岡田 晋(オカダ ススム)
- 論文
- Energetic and Electronic Structures of Carbon Nanotube Solids
岡田 晋
Transaction of the Materials Research Society of Japan/(Vol. 25)/p.pp 865 - 868, 2000-01 - Border States in netero-sheets with hexagonal symmetry
岡田 晋
Physical Review B/(Vol. 62)/p.pp. 9896 - 9899, 2000-01 - Magnetic Ordering of Ga Wires on Si(100)Surfaces
岡田 晋
Physical Review B/(Vol. 62)/p.pp. R13286 - R13289, 2000-01 - Density Functional Study on Geometry and Electronic Structure of Eu@C60
岡田 晋
Chemical Physics Letters/(Vol. 327)/p.pp. 291 - 298, 2000-01 - Energetics and Electronic Structure of Encapsulated C60 in a Carbon Nanotube
岡田 晋
Physical Review Letters/(Vol. 86)/pp.pp. 3835 -3838, 2001-01 - Pressure and orientation effect on the electronic structure of carbon nanotube bundles
岡田 晋
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/(Vol. 70)/p.pp. 2345 - 2352, 2001-01 - Polarized Absorption Spectra of Single-Walled 4A Carbon Nanotubes Aligned in Channels of AlPO4-5 Single Crystal
岡田 晋
Physical Review Letters/(Vol. 87)/p.pp. 127401, 2001-01 - Magnetic Ordering in Hexagonally-Bonded Sheets with First-Row Elements
岡田 晋
Physical Review Letters/(Vol. 87)/p.146803, 2001-01 - Semiconducting form of the first-row elements: C60 chain encapsulated in BN-nanotubes
岡田 晋
Physical Review B/(Vol. 64)/p.pp. 201303(R), 2001-01 - Three-dimensional crystalline carbon: Stable polymers of C20 fullerene
岡田 晋
Physical Review B/(Vol. 64)/p.pp. 245405, 2001-01 - Inter-wall interaction and electronic structure of double-walled BN nanotubes
岡田 晋
Physical Review B/(Vol. 65)/p.pp. 165410, 2002-01 - Magnetic Ordering of Dangling Bond Networks on Hydrogen Deposited Si(111) Surfaces
岡田 晋; Shiraishi K; Oshiyama A
Physical Review Letters/(Vol. 90)/p.art. no. 026803, 2003-01 - First-principles calculation for scanning-tunneling-microscopy images of Kr adsorbed on a monolayer graphite surface
岡田 晋
Physical Review B/(Vol. 67)/p.art. no. 033408, 2003-01 - Electron-states control of carbon nanotubes by space and encapsulated fullerenes
岡田 晋; Otani Minoru; Oshiyama Atsushi
Physical Review B/67(20)/p.art. no. 205411, 2003-01 - Nanoscale Ferromagnet: Carbon Nanotubes with Finite Length
岡田 晋
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/(Vol. 72)/p.No. 6, pp. 1510 -- 1 515, 2003-01 - Electrochemical Tuning of Electronic Structure of C 60 and C 70 Fullerene Peapods: In Situ Visible Near-Infrared and Raman Study
Kavan Ladislav; Dunsch Lothar; Kataura Hiromichi; Oshiyam...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B/107(31)/p.p. 7666, 2003-01 - Energetics and electronic structure of C 70 -peapods and one-dimensional chains of C 70
岡田 晋; Otani Minoru; Oshiyama Atsushi
New Journal of Physics/(Vol. 5)/pp.pp. 122.1-122.11, 2003-01 - Curvature-Induced Metallization of Double-Walled Semiconducting Zigzag Carbon Nanotubes
岡田 晋
Physical Review Letters/(Vol. 91)/p.art. no. 216801, 2003-01 - Energetics and Electronic Structure of Metallic Rhombohedral C60 Polymer
Susumu Okada; Atsushi Oshiyama
Physical Review B/68/p.235402, 2003-01 - Electronic Structures of Stacked C60 Shuttlecocks
S. Okada; R. Arita; Y. Matsuo; E. Nakamura; A. Oshiyama; H. Aoki
Chemical Physics Letters/399/p.157, 2004-01 - New Electron States that Float on Semiconductor and Metal Surfaces
Susumu Okada; Yusuke Enomoto; Kenji Shiraishi; Atsushi Oshiyama
Surface Sience/585/p.L177, 2004-01 - Electronic Structure of Semiconducting Nanotubes Adsorbed on Metal Surfaces
Susumu Okada; Atsushi Oshiyama
Physical Review Letters/95/p.206804, 2005-01 - Ferromagnetic Spin Ordering on Carbon Nanotubes with Topological Line Defects
Susumu Okada; Kyoko Nakada; Kei Kuwabara; Kota Daigoku; a...
Physical Review B/74/p.121412(R), 2006-01 - Orientaiton Dependence of Magnetic Moment of Carbon Nanotubes with Topological Line Defects
Susumu Okada; Kyoko Nakada; and Takazumi Kawai
Applied Physics Letters/90/p.103120, 2007-03 - Electronic structures of finite-length carbon nanotubes: Crossover from fullerenes to nanotubes
Susumu Okada
NANO/2/p.51, 2007-04 - さらに表示...
- Energetic and Electronic Structures of Carbon Nanotube Solids