後藤 博正(ゴトウ ヒロマサ)
- 会議発表等
- らせん物質および磁場を利用したナノ物質のコントロール
菊池 亮介; 後藤 博正
SATテクノロジーショーケース2018/2018-2-8--2018-2-8 - 蒸気や圧力を"可視化"する 革新的薄膜ポリマーセンサの開発
林 宏紀; 二森茂樹; 後藤 博正
SATテクノロジーショーケース2018/2018-2-8 - 棒状らせん高分子ブロックの導入によるリオトロピック液晶性半導体ブロック共重合体の開発
林 宏紀; 二森 茂樹; 後藤 博正
第67回高分子年次大会/2018-5-25 - フェノキシラジカルを有するらせん共役系ポリマーの合成
大瀧 雅士; 後藤 博正
第67回高分子年次大会/2018-05-23 - オルト位にメチル基を有するキラルポリフェニルイソシアニドの合成と機能評価
米原 卓哉; 林 宏紀; 後藤 博正
第67回高分子年次大会/2018-5-23 - コレステリック液晶中電解重合を用いたキラル磁性共役系ポリマーの合成
大瀧 雅士; 後藤 博正
第67回高分子年次大会/2018-2-8 - Electrochemical Preparation of Electro-active Polymers Having Nitrogen Atom
Eguchi Naoto; Goto Hiromasa
229th ECS MEETING, Electrochemical Society, USA/2016-5-29--2016-6-2 - Fabrication of Bio Carbon Micro Coil using Spiral Vessel
Wang Aohan; Goto Hiromasa
Tsukuba Grobal Science Week (TGSW) 2016, Interdisciplinary Workshop on Science and Patents (TGSW2016-IWP)/2016-9-19 - Europe-Japan International intellectual property
Goto Hiromasa
Tsukuba Grobal Science Week (TGSW) 2016/2016-9-19 - Synthesis of low-bandgap conjugated polymer with light isomerization function
Otaki Masashi; Yamabe Kohei; Qin Zhiyong; Goto Hiromasa
Student Presentation on Materials Research (NIMS Collaborative Doctral Program and TIMS)/2016-9-3 - Synthesis of chaos Electropolymerization
Hirokawa Shota; Yamabe Kohei; Wang Aohan; Goto Hiromasa
Student Presentation on Materials Research (NIMS Collaborative Doctral Program and TIMS)/2016-9-17 - Synthesis and properties of new low band gap polymer based on isothianaphthene
Yamabe Kohei; Qin Zhiyong; Goto Hiromasa
Student Presentation on Materials Research (NIMS Collaborative Doctral Program and TIMS)/2016-9-17 - Making a template of helical poly(phenylisocyanide) to allign the nanomaterials
Kikuchi Ryosuke; Hayashi Hiroki; Goto Hiromasa
Student Poster Presentation on Materials Research (NIMS Collaborative Doctral Program and TIMS)/2016-9-17 - Making a template of helical poly(phenylisocyanide) to allign the nanomaterials
Kikuchi Ryosuke; Goto Hiromasa
Student Poster Presentation on Materials Research (NIMS Collaborative Doctral Program and TIMS)/2016-9-17 - Synthesis of polycarbazole film in cholesteric liquid crystal
Eguchi Naoto; Goto Hiromasa
Student Presentation on Materials Research (NIMS Collaborative Doctral Program and TIMS)/2016-9-17 - Poly(Phenylene-alt-Fluorene) with Circularly Polarized Light Emission
Yamabe Kohei; Goto Hiromasa
Presentation on Materials Research (NIMS Collaborative Doctral Program and TIMS)/2016-9-17 - Synthesis and properties of new low band gap polymer based on isothianaphthene
Yamabe Kohei; Goto Hiromasa
IWP2016 Polymer Conference/2016-9-3 - BioCarbon Helical Micro Coil-The possibility of the plant vessels
Wang Aohan; Goto Hiromasa
IWP2016 Polymer Conference/2016-9-3 - Synthesis of Soluble Chemical Modified Polyaniline
Shen Haoyue; Goto Hiromasa
IWP2016 Polymer Conference/2016-9-3 - Synthesis and Properties of Functional Novel Paramagnetic Polymers bearing stable radicals in the side chain
Qin Zhiyong; Goto Hiromasa
IWP2016 Polymer Conference,/2016-9-3 - Synthesis of low-bandgap conjugated polymer with light isomerization function
Otaki Masashi; Goto Hiromasa
IWP2016 Polymer Conference/2016-9-3 - Synthesis of conducting polymers on functional materials
Goto Hiromasa; Kudo Yuki
IWP2016 Polymer Conference/2016-9-3 - Making a template of helical poly(pheylisocyanide) to align the nanomaterials
Kikuchi Ryosuke; Hayashi Hiroki; Goto Hiromasa
IWP2016 Polymer Conference/2016-9-2 - Vapor-Induced Liquid Crystallinity and Self-Recovering Mechanochromism of Polythiophene-block-Polyphenylisocyanide Solid Film
Goto Hiromasa
IWP2016 Polymer Conference/2016-9-2 - Synthesis of conducting polymer on the surface of spirulina
Hirokawa Shota; Goto Hiromasa
IWP2016 Polymer Conference/2016-9-3 - さらに表示...
- らせん物質および磁場を利用したナノ物質のコントロール