岡田 晋(オカダ ススム)
- 論文
- Energetics and Electronic Structures of Alkanes and Polyethylene Adsorbed on Graphene
Kamiya Katsumasa; Okada Susumu
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS/52(6:2::SI)/pp.06GD10-06GD10-5, 2013-06 - Energetics and Electronic Structures of C-60 Included Within [n]Cyclacene Molecules
Kigure Shota; Okada Susumu
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/82(9), 2013-09 - High-Efficiency Photoelectric Conversion in Graphene-Diamond Hybrid Structures: Model and First-Principles Calculations
Konabe Satoru; Nguyen ThanhCuong; Otani Minoru; Okada Su...
APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS/6(4), 2013-04 - Magnetic Properties of Decamethyl Fullerenes: Radical Spin Interactions in Chemically Functionalized Fullerenes
Haruna Nitta; Matsuo Yutaka; Nakamura Eiichi; Okada Susumu
APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS/6(4)/pp.045102-045102-4, 2013-04 - Enhanced photocurrent in single-walled carbon nanotubes by exciton interactions
Konabe Satoru; Okada Susumu
Applied Physics Letters/102(11)/p.113110, 2013-03 - Anomalous Electric-Field Screening at the Edge Atomic Sites of Finite-Length Zigzag Carbon Nanotubes
Yamanaka Ayaka; Okada Susumu
Applied Physics Express/6(4)/p.045101, 2013-04 - Two-dimensional Metallic Molecular Sheet of Fused C26 Fullerene
Maruyama Mina; Okada Susumu
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/82(4)/p.043708, 2013-04 - Electron-state engineering of bilayer graphene by ionic molecules
Nguyen Thanh Cuong; Otani Minoru; Okada Susumu
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/101(23), 2012-12 - Absence of edge states near the 120 degrees corners of zigzag graphene nanoribbons
Nguyen ThanhCuong; Minoru Otani; Okada Susumu
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/87(4), 2013-01 - Charge Manipulation in Molecules Encapsulated Inside Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Yanagi Kazuhiro; Moriya Rieko; Nguyen ThanhCuong; Otani ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/110(8), 2013-02 - Electronic Structure of C78 and C78-Graphite Cointercalation Compound
岡田 晋
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/p.Vol. 64 pp. 2100 - 2105., 1995-01 - Common Electronic Structure and Pentagon Pairing in Extractable Fullerenes
岡田 晋
Physical Review Letter/(ol. 75)/p.pp. 685 - 688, 1995-01 - Electronic Structure of C78 and C78-Graphite cointercalation Compound
岡田 晋
Journal of Physical Society of Japan/(Vol. 64), 1995-01 - Geometries and electronic structure of extractable C90 fullerenes
岡田 晋
Chemical Physics Letter/p.Vol. 247, 1995-01 - Number of extractable fullerene isomers and specialty of C84
岡田 晋
Chemical Physics Letters/p.Vol. 252, 1996-01 - Number of extractable fullerne isomers and Specialty of C84
岡田 晋
Chemical Physics Letter/(Vol. 252), 1996-01 - Rhombohedral C60 polymer: A semiconducting solid carbon structure
岡田 晋
Physical Review B/p.Vol. 55 pp. 4039 - 4041, 1997-01 - Rhombohedral C60 Polymer : Asemiconducting Solid carbon structure
岡田 晋
Physical Review B/(Vol. 55)/p.pp. 4039 - 4041, 1997-01 - New Metallic Crystalline Carbon: Three-Dimensionally Polymerized C60 Fullerite
岡田 晋
Physical Review Letters/p.Vol. 83 pp. 1986 - 1989, 1999-01 - Electronic structure and energetics of pressure-induced two dimensional C60 polymer
岡田 晋
Physical Review B/p.Vol. 59 pp. 1930 - 1936, 1999-01 - Stable Polymers of C74 and C78 Fullerenes
岡田 晋
Chemical Physics Letters/(Vol. 321)/p.pp. 156 - 162, 2000-01 - Nearly free electron states in carbon nanotube bundles
岡田 晋
Physical Review B/(Vol. 62)/p.pp. 7634-7638, 2000-01 - Ferromagnetic Electronic Structures of Ga wires on Si (001) Surfaces
岡田 晋
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics/(Vol. 39)/p.pp. 4315-4317, 2000-01 - First-Principles Study on the π Electronic Structure of Nanographite
岡田 晋
Molecular Crystal and Liquid Crystal/(Vol. 340)/p.pp. 389-394, 2000-01 - Theoretical Study on the Superconductivity Induced by the Dynamic Jahn-Teller Effect in Alkali-Metal-Doped C60
岡田 晋
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/(Vol. 69)/p.pp. 2615-2622, 2000-01 - さらに表示...
- Energetics and Electronic Structures of Alkanes and Polyethylene Adsorbed on Graphene