長谷 宗明(ハセ ムネアキ)
- 論文
- コヒーレントフォノン生成量子ダイナミクスにおけるパルスレーザー依存性
渡辺 陽平; 日野 健一; 長谷 宗明; 前島 展也
日本物理学会講演概要集/71(0)/pp.1320-1320, 2016 - Vibrational energy transfer from photoexcited carbon nanotubes to proteins observed by coherent phonon spectroscopy
Nakayama Tomohito; Yoshizawa Shunsuke; Hirano Atsushi; Ta...
APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS/10(12)/p.125101, 2017-11 - Irregular oscillatory patterns in the early-time region of coherent phonon generation in silicon
Watanabe Yohei; Hino Ken-ichi; Hase Muneaki; Maeshima ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/96(12)/p.125204, 2017-09 - Enhancement of coherent phonon amplitude in phase-change materials by nearinfrared laser irradiation
Suzuki Takara; Saito Yuta; Fons Paul; Kolobov Alexander ...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/111(11)/p.112101, 2017-09 - X線自由電子レーザーによる原子の瞬間移動の実時間観測
Hase Muneaki; Paul Fons
Isotope News/(752)/pp.8-11, 2017-08 - Polaronic quasiparticle picture for generation dynamics of coherent phonons in semiconductors: Transient and nonlinear Fano resonance
Yohei Watanabe; Ken-ichi Hino; Hase Muneaki; Nobuya Maes...
Physical Review B/95(1)/p.014301, 2017-01 - Low temperature-grown GaAs carrier lifetime evaluation by double optical pump terahertz time-domain emission spectroscopy
Valynn Katrine Mag-usara; Stefan Funkner; Gudrun Niehues; El...
OPTICS EXPRESS/24(23)/pp.26175-26185, 2016-11 - コヒーレントフォノン生成量子ダイナミクスI : 過渡的準粒子描像に基づく理論構築
日野 健一; 渡辺 陽平; 長谷 宗明; 前島 展也
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(2)/p.1251, 2015-09 - コヒーレントフォノン生成量子ダイナミクスII : 過渡的な非線形Fano 共鳴効果の解析
渡辺 陽平; 日野 健一; 長谷 宗明; 前島 展也
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(2)/p.1302, 2015-09 - Sub-nanometre resolution of atomic motion during electronic excitation in phase-change materials
Mitrofanov Kirill V.; Fons Paul; Makino Kotaro; Terashima Ry...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/6, 2016-02 - Anisotropic lattice response induced by a linearly-polarized femtosecond optical pulse excitation in interfacial phase change memory material
Kotaro Makino; Yuta Saito; Paul Fons; Alexander V. Kolobov; T...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/6, 2016-01 - ポーラロニック準粒子描像に基づく過渡的ファノ共鳴を伴うコヒーレントフォノンダイナミクス
渡辺 陽平; 日野 健一; 根本 裕也; 前島 展也; 長谷 宗明
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(1)/p.1600, 2015-03 - Coherent gigahertz phonons in Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change materials
Hase Muneaki; Fons Paul; Kolobov Alexander V.; Tominag...
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER/27(48), 2015-12 - Femtosecond structural transformation of phase-change materials far from equilibrium monitored by coherent phonons
Hase Muneaki; P. Fons; K. Mitrofanov; A. V. Kolobov; J. Tominaga
Nature Communications/6/p.8367, 2015-09 - 超格子相変化記録材料におけるコヒーレントフォノン分光(28pCK 超高速現象・格子振動,領域5(光物性))
牧野 孝太郎; 斉藤 雄太; フォンス ポール; コロボフ アレクサンダー; 富永 淳二; 中野 隆志...
日本物理学会講演概要集/69(1)/p.755, 2014-03 - Anomalous Phase Change in [(GeTe)2/(Sb2Te3)]20 Superlattice Observed by Coherent Phonon Spectroscopy
K. Makino; Y. Saito; Kirill Mitrofanov; Junji Tominaga; Alexa...
Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, Springer Proceedings in Physics/162/pp.199-201, 2015-03 - Ultrafast Lattice Dynamics of Phase-change Materials Monitored by a Pump-pump-probe Technique
Hase Muneaki; Paul Fons; Kirill Mitrofanov; Alexander V. Kol...
Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, Springer Proceedings in Physics/162/pp.210-213, 2015-03 - Giant multiferroic effects in topological GeTe-Sb2Te3 superlattices
Junji Tominaga; Alexander V. Kolobov; Paul Fons; Xiaomin Wan...
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS/16(1)/p.014402, 2015-02 - Anharmonic Decay of Coherent Optical Phonons in Antimony
Hase Muneaki; Kiminori Ushida; Masahiro Kitajima
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/84(2)/p.024708, 2015-02 - Coherent phonon study of (GeTe)l(Sb2Te3)m interfacial phase change memory materials
Kotaro Makino; Yuta Saito; Paul Fons; Alexander V. Kolobov; T...
Applied Physics Letters/105(15)/p.151902, 2014-10 - Picosecond strain dynamics in Ge2Sb2Te5 monitored by time-resolved x-ray diffraction
Paul Fons; Peter Rodenbach; Kirill V. Mitrofanov; Alexander ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW B/90(9)/p.094305, 2014-09 - Mirror-symmetric magneto-optical Kerr rotation using visible light in [(GeTe)2(Sb2Te3)l]n topological superlattices
D. Bang; H. Awano; J. Tominaga; A. V. Kolobov; P. Fons; Y. Sai...
Scientific Reports/4/p.5727, 2014-07 - Excitation-Assisted Disordering of GeTe and Related Solids with Resonant Bonding
A. V. Kolobov; P. Fons; J. Tominaga; Hase Muneaki
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C/118(19)/pp.10248-10253, 2014-05 - コヒーレントフォノン制御が拓く物性制御
長谷 宗明
日本物理学会講演概要集/67(1)/p.806, 2012-03 - DVD記録膜材料Ge_2Sb_2Te_5におけるコヒーレント光学フォノンの実時間観測
宮本 恵信; 長谷 宗明; 富永 淳二
日本物理学会講演概要集/63(1)/p.739, 2008-02 - さらに表示...
- コヒーレントフォノン生成量子ダイナミクスにおけるパルスレーザー依存性