小島 誠治(コジマ セイジ)
- 論文
- "Dynamical Properties of the FR(LT)-FR(HT) Phase Transition in Zr-Rich Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramics"
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./36/p.2985, 1997-01 - "Raman Scattering Study of Cubic to Tetragonal Phase Transitions of Ti-Rich Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3"
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./36/p.2985, 1997-01 - "Temperature Dependence of Dielectric, Elastic and Piezoelectric Properties of PB(ZrxTi1-x)O3 Ceramics Near the Morphotropic Phase Boundary"
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./2994/p.36, 1997-01 - "Broadband Light Scattering and Dielectric Dispesion of Liquid-Glass Transition in Propylene Glycol"
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./36/p.2981, 1997-01 - "Observation of 90 Domains in BaTiO3 by Atomic Force Microscopy"
小嶋 誠治
Ferroelectics/196/p.211, 1997-01 - "Brillouin Scattering Studies of Liquid-Glass Transition in n-propanol as a Function of Temperature and Pressure"
小嶋 誠治
Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl./126/p.419, 1997-01 - "Dynamical Properties of Glass Transition in n-Propanol
小嶋 誠治
Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl./126/p.427, 1997-01 - "Surface Morphology of GMO by Atomic Force Microscopy"
小嶋 誠治
Ferroelectrics/203/p.221, 1997-01 - "Structural Phase Transitions in Zr-rich Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 Ceramics"
小嶋 誠治
Ferrolelctrics/203/p.269, 1997-01 - "Dielectric Relaxation in Ba2NaNb5(1-x)Ta5xO15 Single Crystals"
小嶋 誠治
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn./66/p.2881, 1997-01 - "Brillouin Scattering Study of Glass-Forming Liquid with Simple Structure Using Angular Dispersion Fabry-Perot Interfermeter"
小嶋 誠治
Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl./126/p.253, 1997-01 - "Broadband Light Scattering from Glass-Propylene Glycol"
小嶋 誠治
Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl./126/p.423, 1997-01 - "AFM Observation of 90゜ Domains of BaTiO3 under Application of an Electric Fields"
小嶋 誠治
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn./66/p.2272, 1997-01 - "The liquid-glass transition in n-propanol : the preeure dependdence of the Brillouin spectra"
小嶋 誠治
J. Phys. : Conden. Matter./9/p.6995, 1997-01 - "Broadband dielectric measurements of lower alcohols"
小嶋 誠治
J. Kortan Phys. Soc./32/p.S817, 1998-01 - "Rapid Brillouin Scattering Measurement of Fast Relaxation Process in Glass-Forming Intemediate Liquid"
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./37/p.2812, 1998-01 - Some New Application of Scanning Electron Acoustic Microsope for Material Evaluation
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./37/p.3128, 1998-01 - "Brillouin Scattering Study of Pressure Induced Glass Transition in Ethanol and Methanol"
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./37/p.2803, 1998-01 - "Dynamics of Relaxation Process of Glass Transition in Deuterated Ethylene Glycol"
小嶋 誠治
J. Non-Cryst. Solids/235/p.271, 1998-01 - "Raman scattering studies of transitions in Nb doped PZT95/5 and 75/25 ceramics"
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./37/p.5400, 1998-01 - "Soft Modes Responsible for α-β β-γ Phase Transitions of KIO3 crystals"
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./37/p.5687, 1998-01 - "Raman scattering studies of phase transitions in Nb doped PZT95/5 and 75/25 ceramics"
小嶋 誠治
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys./37/p.5400, 1998-01 - "Softening of Low-Frequency Modes in Ferroelectric Bi3TiNbO9 and Bi3TiTaO9"
小嶋 誠治
Ferroelectircs/217/p.83, 1998-01 - "Application of SEAM and SAM to Ferroelectric and Ferroelastic Crystals"
小嶋 誠治
Ferroelectrics/217/p.335, 1998-01 - "The Surface Images of Monoclinic Domains in NdP5O14 and WO3 by Atomic Force Microscopy"
小嶋 誠治
Ferroelectrics/219/p.819, 1998-01 - さらに表示...
- "Dynamical Properties of the FR(LT)-FR(HT) Phase Transition in Zr-Rich Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramics"