長崎 幸夫(ナガサキ ユキオ)


  • 短鎖脂肪酸分子組織化薬の設計-Design of self-assembled short-chain fatty acid drugs
    Nagasaki Yukio; Shashni Babita
    The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Biomaterial/2019-11-24--2019-11-26
  • 短鎖脂肪酸分子組織化薬の設計
    幸夫 長崎; Shashni Babita
    The 36th Annual Meeting of the DDS Society of Japan/2020-08-28--2020-08-29
  • 短鎖脂肪酸分子組織化薬の設計
    Shashni Babita; Nagasaki Yukio
    第 49 回医用高分子シンポジウム/2020-06-29--2020-06-30
  • Newly designed short-chain fatty acid-based nanomedicine for NASH treatment
    Yuya Tajika; Shashni Babita; Yuji Nishikawa; Yukio Nagasaki
    4th G'L'owing Polymer Symposium in KANTO (GPS-K 2021) July 31, 2021 (On-line symposium)/2021-07-31
  • An Enzyme-metabolizable Short-chain Fatty Acid Nanoparticle as a Radio Therapy Sensitizer for the Treatment of Melanoma
    SHASHNI BABITA; Yukio Nagasaki
    4th G'L'owing Polymer Symposium in KANTO (GPS-K 2021)(On-line symposium)/2021-07-31
  • Newly designed short-chain fatty acid-based self-assembling nanoparticle drugs for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
    Tajika Yuya; Shashni Babita; Yuji Nishikawa; Yukio Nagasaki
    MRM2021 Materials Research Meeting/2021-12-13--2021-12-17
  • A novel nano-delivery system for short chain fatty acids to overcome various diseases
    SHASHNI BABITA; Yuya Tajika; Yukio Nagasaki
    The 70th Symposium on Macromolecules/2021-09-06--2021-09-08
  • Design of short-chain fatty acid-based self-assembling drug for alleviation of type 2 diabetes mellitus
    Shashni Babita; Nagasaki Yukio
    The 48th Annual Meeting of the Controlled Release Society/2021-07-25--2021-07-29
  • PEG-b-poly(vinylbutyrate) self-assembling nanoparticle enhanced radiation-sensitizing effect on melanoma-bearing mice
    Shashni Babita; Nagasaki Yukio
    70th SPSJ Annual Meeting/2021-05-26--2021-05-28
  • 新しい抗酸化ナノ粒子による酸化ストレス関連疾患の減衰
    Shashni Babita; Junya Tamaoki; Makoto Kobayashi; Yukio N...
    the 73rd Japan Oxidative Stress Society / 20th Japan NO Society Joint Academic Meeting/2020-10-06--2020-10-07
  • Metabolizable PEG-b-poly(vinyl ester) based self-assembling nanoparticle for the therapeutics of various diseases
    Shashni Babita; Nagasaki Yukio
  • Design of amino acid self-assembling polymeric nano-drugs for therapeutic applications
    Vong Long B inh; Nagasaki Yukio
  • 分子組織化薬の設計と機能
    長崎 幸夫
  • Antioxidant nanoparticle improves radiation efficiency on cancer therapy
    Nagasaki Yukio; Kim Ahram; Yonemoto Chiaki; Feliciano Ch...
    2021 CRS Virtual Annual Meeting/2021-07-25--2021-07-29
  • Novel design of GABA-containing polymeric nanoparticles for the treatment of depression
    Tri Bui Duc; Nagasaki Yukio
  • 抗酸化剤の腫瘍へのデリバリーが放射線治療に及ぼす影響
    長崎 幸夫; キムアラム; 米元千秋; Babita Shashni; フェリシアーノ チト
  • ラット運動能力を飛躍的に向上させる新しいナノ粒子型抗酸化剤
    長崎 幸夫; 鳥海拓都; 金 雅覽; 小峰昇一; 三浦 征; 永山 純礼; 大森 肇
  • 腸内細菌叢で着目される酪酸を放出する分子組織化薬の設計と糖尿病治療
    長崎 幸夫; Babita Shashni
  • 酪酸を放出する分子組織化薬の設計と糖尿病治療
    Babita Shashni; 長崎 幸夫
  • Does scavenging reactive oxygen species in the tumor environment diminish the effect of radiotherapy?
    Nagasaki Yukio; Kim Ahram; Yonemoto Chiaki; Shashni Babi...
  • Development of a Tissue Plasminogen Activator Installed Redox-Active Nanoparticle (t-PA@iRNP) for Novel Therapeutics…
    Mei Ting; Nagasaki Yukio; Ahram Kim; Vong Long Binh; Aiki...
  • 腫瘍内ROS消去はがん放射線治療効果を増強する
    長崎 幸夫; 米元千秋; 金 雅覽; フェリシアノ チト; Babita Shashni
  • レドックスナノ粒子による新たな神経保護療法の実用化
    丸島 愛樹; 長崎 幸夫; Mujagic Arnela; 細尾 久幸; 平山 暁; 松井 裕史; 秋本 大輔; 渡...
  • パーキンソン病治療を目指したL-DOPA分子組織化薬(NanoDOPA)の開発
    長崎 幸夫; 佐藤憂菜; Long Binh Vong; Pennapa Chonpathompikunlert; ...
  • 酪酸を放出する分子組織化薬の設計と糖尿病治療
    長崎 幸夫; Babita Shashni
  • さらに表示...