武内 勇司(タケウチ ユウジ)
- 論文
- Evidence for t(t)over-bar gamma production and measurement of sigma(t(t)over-bar gamma)/sigma(t(t)over-bar)
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/84(3)/pp.1-9, 2011-08 - Measurement of the top pair production cross section in the lepton plus jets channel using a jet flavor discriminant
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/84(3)/pp.031101-1-031101-7, 2011-08 - 17aSJ-3 テバトロンのトップクォーク物理とBSM探索(17aSJ 素粒子実験領域,素粒子論領域合同シンポジウム,主題:ハドロンコライダーによるエネルギーフロンティアの物理,素粒子実験領域)
武内 勇司
日本物理学会講演概要集/66(2)/p.21, 2011-08 - Measurement of the t(t)over-bar production cross section in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV using events with large missing transverse energy and jets
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/84(3)/pp.032003-1-032003-12, 2011-08 - Limits on Anomalous Trilinear Gauge Couplings in Z gamma Events from p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Gonzalez B. Alvarez; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/107(5)/pp.1-8, 2011-07 - Search for a Very Light CP-Odd Higgs Boson in Top Quark Decays from p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/107(3)/pp.031801-1-031801-8, 2011-07 - Measurements of the properties of Lambda(c)(2595), Lambda(c)(2625), Sigma(c)(2455), and Sigma(c)(2520) baryons
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/84(1)/pp.012003-1-012003-17, 2011-07 - First Search for Multijet Resonances in root s=1.96 TeV p(p)over-bar Collisions
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/107(4)/pp.1-7, 2011-07 - Search for New Dielectron Resonances and Randall-Sundrum Gravitons at the Collider Detector at Fermilab
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/107(5)/pp.051801-1-051801-8, 2011-07 - Top quark mass measurement using the template method at CDF
Aaltonen T.; Gonzalez B. Alvarez; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/83(11)/pp.111101-1-111101-9, 2011-06 - Measurement of event shapes in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/83(11)/pp.112007-1-112007-13, 2011-06 - First Measurement of the Angular Coefficients of Drell-Yan e(+)e(-) Pairs in the Z Mass Region from p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/106(24)/pp.1-8, 2011-06 - Evidence for a mass dependent forward-backward asymmetry in top quark pair production
Aaltonen T.; Gonzalez B. Alvarez; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/83(11)/pp.1-23, 2011-06 - Search for new heavy particles decaying to ZZ -> llll, lljj in p(p)over bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/83(11)/pp.112008-1-112008-18, 2011-06 - Search for Production of Heavy Particles Decaying to Top Quarks and Invisible Particles in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/106(19)/pp.191801-1-191801-7, 2011-05 - Invariant Mass Distribution of Jet Pairs Produced in Association with a W Boson in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/106(17)/pp.1-8, 2011-04 - Measurement of the t(t)over-bar production cross section with an in situ calibration of b-jet identification efficiency
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/83(7)/pp.071102-1-071102-8, 2011-04 - Measurement of the Forward-Backward Asymmetry in the B -> K-(*) mu(+)mu(-) Decay and First Observation of the B-s(0) -> phi mu(+)mu(-) Decay
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/106(16)/pp.161801-1-161801-7, 2011-04 - Measurement of the Mass Difference between t and (t)over-bar Quarks
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/106(15)/p.152001-1-7, 2011-04 - Measurement of the top quark mass in the lepton plus jets channel using the lepton transverse momentum
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICS LETTERS B/698(5)/pp.371-379, 2011-04 - Measurement of b Hadron Lifetimes in Exclusive Decays Containing a J/Psi in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/106(12)/pp.121804-1-121804-8, 2011-03 - Search for High Mass Resonances Decaying to Muon Pairs in root s=1.96 TeV p(p)over-bar Collisions
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/106(12)/pp.121801-1-121801-7, 2011-03 - Observation of B-s(0) -> J/psi K*(892)(0) and B-s(0) -> J/psi K-S(0) decays
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/83(5)/pp.052012-1-052012-11, 2011-03 - Search for a new heavy gauge boson W' with event signature electron plus missing transverse energy in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/83(3)/pp.031102-1-031102-8, 2011-02 - Measurement of t tbar Spin Correlation in p pbar Collisions Using the CDF II Detector at the Tevatron
Aaltonen T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Amerio S.; Amidei D.; Anast...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/83(3)/pp.031104-1-031104-7, 2011-02 - さらに表示...
- Evidence for t(t)over-bar gamma production and measurement of sigma(t(t)over-bar gamma)/sigma(t(t)over-bar)