後藤 博正(ゴトウ ヒロマサ)


  • Synthesis of Conductive Polymer Composite Using With Helical Plant Structure
    Hirokawa Shota; Goto Hiromasa
    Synthesis of Conductive Polymer Composite Using With Helical Plant Structure/2017-09-25
  • Electro-Optical Active Conjugated Polymer Film Synthesized in Hydroxypropyl Cellulose
    Eguchi Naoto; Kawabata Kohsuke; Goto Hiromasa
    Tsukuba Global Science Week/2017-09-25
  • Synthesis of "chiral magnetic" conjugated polymer bearing phenoxy radical
    Otaki Masashi; Goto Hiromasa
    Tsukuba Global Science Wee/2017-09-25
  • A Liquid Crystal Shows Chessboard-like Texture on Polarizing Microscope
    Shen Haoyue; 後藤 博正
    Tsukuba Global Science Week/2017-09-25
  • Radical Polymerization by Conducting Polymer Polyaniline
    Yamabe Kohei; Goto Hiromasa
    Tsukuba Global Science Week/2017-09-25
  • Making fullerene nanowire by using helical liquid crystalline polyisocyanide
    Kikuchi Ryosuke; Goto Hiromasa
    Tsukuba Global Science Week-Interdisciprinary Workshop on Scuience and Patents 2017/2017-09-26
  • Synthesis of liquid crystalline conjugated polymers with optical activity prepared by Migita-Kosugi-Stille type polycondensation
    Ito Roan; Goto Hiromasa
    Tsukuba Global Science Week-Interdisciprinary Workshop on Scuience and Patents 2017/2017-09-26
  • Creation of helical carbon coil using with plant helical vessels
    Hirokawa Shota; Goto Hiromasa
    Tsukuba Global Science Week-Interdisciprinary Workshop on Scuience and Patents 2017/2017-09-26
  • Synthesis of a meta-substituted poly(phenyl isocyanides)
    Yonehara Takuya; Hayashi Hiroki; Goto Hiromasa
    Tsukuba Global Science Week-Interdisciprinary Workshop on Scuience and Patents 2017/2017-09-26
  • Flexible Semiconducting Polymers: Molecular Conformation and Aggregation Changes upon Solvent Vapor and Mechanical Stress
    Hayashi Hiroki; Nimori Shigeki; Goto Hiromasa
    Tsukuba Global Science Week-Interdisciprinary Workshop on Scuience and Patents 2017/2017-09-26
  • Chiral Sources Exhibit Opposite Helical Twisting Power by Different Chemical Modifications
    Shen Haoyue; Goto Hiromasa
    Tsukuba Global Science Week-Interdisciprinary Workshop on Scuience and Patents 201/2017-09-26
  • Electrochemically synthesized conjugated polymer films showing color and optical activity change reversibly with application of voltage
    Eguchi Naoto; Kawabata Kohsuke; Goto Hiromasa
    Tsukuba Global Science Week-Interdisciprinary Workshop on Scuience and Patents 2017/2017-09-26
  • Coupling reaction of conjugated polymers by quorum sensing catalysts
    Yamabe Kohei; 暢彦 野村; Goto Hiromasa
    Tsukuba Global Science Week-Interdisciprinary Workshop on Scuience and Patents 2017/2017-09-26
  • Synthesis of azobenzene main-chain type polymers
    Otaki Masashi; Goto Hiromasa
    Global Science Week-Interdisciprinary Workshop on Scuience and Patents 2017/2017-09-26
  • 蒸気・圧力に対する高感度センサーを指向した刺激応答性半導体ポリマーの開発
    後藤 博正
  • 主鎖にアゾベンゼンを有した光学機能性ポリマーの合成
    大瀧雅士; 後藤 博正
  • 溶媒蒸気や圧力に対しクロミズムを示す刺激応答性ポリマー材料の開発
    後藤 博正
  • 溶媒蒸気誘起液晶性と異方的磁気感受率を有するらせん高分子の磁場配向
    林宏紀; 後藤 博正
    第 12 回日本磁気科学会年会/2017-11-14
  • 液晶性および磁場配向性を誘起する棒状らせん高分子
    林宏紀; 後藤 博正
  • アルキル側鎖で修飾したポリアニリンの性質
    沈 皓月; 後藤 博正
  • 有機らせん磁性高分子の合成、応用物理学会・磁気科学研究会
    大瀧雅士; 後藤 博正
  • 直線偏光二色性をもつπ共役系高分子の液晶中磁場電解合成
    後藤 博正
    第65回応用物理学会 春季学術講演会/2018-3-17--2018-3-20
  • 光でかたちを変えるらせん高分子染料の開発
    大瀧雅士; 後藤 博正
  • 生物間の意思伝達物質autoinducerを配位子とした触媒の検討
    山辺 康平; 後藤 博正
  • 植物繊維からつくった「電波を吸いとるカーボンコイル」
    廣川 翔大; 後藤 博正
  • さらに表示...