長谷 宗明(ハセ ムネアキ)
- 論文
- Amplitude collapse-revival of coherent phonons in semimetal under high-density optical excitation
R. Lu; K. Ishioka; M. Hase; O. V. Misochko; and M. Kitajima
Surface Science/593(1-3)/pp.116-121, 2005-01 - Ultrafast dynamics of coherent electron-phonon interaction in silicon
M. Kitajima; M. Hase; A. M. Constantinescu; H. Petek
Ultrafast Phenomena XIV/p.242-244, 2005-01 - Fano interference with the alternating asymmetry parameter in time-domain experiments
O. V. Misochko; M. Hase; K. Ishioka; and M Kitajima
JETP Letters/82(7)/pp.426-483, 2005-01 - シリコンにおけるファノ干渉の実時間観測(最近の研究から)
北島 正弘; 長谷 宗明; Petek Hrvoje
日本物理學會誌/59(12)/pp.888-892, 2004-12 - Microscopic imaging of defect density distribution in GaAs and InGaP using the decay time of photo-excited carriers
K. Horiuchi; S. Kamata; M. Sato; F. Kannari; M. Hase; and...
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies, Technical Digest/p.CTuP39, 2004-05 - On the nature of coherent phonons generated by ultrashort laser pulses in single-crystal antimony
O. V. Misochko; M. Hase; and M. Kitajima
Phys. of the Solid State/46(09)/p.1741-1749, 2004-01 - In situ observation of the ultrafast lattice dynamics of graphite under ion irradiation
K. Ishioka; M. Hase; and M. Kitajima
Solid State Commun./130(05)/pp.327-330, 2004-01 - Spectrally filtered time domain study of coherent phonons in semimetals
O. V. Misochko; M. Hase; and M. Kitajima
J. Phys. Condens. Matter/16(10)/p.1879-1886, 2004-01 - Transient Bose-Einstein condensation of phonons
O. V. Misochko; M. Hase; K. Ishioka; M. Kitajima
Phys. Lett. A/321/p.381-387, 2004-01 - Optical imaging of defect density distribution in ion-irradiated GaAs using ultrafast carrier dynamics
Y. Fujii; K. Horiuchi; F. Kannari; M. Hase; and M. Kitajima
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./43(01)/pp.184-185, 2004-01 - Hase et al. Reply
M. Hase; M. Kitajima; S. Nakashima; and K. Mizoguchi
Physical Review Letters/93(10)/p.109702, 2004-01 - Observation of Amplitude Collapse and Revival for Chirped Coherent Phonons in Bismuth
O. V. Misochko; M. Hase; K. Ishioka; M. Kitajima
Physical Review Letters/92(19)/p.197401, 2004-01 - Forcibly driven coherent soft phonons in GeTe with intense THz-rate pump fields
M. Hase; M. Kitajima; S. Nakashima; K. Mizoguchi
Applied Physics Letters/83(24)/pp.4921-4923, 2003-12 - The birth of a quasiparticle in Si observed in time-frequency space
M. Hase; M. Kitajima; A. M. Constantinescu; H. Petek
Nature/426/pp.51-54, 2003-11 - Microscopic imaging of defect density distribution in GaAs using the decay time of photo-excited carriers
K. Horiuchi; Y. Fujii; M. Hase; M. Kitajima; and F. Kannari
Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest/p.MT17, 2003-10 - Dynamics of coherent phonons in ion-irradiated bismuth studied by femtosecond pump-probe technique
M. Hase; K. Ishioka; M. Kitajima; S. Hishita; K. Ushida
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Material Chemistry in Nuclear Environment/p.303-308, 2003-03 - 29aYE-10 高密度光励起下におけるグラファイトの格子ダイナミクスの研究
石岡 邦江; 長谷 宗明; 北島 正弘; 丑田 公規
日本物理学会講演概要集/58(1)/p.701, 2003-03 - In situ spectroscopic measurement of defect formation in SiO2 induced by femtosecond laser irradiation
N. Fukata; Y. Yamamoto; K. Murakami; M. Hase; M. Kitajima
Physica B/340-342/pp.986-989, 2003-12 - Application of time-domain vibrational spectroscopy to the study of defects in the ion-implanted materilas
M. Kitajima; M.Hase; K.Ishioka; K.Ushida; +長谷 宗明
Nucl. Instru. Methods/206/p.99-102, 2003-01 - Phonon Autoecho in Bismuth and Antimony Single Crystals
O. V. Misochko; M. Hase; M. Kitajima
JETP Letters/78(02)/p.75-79, 2003-01 - In situ spectroscopic measurement of transmitted light related to defect formation in SiO2 during femtosecond laser irradiation
N. Fukata; Y. Yamamoto; K. Murakami; M. Hase; and M. Kit...
Appl. Phys. Lett./83(17)/pp.3495-3497, 2003-01 - Ultrafast carrier and plasmon-phonon dynamics in ion-irradiated n-GaAs
M. Hase; K. Ishioka; M. Kitajima; K. Ushida
Applied Physics Letters/82(21)/pp.3668-3670, 2003-01 - Dynamics of coherent anharmonic phonons in bismuth using high density photoexcitation
M. Hase; M. Kitajima; S. Nakashima; and K. Mizoguchi
Physical Review Letters/88(6)/p.067401, 2002-02 - Coherent phonons in bismuth under high-density excitation
M. Hase; M. Kitajima; K. Mizoguchi; and S. Nakashima
Physica B/316-317/p.292-295, 2002-01 - Dephasing of coherent THz phonons in bismuth studied by femtosecond pump-probe technique
M. Hase; K. Ishioka; M. Kitajima; K. Ushida
Appl. Surf. Sci./197-198/p.710-714, 2002-01 - さらに表示...
- Amplitude collapse-revival of coherent phonons in semimetal under high-density optical excitation