櫻井 岳暁(サクライ タケアキ)


  • Interface states at SiO2/6H-SiC(0001) interfaces observed by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements under bias: Comparison between dry and wet oxidation
    H.Kobayashi; T.Sakurai; M.Takahashi; Y.Nishioka; +櫻井 岳暁
    Physical Review B/67/p.115305, 2003-01
  • Low interface state density of SiC-based metal-oxide-semiconductor structure formed with perchloric acid at 203゚C
    T.Sakurai; M.Nishiyama; Y.Nishioka; H.Kobayashi; +櫻井 岳暁
    Applied Physics Letters/81/p.271-273, 2002-01
  • SiC/SiO2 structure formed at similar to 200゚C by heat treatment at 950℃ having excellent electrical characteristics
    T.Sakurai; JW.Park; Y.Nishioka; M.Nishiyama; H.Kobayashi; +櫻井 岳暁
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./41/p.2516-2518, 2002-01
  • SiC/SiO2 interface states observed by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements under bias
    T.Sakurai; EA de Vasconcelos; T.Katsube; Y.Nishioka; H.Kobay...
    Applied Physics Letters/78/p.96-98, 2001-01
  • Formation of a SiO2/SiC structure at 203゚C by use of perchloric acid
    H.Kobayashi; T.Sakurai; M.Nishiyama; Y.Nishioka; +櫻井 岳暁
    Applied Physics Letters/78/p.2336-2338, 2001-01
  • Electrical properties of the silicon oxide/Si structure formed with perchloric acid 203゚C
    T.Sakurai; M.Nishiyama; Y.Nishioka; H.Kobayashi; +櫻井 岳暁
    Solid State Communications/118/p.391-394, 2001-01
  • Electronic Property on Thin Single-Crystal Films of α-Al2O3 on Ru (0001)
    Y.Murata; K.Nagata; H.Fujimoto; T.Sakurai; M.Okada; and Y.Ebe...
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/70/p.793-796, 2001-01