小島 隆彦(コジマ タカヒコ)
- 論文
- Porphyrin nanochannels toward photofunctional materials
T. Kojima; T. Nakanishi; R. Harada; K. Ohkubo; S. Fukuzumi
J. Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines/10/p.322, 2006-01 - Modulation of Characteristics of a Ruthenium-Coordinated Flavin Analogue That Shows an Unusual Coordination Mode
S. Miyazaki; K. Ohkubo; T. Kojima; S. Fukuzumi
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed./46(6)/pp.905-908, 2007-02 - Selective Inclusion of Electron-Donating Molecules into Porphyrin Nanochannels Derived from the Self-Assembly of Saddle-Distorted, Protonated Porphyrins and Photoinduced Electron Transfer from Guest Molecules to Porphyrin Dications
T. Kojima; T. Nakanishi; R. Harada; K. Ohkubo; S. Yamauc...
Chem. -Eur. J./13(31)/pp.8714-8725, 2007-07 - Synthesis and Characterization of Mononuclear Ruthenium(III)-Pyridylamine Complexes and Mechanistic Insights into Their Catalytic Alkane Functionalization with m-Chloroperbenzoic Acid
T. Kojima; K. Hayashi; S. Iizuka; F. Tani; Y. Naruta; M. ...
CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL/13(29)/pp.8212-8222, 2007-07 - A discrete conglomerate of a distorted Mo(V)-Porphyrin with a directly coordinated Keggin-type polyoxometalate
A. Yokoyama; T. Kojima; K. Ohkubo; S. Fukuzumi
Chem. Commun./(39)/pp.3997-3999, 2007-10 - Porphyrin Nanotubes Based on Self-Assembly of Mo(V)-dodecaphenylporphyrin Complexes and Inclusion of Mo-oxo Clusters: Synthesis and Characterization by X-ray Crystallography and Transmission Electron Microscopy
T. Kojima; R. Harada; T. Nakanishi; K. Kaneko; S. Fukuzumi
Chem. Mater./19(1)/pp.51-58, 2007-01 - Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in Ruthenium(II)-Pterin Complexes: Formation of Ruthenium-Coordinated Pterin Radicals and Their Electronic Structures
S. Miyazaki; T. Kojima; T. Sakamoto; T. Matsumoto; K. Oh...
Inorg. Chem./47(1)/pp.333-343, 2008-01 - Photochemical and Thermal Isomerization of a Ruthenium(II)-Alloxazine Complex Involving an Unusual Coordination Mode
S. Miyazaki; T. Kojima; S. Fukuzumi
J. Am. Chem. Soc./130(5)/pp.1556-1557, 2008-02 - Synthesis and Characerization of Novel Ferrocene-Containing Pyridylamine Ligands and Their Ruthenium(II) Complexes: Electronic Communication through Hydrogen-bonded Amide Linkage
T. Kojima; D. Noguchi; T. Nakayama; Y. Inagaki; Y. Shiot...
Inorg. Chem./47(3)/pp.886-895, 2008-02 - Control of redox reactivity of flavin and pterin coenzymes by metal ion coordination and hydrogen bonding
S. Fukuzumi; T. Kojima
J. Biol. Inorg. Chem./13(3)/pp.321-333, 2008-03 - Photofunctional nanomaterials composed of multiporphyrins and carbon-based π-electron acceptors
S. Fukuzumi; T. Kojima
J. Mater. Chem./18(13)/pp.1427-1439, 2008-03 - Ruthenium-Catalyzed Selective and Efficient Oxygenation of Hydrocarbons with Water as an Oxygen Source
Y. Hirai; T. Kojima; Y. Mizutani; Y. Shiota; K. Yoshizaw...
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed./47(31)/pp.5772-5776, 2008-06 - A Discrete Supramolecular Conglomerate Composed of Two Saddle-Distorted Zinc(II)-Phthalocyanine Complexes and a Doubly Protonated Porphyrin with Saddle-Distortion Undergoing Efficient Photoinduced Electron Transfer
T. Kojima; T. Honda; K. Ohkubo; M. Shiro; T. Kusukawa; T....
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed./47(35)/pp.6712-6716, 2008-07 - Ruthenium(II)-Pyridylamine Complexes with Diimine Ligands Showing Reversible Photochemical and Thermal Structural Change
T. Kojima; T. Morimoto; T. Sakamoto; S. Miyazaki; S. Fuk...
Chem. Eur. J./14(29)/pp.8904-8915, 2008-08 - ルテニウム―トリス(2―ピリジルメチル)アミン錯体の化学
Bulletin of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry/52/pp.3-16, 2008-11 - Proton Shift upon One-Electron Reduction in Ruthenium(II)-Coordinated Pterins
S. Miyazaki; K. Ohkubo; T. Kojima; S. Fukuzumi
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed./47(50)/pp.9669-9672, 2008-11 - Formation of dodecaphenylporphodimethene via facile protonation of saddle-distorted dodecaphenylporphyrin
T. Kojima; K. Hanabusa; K. Ohkubo; M. Shiro; S. Fukuzumi
Chem. Commun./(48)/pp.6513-6515, 2008-12 - Photoconductivity of Porphyrin Nanochannels Composed of Diprotonated Porphyrin Dications with Saddle Distortion and Electron Donors
T. Nakanishi; T. Kojima; K. Ohkubo; T. Hasobe; K. Nakaya...
Chem. Mater./21(24)/pp.7492-7500, 2008-12 - Modulation of Characteristics of a Ruthenium-Coordinated Flavin Analogue That Shows an Unusual Coordination Mode
Takahiko Kojima; Shunichi Fukuzumi
Annual Report of Osaka University Academic Achievement 2007-2008/9/p.50, 2008-01 - Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Supramolecular Assemblies Involving Saddle-Distorted Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines
T. Kojima; T. Nakanishi; T. Honda; S. Fukuzumi
J. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines/13/pp.14-21, 2009-01 - Reorganization Energies of Diprotonated and Saddle-Dostorted Porphyrins in Photoinduced Electron-Transfer Reduction Controlled by Conformational Distortion
T. Nakanishi; K. Ohkubo; T. Kojima; S. Fukuzumi
J. Am. Chem. Soc./131(2)/pp.577-584, 2009-01 - Charge separation in metallomacrocycle complexes linked with electron acceptors by axial coordination
S. Fukuzumi; T. Honda; K. Ohkubo; T. Kojima
Dalton Transactions/(20)/pp.3880-3889, 2009-05 - Crystal Structures and Properties of a Monoprotonated Porphyrin
T. Honda; T. Kojima; S. Fukuzumi
Chem. Commun./(33)/pp.4994-4996, 2009-07 - A Tetranuclear Iridium(III) Complex Having a Flavin Analogue as Bridging Ligands in Different Coordination Modes and Exchangeable Anion Encapsulation in a Supramolecular Cage
T. Kojima; Y. Inui; S. Miyazaki; M. Shiro; S. Fukuzumi
Chem. Commun./(43)/pp.6643-6645, 2009-10 - 新しい水の酸化反応(水から水素分子と酸素分子をつくる金属錯体)
小島 隆彦
化学/64(11)/p.76-77, 2009-11 - さらに表示...
- Porphyrin nanochannels toward photofunctional materials