-) decays
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/84(9)/pp.091504-1-091504-8, 2011-11 - Top-Quark Mass Measurement Using Events with Missing Transverse Energy and Jets at CDF
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/107(23)/pp.232002-1-232002-8, 2011-11 - Observation of the Baryonic Flavor-Changing Neutral Current Decay Lambda(0)(b) -> Lambda mu(+)mu(-)
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/107(20)/pp.201802-1-201802-8, 2011-11 - Search for resonant production of t(t)over-bar pairs in 4.8 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity of p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/84(7)/pp.072004-1-072004-8, 2011-10 - Search for resonant production of t(t)over-bar decaying to jets in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Gonzalez B. Alvarez; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/84(7)/pp.072003-1-072003-9, 2011-10 - Measurement of the top-quark mass in the lepton plus jets channel using a matrix element technique with the CDF II detector
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/84(7)/pp.071105-1-071105-10, 2011-10 - Search for New Physics in High p(T) Like-Sign Dilepton Events at CDF II
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/107(18)/pp.181801-1-181801-8, 2011-10 - Measurement of the Cross Section for Prompt Isolated Diphoton Production in p (p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/107(10)/pp.102003-1-102003-8, 2011-09 - Measurement of branching ratio and B-s(0) lifetime in the decay B-s(0) -> J/psi f(0)(980) at CDF
Aaltonen T.; Gonzalez B. Alvarez; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/84(5)/pp.052012-1- 052012-14, 2011-09 - Measurement of the cross section for prompt isolated diphoton production in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/84(5)/pp.052006-1-052006-32, 2011-09 - Improved determination of the sample composition of dimuon events produced in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; AlvarezGonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Anastassov A.; An...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/71(8)/pp.1-14, 2011-08 - さらに表示...
- Measurements of the Angular Distributions in the Decays B -> K-(*)mu(+)mu(-) at CDF