重川 秀実(シゲカワ ヒデミ)


  • 分子接合制御と単一分子伝導スイッチ
    中村美紀; 吉田昭二; 中村徹; 目良裕; 武内修; 重川 秀実
  • 光学的ポンププローブSTM・時間分解スペクトルのシミュレーション解析
    目良 裕; 重川 秀実; 横田統徳; 吉田昭二; 武内修
  • Nanoscale dynamics probed by laser-combined scanning tunneling microscopy
    Shigekawa Hidemi; Yoshida Shoji; Takeuchi Osamu; Aoyama ...
    7th International Conference on Nano-Molecular Electronics (ICNME2006)
  • Nanoscale mapping of built-in potential in GaAs p-n junction using light-modulated scanning tunneling microscopy
    Yoshida Shoji; Kanitani Yuya; Oshima Ryuji; Okada Yoshit...
    15th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM 15)/2007-12-06--2007-12-08
  • Nonlinear dependences in pulse-pair-excited scanning tunneling microscopy
    Takeuchi O; Aoyama M; Kondo H; Taninaka A; Terada Y; Shig...
    13th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Spectroscopy and Related Technique held in Conjunction with the 13th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy