小島 誠治(コジマ セイジ)
- 論文
- Dynamical Properties of PST probed by micro-Brillouin scattering
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./41/p.1092, 2001-01 - Study of Crystallization from Amorphous Bi4Ti3O12 by Dielectric Spectroscopy
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./41/p.1062, 2001-01 - Crystallization of Amorphous Bismuth Titanate
小嶋 誠治
J. Non-Crys. Solids/293/p.250, 2001-01 - On spectral shape of low-frequency excess scattering in Raman spectra of glasses
小嶋 誠治
J. Chem. Phys./115/p.5278, 2001-01 - Brillouin scattering study of primary alcohols using angular dispersion-type, Fabry Perot Enterferometer
小嶋 誠治
J. Korean Phys. Soc./39/p.702, 2001-01 - "Chemical ordering in lanthanum-doped lead mangnesium niobate relaxor ferroelectrics probed by A1g Raman mode"
小嶋 誠治
Appl. Phys. Lett./79/p.3938, 2001-01 - "Study of Crystallization from Amorphous State of Ferroelectric Oxides by Scanning Probe Microscopy"
小嶋 誠治
Ferroelectrics/264/p.185, 2001-01 - 実時間ブリルアン散乱法による液体・ガラス転移の研究
小島誠治; 高在賢
第47回音波と物性の化学討論会論文集/47/p.37, 2002-10 - テラヘルツ時間領域分光法によるフォノン・ポラリトンとボソンピークの研究
武田三男; 北原英明; 加藤誠司; 小島誠治; 西沢誠治
第47回音波と物性の化学討論会/47/p.33, 2002-11 - 'Bifurcation of translational and rotational non-Gausian behaviors in two dimensional liquid"
小嶋 誠治
Phys. Lett A/293/p.156, 2002-01 - "Micro-Brillouin" scattering and central peaks of 0.91PZN-0.09PT crystals"
小嶋 誠治
Ferroelectrics/266/p.355, 2002-01 - "On the origin of quasi-elastic light scattering in glasses"
小嶋 誠治
Europhysics. Lett./57/p.838, 2002-01 - "Far-infrared Phonon-Polariton Dispersion of Bismuth Titanate by THz Time Domain Spectroscopy"
小嶋 誠治
Analytical Science/17/p.i681, 2002-01 - "Central peaks in the vibrational spectrum of the relaxor ferroelectric lead scandium tantalate"
小嶋 誠治
Solid State Commun/122/p.129, 2002-01 - "The study of thermal disordering of the KSc(WO4)2 crystal structure by Raman spectroscopy"
小嶋 誠治
Materials Science/20/p.105, 2002-01 - "Fast relaxation dynamics of monohydric alcohols revealed by Brillouin scattering"
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./41/p.3206, 2002-01 - "Dielectric and pyroelectric properties of strontium barium niobate at low temperatures"
小嶋 誠治
Ferroelectrics/270/p.209., 2002-01 - "Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy of Phonon-Polariton in Ferroelectrics Bismuth Titanate"
小嶋 誠治
Ferroelectrics/272/p.99, 2002-01 - "Electric-field effect of PZN-0.9PT t by micro-Brilouin scattering"
小嶋 誠治
Appl. Phys. Lett./81/p.1077, 2002-01 - "Fast relaxation dynamics of ethanol revealed by Brillouin scattering"
小嶋 誠治
J. Non-Crys. Solids/307/p.154, 2002-01 - "Brillouin Scattering Study of Strontium Barium Niobate at Low Temperature"
小嶋 誠治
J. Kor. Phys. Soc./41/p.241, 2002-01 - "Elastic anomaly and central peak in a ferroelectrioc phase transition of SrBi2Ta2O9"
小嶋 誠治
Appl. Phys. Lett./81/p.4043, 2002-01 - "Central peaks and Brillouin scattering in uniaxial relaxor single crystals of Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6"
小嶋 誠治
Phys. Rev. B./66/p.184301, 2002-01 - "Raman scattering study A-and B-site Substitutins in Ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O12"
小嶋 誠治
J. Korean. Phys. Soc./41/p.763, 2002-01 - "Nonscanning Brillouin spectroscopy applied to solid materials"
小嶋 誠治
Rev. Sci. Instr/73/p.4390, 2002-01 - さらに表示...
- Dynamical Properties of PST probed by micro-Brillouin scattering