大井川 治宏(オオイガワ ハルヒロ)
- 論文
- Time-resolved Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on (NH4)2S-treated GaAs(001) Surface
Iwata Y; Yoshida S; Oigawa H; Takeuchi O; Shigekawa H
The 3rd International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Materials Science/3/p.P-67, 2011-03 - Effect of Antimony on Electron Trap Density in GaInNAsSb Solar Cell Grown by Atomic Hydrogen-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy
N. Miyashita; H. Oigawa; Y. Okada
EU Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference/p.1DV.5.29, 2011-09 - How to realize ultimate spatial and temporal resolutions by laser combined scanning tunneling microscopy?
H. Shigekawa; O. Takeuchi; M. Aoyama; Y. Terada H. Kondo...
Materials Research Society, 2006-01 - Tip-induced band bending and its effect on local barrier height measurement studied by light modulated scanning tunneling spectroscopy
S. Yoshida; J. Kikuchi; Y. Kanitani; O. Takeuchi; H. Oig...
e-journal, surf. sci. & technol./4/pp.192-196, 2006-01 - Probing nanoscale carrier dynamics in semiconductors using laser combined STM.
H. Shigekawa; S. Yoshida; Y. Terada; O. Takeuchi; H. Oigawa
Solid State Physics (Kotaibutsuri)/42(501)/p.795-804, 2007-01 - Phase Transition between c(4 × 2) and p(2 × 2) Structures of the Si(100) Surface at 6 K Caused by the Fluctuation of Phase Defects on Dimer Rows due to Dimer Flip-Flop Motion
SHIGEKAWA Hidemi; MIYAKE Koji; ISHIDA Masahiko; HATA Ken...
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 2, Letters/35(8)/pp.L1081-L1084, 1996-08 - Si(111) Surface under Phase Transitions Studied by the Analysis of Inner Layer Structures Using Bias-Dependent Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Miyake Koji; Kaikoh Takashi; Li Yan Jun; Oigawa Haruhiro...
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 1, Regular papers & short notes/38(6)/pp.3841-3844, 1999-06 - Initial Stage of Nitridation of GaAs(001): Atomic Scale View
Imayoshi Takahiro; Oigawa Haruhiro; Shigekawa Hidemi; Tok...
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 1, Regular papers & short notes/38(6)/pp.3875-3878, 1999-06 - 光STM-超高速時間応答測定の可能性
重川 秀実; 武内 修; 青山 正宏; 大井川 治宏
應用物理/73(10)/pp.1318-1323, 2004-10 - Nanoscale dynamics probed by laser-combined scanning tunneling microscopy
Shigekawa Hidemi; Yoshida Shoji; Takeuchi Osamu; Aoyama ...
THIN SOLID FILMS/516(9)/pp.2348-2357, 2008-03 - Characteristic of the Si(100) surface low-temperature phase with two competing structures investigated by rare gas adsorption
Kimura T; Yoshida S; Takeuchi O; Matsuyama E; Oigawa H; S...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 2-LETTERS & EXPRESS LETTERS/43(7B)/pp.0-0, 2004-07 - Probing subpicosecond dynamics using pulsed laser combined scanning tunneling microscopy
Takeuchi O; Aoyama M; Oshima R; Okada Y; Oigawa H; Sano ...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/85(15)/pp.3268-3270, 2004-10 - Probe effect in scanning tunneling microscopy on Si(001) low-temperature phases
Yoshida S; Kimura T; Takeuchi O; Hata K; Oigawa H; Nagamu...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/70(23)/pp.0-0, 2004-12
- Time-resolved Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on (NH4)2S-treated GaAs(001) Surface