小島 誠治(コジマ セイジ)


  • "Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy of Phonon-Polaritons in Ferroelectric Lithium Niobate Crystals"
    小嶋 誠治
    Jpn-J. Appl. Phys./41/p.7033, 2002-01
  • "Linear and nonlinear dielectric responses of Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6 single crystal"
    小嶋 誠治
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./41/p.7038, 2002-01
  • "Low-temperature transverse dielectric anomalies of uniaxial tungsten bronze crystals"
    小嶋 誠治
    J. Appl. Phys./92/p.1536, 2002-01
  • "Dynamical properties of Sr2Nb2O7 studied by micro- Brillouin scattering and modulated differential scanning calorimetry"
    小嶋 誠治
    J. Korean Phys. Sco./42/p.S1084, 2003-08
  • "Terahertz tiem domain spectroscopic study of ferroelectrics"
    小嶋 誠治
    J. Korean Phys. Soc./42/p.S1220, 2003-08
  • "Polarization rotation in the relaxor ferroelectric PZNT studied by micro-Brillouin scattering"
    小嶋 誠治
    J. Korean Phys. Soc./42/p.S1298, 2003-08
  • "Raman Study of Effects of Hydrogen Gas Annealing on PbTiO3 Crystals".
    小嶋 誠治
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./42/p.1292, 2003-01
  • "Brillouin scattering study of potassium lithium niobate single crystals"
    小嶋 誠治
    J. Korean. Phys. Soc./42/p.S1080, 2003-01
  • "Brillouin scattering study on polycrystalline relaxor ferroelectrics"
    小嶋 誠治
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./42/p.3076, 2003-01
  • "Study of liquid-glass transition by real time Brillouin scattering"
    小嶋 誠治
    J. Mol. Sturc./651/p.159, 2003-01
  • "Complex dielectric constants of Boson peaks of PMMA probed by Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy"
    小嶋 誠治
    J. Mol. Struc./651/p.285, 2003-01
  • "Brillouin and Raman spectroscopic studies of caesium lithium borate glasses".
    小嶋 誠治
    Phys. Chem. Glasses/44/p.88, 2003-01
  • "Dielectric anomalies of BNSBT single crystals with tungsten bronze strudture"
    小嶋 誠治
    Ferroelctric/286/p.61, 2003-01
  • "Dynamical properties of partially disordered srystals of Ss2H3(SO4)4xH2O"
    小嶋 誠治
    Ferroelectrics/285/p.119, 2003-01
  • "Far-infrared ferroelectric soft phonon-polariton probed by THz time domain spectroscopy"
    小嶋 誠治
    Ferroelectrics/284/p.21, 2003-01
  • "Elastic properties of bismuth layer-structured perovskite single crystals by Brillouin scattering"
    小嶋 誠治
    J. Korean Phys. Soc./42/p.S1294, 2003-01
  • "Pressure-and temperature dependent Raman studies of KNbW2O9 hexagonal tungsten bronze"
    小嶋 誠治
    J. Raman. Spec./34/p.199, 2003-01
  • "Brillouin scattering study of the polycrystalline relaxor ferroelectrics".
    小嶋 誠治
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys/42/p.3076, 2003-01
  • "Acoustic and thermal properties of strontium pyroniobate cystals"
    小嶋 誠治
    J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys/36/p.1036, 2003-01
  • "Different by dynamic behaviors of PMT and BMT single crystals studied by micro-Brillouin scattering and dielectric spectroscopy"
    小嶋 誠治
    Appl. Phys. Lett./82/p.4128, 2003-01
  • "Acoustic properties of PLZT relaxor ferroelectric ceramics studied by Brillouin scattering"
    小嶋 誠治
    Appl. Phys. Lett./82/p.4694, 2003-01
  • 'Brillouin acattering study of La-modified lead zirconate titanate relaxor'
    小嶋 誠治
    Europhysics Lett./63/p.388, 2003-01
  • 'Elastic response to different electric-field direction in relaxor ferroelectric PZNT single crystals'
    小嶋 誠治
    Appl. Phys. Lett./83/p.2037, 2003-01
  • 'Brillouin scattering in RbNbWO6'
    小嶋 誠治
    J. Appl. Phys./63/p.3781, 2003-01
  • 'Polariton Dispesion of LiTaO3 Probed by Terahertz Time Domain spectrocsopy'
    小嶋 誠治
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./42/p.6238, 2003-01
  • さらに表示...