武内 勇司(タケウチ ユウジ)
- 論文
- First Observation of B-s(0)->(DsK -/+)-K-+/- and Measurement of the Ratio of Branching Fractions B(B-s(0)->(DsK -/+)-K-+/-)/B(B-s(0)-> D-s(+)pi(-))
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Albrow M. G.; Alvarez Go...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/103(19)/pp.1-7, 2009-11 - Precision Measurement of the X(3872) Mass in J/psi pi(+)pi(-) Decays
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/103(15)/pp.152001-1-152001-8, 2009-10 - Search for the Higgs boson produced in association with Z -> l(+)l(-) using the matrix element method at CDF II
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/80(7)/pp.071101-1-071101-8, 2009-10 - Observation of the Omega(-)(b) baryon and measurement of the properties of the Xi(-)(b) and Omega(-)(b) baryons
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/80(7)/pp.072003-1-072003-16, 2009-10 - Search for the neutral current top quark decay t -> Zc using the ratio of Z-boson+4 jets to W-boson+4 jets production
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/80(5)/pp.052001-1-052001-24, 2009-09 - Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in Decays of Top Quarks in pp Collisions at s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/103(10)/pp.101803-1-101803-7, 2009-09 - Search for a Standard Model Higgs Boson in WH -> lvbb in pp Collisions at s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/103(10)/pp.101802-1-101802-8, 2009-09 - Search for hadronic decays of W and Z bosons in photon events in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Albrow M. G.; Gonzalez B...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/80(5)/pp.052011-1-052011-17, 2009-09 - Measurement of the top quark mass using the invariant mass of lepton pairs in soft muon b-tagged events
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/80(5)/pp.051104-1-051104-9, 2009-09 - Search for a Fermiophobic Higgs Boson Decaying into Diphotons in pp Collisions at s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Gonzalez B. Alvarez; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/103(6)/pp.061803-1-061803-8, 2009-08 - First Observation of Vector Boson Pairs in a Hadronic Final State at the Tevatron Collider
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/103(9)/pp.1-7, 2009-08 - Observation of Electroweak Single Top-Quark Production
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/103(9)/pp.092002-1-092002-8, 2009-08 - Recent results from Tevatron(16th YKIS Conference Progress in Particle Physics 2008)
Takeuchi Yuji
素粒子論研究/117(3), 2009-08 - Production of psi(2S) mesons in p(p)over-bar collisions at 1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/80(3)/pp.031103-1-031103-9, 2009-08 - Search for standard model Higgs boson production in association with a W boson using a neural network discriminant at CDF
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Aacutelvarez Gonzalez B...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/80(1)/pp.012002-1-012002-15, 2009-07 - Search for the Production of Narrow t(b)over-bar Resonances in 1:9 fb(-1) of p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/103(4)/pp.041801-1-041801-7, 2009-07 - Observation of New Charmless Decays of Bottom Hadrons
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/103(3)/pp.031801-1-031801-8, 2009-07 - Search for Long-Lived Massive Charged Particles in 1.96 TeV p(p)over-bar Collisions
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Gonzalez B. Alvarez; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/103(2)/pp.021802-1-021802-7, 2009-07 - Searching the inclusive l gamma no-E-T + b-quark signature for radiative top quark decay and non-standard-model processes
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/80(1)/pp.011102-1-011102-10, 2009-07 - Search for narrow resonances lighter than (sic) mesons
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C/62(2)/pp.319-326, 2009-07 - First Measurement of the t(t) over bar Differential Cross Section d sigma/dM(t(t) over bar) in p(p) over bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/102(22)/pp.1-8, 2009-06 - Measurement of particle production and inclusive differential cross sections in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/79(11)/pp.112005-1-112005-22, 2009-06 - Measurement of the k(T) Distribution of Particles in Jets Produced in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/102(23)/pp.232002-1-232002-8, 2009-06 - Observation of Exclusive Charmonium Production and gamma gamma -> mu(+)mu(-) in p(p)over-bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Albrow M. G.; Alvarez Go...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/102(24)/pp.242001-1-242001-7, 2009-06 - Search for Gluino-Mediated Bottom Squark Production in p(p) over bar Collisions at root s=1.96 TeV
Aaltonen T.; Adelman J.; Akimoto T.; Alvarez Gonzalez B.; Ame...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/102(22)/pp.221801-1-221801-8, 2009-06 - さらに表示...
- First Observation of B-s(0)->(DsK -/+)-K-+/- and Measurement of the Ratio of Branching Fractions B(B-s(0)->(DsK -/+)-K-+/-)/B(B-s(0)-> D-s(+)pi(-))