仝 暁民(トン ショウミン)
- 論文
- 25aRH-6 再散乱過程によるヘリウム原子2重電離の理論研究(25aRH 原子分子,領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
石川 倫大; 仝 暁民; 戸嶋 信幸
日本物理学会講演概要集/65(2)/p.145, 2010-08 - Activities at the Tokyo EBIT 2010
Nakamura N.; Currell F. J.; Hu Z.; Kato D.; Komatsu A.; L...
JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION/5/pp.0-0, 2010-08 - Controlling atomic structures and photoabsorption processes by an infrared laser
Tong X. M.; Toshima N.
PHYSICAL REVIEW A/81(6)/pp.0-0, 2010-06 - Infrared-laser-assisted photoionization of helium by coherent extreme ultraviolet light
Tong Xiao-Min; Toshima Nobuyuki
PHYSICAL REVIEW A/81(4)/pp.0-0, 2010-04 - Mechanisms of Infrared Laser Assisted Atomic Ionization by Attosecond Pulses
X. M. Tong; P. Ranitovic; C. L. Cocke; N. Toshima; +仝 ショウ民
Phys. Rev. A/81/p.021404, 2010-02 - IR-assisted ionization of helium by attosecond extreme ultraviolet radiation
Ranitovic P.; Tong X. M.; Gramkow B.; De S.; DePaola B.; Singh...
NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS/12/pp.0-0, 2010-01 - Enhanced ionization of hydrogen molecular ions in an intense laser field via a multiphoton resonance
Jin Ying-Jun; Tong Xiao-Min; Toshima Nobuyuki
PHYSICAL REVIEW A/81(1)/pp.0-0, 2010-01 - IR-Assisted Ionization of Helium by Attosecond XUV Radiation
P. Ranitovic; Xiao-Min Tong; B. Gramkow; S. De; B. DePao...
New Journal of Physics/12/p.013008, 2010-01 - Atomic photoabsorption process controlled by static and oscillating magnetic fields
Shirahama Takeshi; Tong Xiao-Min; Hino Ken-ichi; Toshima ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW A/80(4)/pp.0-0, 2009-10 - Theoretical study on the dynamical correlation in Ar focusing on 3s excitation with outer-shell ionization due to electron impacts
Watanabe Tsutomu; Domondon Andrew T.; Tong Xiao-Min
PHYSICAL REVIEW A/80(4)/pp.0-0, 2009-10 - 27pZB-14 強レーザー場における再散乱電子の空間分布(原子分子,領域1,原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理)
佐々木 康祐; 仝 暁民; 戸嶋 信幸
日本物理学会講演概要集/64(2)/p.98, 2009-08 - 26pZB-6 Fano共鳴理論の新展開(原子分子,領域1,原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理)
仝 暁民; 戸嶋 信幸
日本物理学会講演概要集/64(2)/p.77, 2009-08 - 27pZB-8 強レーザー場における水素分子イオンのクーロン爆発(原子分子,領域1,原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理)
金 英俊; 仝 暁民; 戸嶋 信幸
日本物理学会講演概要集/64(2)/p.97, 2009-08 - Coulomb focusing effect on the space distribution of the rescattering electron wavepacket in the laser-atom interaction
Sasaki K.; Tong X. M.; Toshima N.
JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS/42(16)/pp.0-0, 2009-08 - Asymmetric profiles observed in the recombination of Bi79+: A benchmark for relativistic theories involving interference
Nakamura Nobuyuki; Kavanagh Anthony P.; Watanabe Hirofum...
PHYSICAL REVIEW A/80(1)/pp.0-0, 2009-07 - Anomalous exciton spectra of laser-driven semiconductor superlattices
Yashima Kenta; Oka Kotaro; Hino Ken-ichi; Maeshima Nobuy...
SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS/149(21-22)/pp.823-826, 2009-06 - 27pVE-7 レーザー駆動半導体Wannier-Stark階段におけるFloquet状態のカオス散乱(27pVE 量子井戸・超格子・光応答,領域4(半導体,メゾスコピック系・局在))
久々宇 篤志; 日野 健一; 前島 展也; 仝 暁民; 戸嶋 信幸
日本物理学会講演概要集/64(1)/p.687, 2009-03 - 28pVA-8 レーザー駆動半導体超格子における励起子吸収スペクトル異常(28pVA 励起子・ポラリトン,領域5(光物性))
八島 健太; 岡 浩太郎; 日野 健一; 前島 展也; 仝 暁民; 戸嶋 信幸
日本物理学会講演概要集/64(1)/p.731, 2009-03 - A new time-dependent scattering theory and its application to the capture of antiprotons by atoms
X. M. Tong; K. HIno; and N. Toshima
Journal of Physics: Conference Series/185/p.012047(6pp), 2009-01 - Asymmetric Profiles Observed in the Recombination of Bi{79+: A New Benchmark for Relativistic Theories Involving Interference
N. Nakamura; A. P. Kavanagh; H. Watanabe; H. A. Sakaue; Y...
Phys. Rev. A/80/p.015403, 2009-01 - Space distribution of he rescattering electron wavepacket in the laser-atom interactions
X.M. Tong; K. Sasaki; K. Hino; N. Toshima
Journal of Physics Conference series/185/p.012048, 2009-01 - A theoretical study on the dynamical correlation in Ar focusing on 3s excitation with outer-shell ionization due to electron impacts
T. Watanabe; A. T. Domondon; X. M. Tong; +仝 ショウ民
Phys. Rev. A/80/p.042709, 2009-01 - Green's Function for Multielectron Ions and Its Application to the Radiative Recombination Involving Dielectronic Recombinations
X. M. Tong; N. Nakamura; S. Ohtani; T. Watanabe; and N. ...
Phys. Rev. A/80/p.042502, 2009-01 - Anomalous Bumpy Structures in the Capture Cross Sections of Antiprotons by Helium
Tong X. M.; Hino K.; Toshima N.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/101(16)/pp.0-0, 2008-10 - Branching ratios of x-ray photons from dielectronic recombination processes in H-like titanium ions
O'Rourke B. E.; Currell F. J.; Kuramoto H.; Ohtani S.; Wa...
PHYSICAL REVIEW A/77(6)/pp.0-0, 2008-06 - さらに表示...
- 25aRH-6 再散乱過程によるヘリウム原子2重電離の理論研究(25aRH 原子分子,領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))