山本 洋平(ヤマモト ヨウヘイ)
- 論文
- Ambipolar-Transporting Coaxial Nanotubes with a Tailored Molecular Graphene–Fullerene Heterojunction
Yohei Yamamoto; Guanxin Zhang; Wusong Jin; Takanori Fuku...
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A./106/pp.21051-21056, 2009-01 - 分子集合体から機能を引き出す
山本 洋平
化学と工業/62/p.811-813, 2009-01 - π-Electronic Spiral Stairways by Self-Assembly
Yohei Yamamoto
高分子/58/p.454, 2009-01 - Amphiphilic Molecular Design as a Rational Strategy for Tailoring Bicontinuous Electron Donor and Acceptor Arrays: Photoconductive Liquid Crystalline Oligothiophene–C60 Dyads
Wei-Shi Li; Yohei Yamamoto; Takanori Fukushima; Akinori ...
J. Am. Chem. Soc./130/p.8886-8887, 2008-01 - Conductive One-Handed Nanocoils by Coassembly of Hexabenzocoronenes: Control of Morphology and Helical Chirality
Takuya Yamamoto; Takanori Fukushima; Atsuko Kosaka; Wuson...
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed./47/p.1672-1675, 2008-01 - Possible One-Dimensional Helical Conductor: Hexa-peri-Hexabenzocoronene Nanotube
Toshifumi Hara; Ko Furukawa; Toshikazu Nakamura; Yohei Y...
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn./77/p.034710/1-6, 2008-01 - 自己組織化ナノチューブにおけるラセン状電導挙動の実証
山本 洋平
分子研レターズ/58/p.72-74, 2008-01 - ディスク状分子の自己集積による電子活性ナノチューブの構築
山本 洋平; 福島 孝典
液晶/12(4)/p.279-286, 2008-01 - Systematic Studies on Structural Parameters for Nanotubular Assembly of Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes
Wusong Jin; Yohei Yamamoto; Takanori Fukushima; Noriyuki ...
J. Am. Chem. Soc./130/p.9434-9440, 2008-01 - Molecular Engineering of Coaxial Donor–Acceptor Heterojunction by Coassembly of Two Different Hexabenzocoronenes: Graphitic Nanotubes with Enhanced Photoconducting Properties
Yohei Yamamoto; Takanori Fukushima; Akinori Saeki; Shu S...
J. Am. Chem. Soc./129/p.9276-9277, 2007-01 - Photoconductive Coaxial Nanotubes Consisting of a Heterojunction of Electron Donor and Acceptor Molecular Layers
Yohei Yamamoto
高分子/56/p.972, 2007-01 - 自己組織化による光電導性同軸ナノチューブの開発
山本 洋平; 福島 孝典; 相田 卓三
セラミックス/4/p.42, 2007-01 - 自己組織化によるナノサイズの光電導性同軸ケーブルの開発
山本 洋平; 福島 孝典; 相田 卓三
Material Stage/7(1)/p.89-93, 2007-01 - 超分子・自己組織型高分子 ―カーボンナノ材料を中心として―
山本 洋平; 福島 孝典; 相田 卓三
未来材料/6(8)/p.60-66, 2006-01 - Photoconductive Coaxial Nanotubes of Molecularly Connected Electron Donor and Acceptor Layers
Yohei Yamamoto; Takanori Fukushima; Yuki Suna; Noriyuki ...
Science/314/p.1761-1764, 2006-01 - A Glass Hook Allows Fishing of Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene Graphitic Nanotubes: Fabrication of a Macroscopic Fiber with Anisotropic Electrical Conduction
Yohei Yamamoto; Takanori Fukushima; Wusong Jin; Atsuko K...
Adv. Mater./18/p.1297-1300, 2006-01 - Stabilization of a Kinetically Favored Nanostructure: Surface ROMP of Self-Assembled Conductive Nanocoils from a Norbornene-Appended Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene
Takuya Yamamoto; Takanori Fukushima; Yohei Yamamoto; Atsu...
J. Am. Chem. Soc./128/p.14337-14340, 2006-01 - Dramatic Effect of Dispersed Carbon Nanotubes on the Mechanical and Electroconductive Properties of Polymers Derived from Ionic Liquids
Takanori Fukushima; Atsuko Kosaka; Yohei Yamamoto; Takuji...
Small/2/p.554-560, 2006-01 - Construction of Oxide-Carbide Artificial Superlattices Using C60-Assisted Pulsed-Laser-Deposition Technique
Yohei Yamamoto; Hidekazu Tanaka; Tomoji Kawai
J. Cryst. Growth/265/p.198-203, 2004-01 - Appearance of Magnetic Blocking Temperature in Zinc Magnesium Ferrite Thin Films
Youhei Yamamoto; Hidekazu Tanaka; Tomoji Kawai
J. Mag. Mag. Mater./261/p.263-268, 2003-01 - Syntheses, Structures, and Spectroscopic Properties of Cobalt(III) Complexes Containing 3- or 4-Pyridyl-Substituted Nitronyl and Imino Nitroxide Ligands
Masahiro Ogita; Youhei Yamamoto; Takayoshi Suzuki; Sumio ...
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem./p.886-894, 2002-01 - Growth Mode of (111) Oriented Spinel Type ZnFe2O4 Thin Film by Laser-Molecular Beam Epitaxy Technique
Hiroshi Yahiro; Hidekazu Tanaka; Youhei Yamamoto; Tomoji ...
Solid State Commun./123/p.535-538, 2002-01 - Construction of ZnFe2O4/ZnGa2O4 Spinel-Type Artificial Superlattice by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Hiroshi Yahiro; Hidekazu Tanaka; Youhei Yamamoto; Tomoji ...
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./41/p.5153-5154, 2002-01 - Crystal Structures of Cobalt(II), Nickel(II) and Zinc(II) Dichloro Complexes Bearing 2-Pyridyl-Substituted Nitronyl Nitroxide (NIT2py)
Youhei Yamamoto; Takafumi Yoshida; Takayoshi Suzuki; Sumi...
Inorg. Chim. Acta./325/p.187-192, 2001-01 - Syntheses, Structures, Magnetic, and Spectroscopic Properties of Cobalt(II), Nickel(II) and Zinc(II) Complexes Containing 2-(6-Methyl)Pyridyl-Substituted Nitronyl and Imino Nitroxide
Youhei Yamamoto; Takayoshi Suzuki; Sumio Kaizaki
J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans./p.2943-2950, 2001-01 - さらに表示...
- Ambipolar-Transporting Coaxial Nanotubes with a Tailored Molecular Graphene–Fullerene Heterojunction