谷本 久典(タニモト ヒサノリ)


  • Interface Structure Studies by Atomic Resolution Electron Microscopy, Order-Disorder Phenomena and Atomic Diffusion in Gas-Phase Synthesized Nanocrystalline Solids(共著)
    谷本 久典
    Materials Science and Engineering A/286/p.24-33, 2000-01
  • Thermal Stability of Nanocrystalline structure FCC metals (共著)
    谷本 久典
    Proc. of the 22nd Riso International Symposium on Materials Science:Science of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Alloys, Structure, Properties and Modelling/p.401-406., 2001-01
  • Elastic Behaviors of High Density Nanocrystalline Gold Prepared by Gas Deposition Method (共著)
    谷本 久典
    Scripta Mater/p.45. 1313-1319., 2001-01
  • High-Cycle Fatigue Properties of Modified 316 Stainless Steels under In-Site Thermal-Pulses(共著)
    谷本 久典
    Materials Transactions/42/p.151-156, 2001-01
  • Nanostructure and Thermal Stability of Au Film Prepared by Sputtering Technique(共著)
    谷本 久典
    Scripta Materialia/44/p.2231-2235, 2001-01
  • Magnetic Anisotropy of Ni Nano-Crystals Prepared with Gas-Deposition Method(共著)
    谷本 久典; 喜多 英治
    Scripta Materialia/44/p.1359-1363, 2001-01
  • Preparation of Nanoporous Gold Film as a Nanofilter
    Tanimoto; H.; Ishibashi; Y.; Mizubayashi; H.; +谷本 久典
    Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Porous Metals and Metal Foaming Technology (MetFoam 2005)/p.667-670, 2005-01
  • Anelasticity in FCC Nanocrystalline Metals
    Yagi; N.; Ueki; A.; Mizubayashi; H.; Tanimoto; H.; +谷本 久典
    Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials/24-25/p.503-506, 2005-01
  • Giant Irradiation Effects in FCC Nanocrystalline Metals
    H. Tanimoto; N. Yagi; H. Mizubayashi
    Journal of Metastable & Nanocrystalline Materials/24-25/p.597-600, 2005-01
  • Morphology Control of Nanoporous Au by Post-Compression
    谷本 久典; Yamamoto K.; Mizubayashi H.
    POROUS METALS AND METALLIC FOAMS: METFOAM 2007/pp.317-320, 2008-01
  • Uniformly Dimerized C60 Film Prepared by Deposition under in-situ Photoirradiation
    Tanimoto; H.; Yamada; K.; Mizubayashi; H.; Matsumoto; Y.; Naramot...
    Applied Physics Letter/93/p.151919 (3 pages), 2008-01
  • Pattern-independent, fine-morphology Ni-Pt silicide formation by partial conversion with low metal-consumption
    Futase; T.; Kamino; T.; Hashikawa; N.; Inaba; Y.; Fujiwara; T.; Yam...
    Proc. 48th Annual IEEE Int. Reliability Physics Symp. (IRPS)/p.988-994, 2010-01
  • Disconnection of NiSi shared contact and its collection using NH3 soak treatment in Ti/TiN barrier metallization
    Futase; T.; Funayama; K.; Hashikawa; N.; Tobimatsu; H.; Yamamoto; ...
    Proc. 48th Annual IEEE Int. Reliability Physics Symp. (IRPS)/p.995-1000, 2010-01
  • Crystalline grain size of nickel-platinum silicide films and their impact on device characteristics
    Yonamoto; Y.; Futase; T.; Akamatsu; N.; Inaba; Y.; Tanimoto; H.; +谷...
    Proc. 18th IEEE Int. Symp. Semiconductor Manufacturing (ISSM)/p.6-9, 2010-01
  • Stress-induced voids in nickel silicide: Disconnection of Narrow (Ni-Pt)Si between Gate Canyons on Wide Active Area
    T. Futase; Toshiyuki Oashi; Hitoshi Maeda; Yutaka Inaba; ...
    Proc. 2011 IEEE Int. Interconnect Technol. Conf. (IITC),Dresden, Germany/p.193-195, 2011-05
  • Partial conversion as a first silicidation process to fabricate low-resistive and low-leakage nickel silicide film in advanced CMOSs
    T. Futase; T. Kamino; Y. Inaba; and H. Tanimoto; +谷本 久典
    Proc. 11th IEEE Int. Workshop Junction Technol. (IWJT), Kyoto, Japan/p.55-60, 2011-06
  • Probable Carrier Localization in Nanoporous Gold Prepared by Se-lective Etching
    H. Tanimoto; T. Shintani; H. Mizubayashi
    Proc. 7th Int. Conf. 7th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (MetFoam), Busan, Korea/p.655-660, 2011-09
  • TiCl4 soak on NiSi: Selective formation of pure sub-nanometer NiTi to reduce contact resistance
    T. Futase; N. Hashikawa; H. Yamamoto; and H. Tanimoto; +谷...
    IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manuf./24/p.325-332, 2011-01
  • Uniform, low-resistive Ni-Pt silicide fabricated by partial conversion with low metal-consumption ratio
    T. Futase; T. Kamino; Y. Inaba; and H. Tanimoto; +谷本 久典
    IEEE Trans. Semicond. Manuf./24/p.545-551, 2011-01
  • 26a-T-12 低温陽子線照射したMoの内部摩擦測定
    谷本 久典; 水林 博; 永澤 俊; 奥田 重雄; 田岸 義宏
    日本物理学会春の分科会講演予稿集/1991(2)/p.61, 1991-03
  • 30a-K-13 Moの格子間原子の拡散について
    谷本 久典; 水林 博; 増田 隆平; 奥田 重雄; 田岸 義宏
    日本物理学会年会講演予稿集/46(2)/p.58, 1991-09
  • 29p-D-11 Moの自己格子間原子における拡散様式の欠陥濃度依存性
    谷本 久典; 水林 博; 寺前 直樹; 奥田 重雄; 田岸 義宏
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会/48(2)/p.28, 1993-03
  • 29p-D-12 Moの自己格子間原子による緩和ピークの欠陥濃度依存性
    谷本 久典; 水林 博; 寺前 直樹; 奥田 重雄; 田岸 義宏
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会/48(2)/p.28, 1993-03
  • 30p-P-7 低温陽子線照射したWの内部摩擦測定
    谷本 久典; 水林 博; 寺前 直樹; 奥田 重雄
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会/49(2)/p.44, 1994-03
  • 31a-P-12 Taのらせん転位による緩和ピーク
    江頭 浩久; 水林 博; 奥田 重雄; 谷本 久典
    日本物理学会講演概要集. 年会/49(2)/p.54, 1994-03
  • さらに表示...