関場 大一郎(セキバ ダイイチロウ)
- 論文
- 微量水素の絶対定量に向けた高分解能ERD装置の高感度化
田村 貴洋; 原山 勲; 関場 大一郎
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(2)/p.433, 2015-09 - Composition-induced structural, electrical, and magnetic phase transitions in AX-type mixed-valence cobalt oxynitride epitaxial thin films
Takahashi Jumpei; Hirose Yasushi; Oka Daichi; Nakao S...
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS/107(23), 2015-12 - Multi-Phonon Excitations in Fe 2p RIXS on Mg2FeH6
Kurita Keisuke; Sekiba Daiichiro; Harayama Isao; Chito...
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/84(4), 2015-04 - Antithrombogenicity of Amorphous Deuterated Carbon Film Prepared by RF-plasma CVD
OZEKI Kazuhide; SEKIBA Daiichiro; HRAKURI Kenji K.; MASUZAWA...
Nano Biomedicine/5(1)/pp.11-17, 2013 - Decay Processes of Si 2s Core Holes in Si(111)-7 x 7 Revealed by Si Auger Electron Si 2s Photoelectron Coincidence Measurements
Mase Kazuhiko; Hiraga Kenta; Arae Sadanori; Kanemura ...
JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN/83(9), 2014-09 - Epitaxial growth of indium oxyfluoride thin films by reactive pulsed laser deposition: Structural change induced by fluorine insertion into vacancy sites in bixbyite structure
Okazaki Sohei; Hirose Yasushi; Nakao Shoichiro; Yang ...
THIN SOLID FILMS/559/pp.96-99, 2014-05 - Influence of the source gas ratio on the hydrogen and deuterium content of a-C:H and a-C:D films: Plasma-enhanced CVD with CH4/H-2, CH4/D-2, CD4/H-2 and CD4/D-2
Ozeki K.; Sekiba D.; Suzuki T.; Kanda K.; Niibe M.; Hirakuri K...
APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE/265/pp.750-757, 2013-01 - イオン・スパッタリングによる金属表面上のパターン形成
関場 大一郎
應用物理/73(12)/pp.1554-1557, 2004-12 - Electronic structure investigation of Ag(110)/1x2-O surface
R. Ozawa; Y. Gunji; D. Sekiba; H. Nakamizo; H. Fukutani
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena/88-91/p.717, 1998-01 - Adsorption and desorption kinetics of oxygen on the Pd(110) surface
K. Yagi; D. Sekiba; H. Fukutani
Surface Science/442/p.307-317, 1999-01 - Electronic structure investigation of Ag(110)p(2x1)O surface
D. Sekiba; H. Nakamizo; R. Ozawa; Y. Gunji; H. Fukutani
Surface Science/449/p.111-124, 2000-01 - Electronic structure of Cu(100)(2R2xR2)R45-O surface: Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and tight-binding calculation
D. Sekiba; T. Inokuchi; Y. Wakimoto; K. Yagi-Watanabe; H....
Surface Science/470/p.43-52, 2000-01 - Fabrication of stable nanopatterns on metals
D. Sekiba; S. Bertero; R. Buzio; F. Buatier de Mongeot; C...
Applied Physics Letters/81/p.2632, 2002-01 - Electronic structure of the Cu-O/Ag(110)(2x2)p2mg surface
D. Sekiba; D. Ogarane; S. Tawara; K. Yagi-Watanabe
Physical Review B/67/p.35411, 2003-01 - Experimental tight-binding parameterization of the oxygen-metal interaction: Application to the Rh(110)(2x2)p2mg-O surface
D. Sekiba; Y. Wakimoto; D. Ogarane; T. Goto; K. Yagi-Wat...
Surface Science/537/p.27, 2003-01 - Uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in nanostructured Co/Cu(001): from surface ripples to nanowires
R. Moroni; D. Sekiba; F. Buatier de Mongeot; G. Gonella; ...
Physical Review Letters/91/p.167207, 2003-01 - 世界の研究室から:原子が生み出す風紋の世界
日経サイエンス, 2003-04 - Control of uniaxial magnetic anisotropy by ion-sputtering on Co(100) ultra thin film
D. Sekiba; R. Moroni; F. Buatier de Mongeot; G. Gonella; ...
Applied Physics Letters/84/p.762, 2004-01 - Direct observation of strain-induced change in surface electronic structure
D. Sekiba; K. Nakatsuji; Y. Yoshimoto; F. Komori
Physical Review Letters/94/p.16808, 2005-01 - Dense arrays of Co nanocrystals epitaxially grown on ion-patterned Cu(110) substrates
A. Molle; F. Buatier de Mongeot; C. Boragno; R. Moroni; F...
Applied Physics Letters/86/p.141906, 2005-01 - Effects of strain field in nitrogen-mediated Co film growth on Cu(001): segregation and electronic structure change
D. Sekiba; S. Doi; K. Nakatsuji; F. Komori
Surface Science/590/p.138-145, 2005-01 - Reinvestigation of Co 2p satellite peak on the Co ultrathin film: Screening channel at interface
D. Sekiba; K. Nakatsuji; F. Komori
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/74/p.2868-2869, 2005-01 - Strain-induced change in electronic structure of Cu(100)
D. Sekiba; Y. Yoshimoto; K. Nakatsuji; Y. Takagi; T. Iim...
Physical Review B/75/p.115404, 2007-01 - Investigation of the surface bands along the X-M line of the Cu(100) surface
D. Sekiba; F. Komori; P. Cortona
Physical Review B/75/p.165410, 1-7, 2007-01 - 水素観察のためのマイクロ・ビーム核反応法装置の開発と応用
関場大一郎; 米村博樹; 根引拓也; 小倉正平; マーカス・ヴィルデ; 松本益明; 岡野達雄; 笠木治郎太; 成沢忠; 栗林志頭真; ...
真空/50(9)/p.574-578, 2007-09 - さらに表示...
- 微量水素の絶対定量に向けた高分解能ERD装置の高感度化