白木 賢太郎(シラキ ケンタロウ)
- 論文
- Advances in Characterization of Neuroprotective Peptide, Humanin
Arakawa T.; Hirano A.; Shiraki K.; Niikura T.; Kita Y.
CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY/18(36)/pp.5554-5563, 2011-12 - Drug solubilization effect of lauroyl-L-glutamate
Ariki Ryosuke; Hirano Atsushi; Arakawa Tsutomu; Shiraki ...
JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY/151(1)/pp.27-33, 2012-01 - 姿をかえるタンパク質(生物工学基礎講座-バイオよもやま話-)
平野 篤; 白木 賢太郎
生物工学会誌 : seibutsu-kogaku kaishi/89(7)/pp.404-407, 2011-07 - Poly(acrylic acid) is a Common Noncompetitive Inhibitor for Cationic Enzymes with High Affinity and Reversibility
Tomita Shunsuke; Shiraki Kentaro
JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY/49(17)/pp.3835-3841, 2011-09 - Arginine Controls Heat-Induced Cluster-Cluster Aggregation of Lysozyme at Around the Isoelectric Point
Tomita Shunsuke; Yoshikawa Hiroki; Shiraki Kentaro
BIOPOLYMERS/95(10)/pp.695-701, 2011-10 - A New Reagent for Protein Refolding
TAO Kohsaku; ITO Len; KASAI Yusuke; YAMADA Hidetoshi; SHI...
Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium/2008(0)/pp.451-454, 2009-03 - A Synergic Effect of Amino Acids and Amino Acid Derivatives on Protein Crystallization
SHIBANO Tomohisa; ITO Len; SHIRAKI Kentaro; HIDAKA Yuji; ...
Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium/2008(0)/pp.455-458, 2009-03 - Why Do Solution Additives Suppress the Heat-Induced Inactivation of Proteins? Inhibition of Chemical Modifications
Tomita Shunsuke; Shiraki Kentaro
BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS/27(3)/pp.855-862, 2011-05 - Stabilizing and destabilizing effects of arginine on deoxyribonucleic acid
Arakawa Tsutomu; Hirano Atsushi; Shiraki Kentaro; Kita Y...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES/46(2)/pp.217-222, 2010-03 - Correlation between thermal aggregation and stability of lysozyme with salts described by molar surface tension increment: An exceptional propensity of ammonium salts as aggregation suppressor
Hirano Atsushi; Hamada Hiroyuki; Okubo Tatsunori; Noguchi...
PROTEIN JOURNAL/26(6)/pp.423-433, 2007-09 - Ternary system of solution additives with arginine and salt for refolding of beta-galactosidase.
Akiko Fujimoto; Atsushi Hirano; Shiraki Kentaro
The protein journal/29(3)/pp.161-166, 2010-01 - Regulation of lysozyme activity based on thermotolerant protein/smart polymer complex formation.
Ganguli S; Yoshimoto K; Tomita S; Sakuma H; Matsuoka T; S...
J. Am. Chem. Soc./131(18)/pp.6549-6553, 2009-01 - Effect of an amyloidogenic sequence attached to yellow fluorescent protein.
Daizo Hamada; Kohei Tsumoto; Makoto Sawara; Tanaka Naoki...
Proteins/72/p.811-821, 2008-01 - Trans-cyclohexanediamines prevent thermal inactivation of protein: Role of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions.
Atsushi Hirano; Hiroyuki Hamada; and Kentaro Shiraki.; +白...
Protein J./27/p.253-257, 2008-01 - The differences in the effect of solution additives on heat- and dilution-induced aggregation.
Hiroyuki Hamada; Ryouta Takahashi; Takumi Noguchi; and K...
Biotechnol. Prog./24/p.436-443, 2008-01 - The effect of additives on protein crystallization.
Len Ito; Toyoaki Kobayashi; Kentaro Shiraki; and Hiroshi...
*EMPTY*/15/p.316-318, 2008-01 - Effect of Phospholipids on conformational structure of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) and its thermolabile mutants.
Naoshige Izumikawa; Shingo Nishikori; Mun'delanji Vester...
Biopolymers/89/p.873-880, 2008-01 - Discovery of post-translational maturation by self-subunit swapping.
Zhemin Zhou; Yoshiteru Hashimoto; Kentaro Shiraki; and M...
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A./105/p.14849-14854, 2008-09
- Advances in Characterization of Neuroprotective Peptide, Humanin