仝 暁民(トン ショウミン)
- 論文
- Self-interaction-free density-functional theoretical study of the electronic structure of spherical and vertical quantum dots
T.F. Jiang; X.M. Tong; S.I. Chu
Phys. Rev. B/63/p.45317, 2001-01 - Density functional theory with optimized eective potential: An application to hollow atoms in the bulk of metallic materials
X. M. Tong; D. Kato; T. Watanabe; H. Shimizu; C. Yamada; ...
J. Chin. Chem. Soc./48/p.477-482, 2001-01 - Fine-structure in 3d4 states of Highly Charged Ti-like Ions,
D. Kato; X. M. Tong; H. Watanabe; T. Fukami; T. Kinugawa...
J. Chin. Chem. Soc/48/p.525-529, 2001-01 - Mulitphoton ionizaiton and high-order harmonic generation of He, Ne and Ar atoms in intense pulsed laser fields: Self-interaction-free time-dependent density functional theoretical approach
X.M. Tong; S.I. Chu
Phys. Rev. A/64/p.013417, 2001-01 - Analysis of Dielectronic Recombination Transitions for Highly Charged Iron Ions
Y.M. Li; D. Kato; X.M. Tong; H. Watanabe; B. O'Rourke; H....
J. Plasma and Fusion Res./12/p.1175-1176, 2001-01 - The measurement of dielectronic recombination in He-like Fe ions
H. Watanabe; F. J. Currell; H. Kuramoto; Y. M. Li; S. Oh...
J. Phys. B/34/p.5095-5102, 2001-01 - Giant resonance in 4d photoionization and excitaiton of high Z atoms and ions: Systematic study of dynamic electron-correlation
T. Watanabe; X. M. Tong; M. Sato; and S. Ohtani; +仝 ショウ民
J. Chin. Chem. Soc./48/p.499-504, 2001-01 - Sharp and window resonances in the 4d photo-absorption spectrum of Eu
X.M. Tong; D. Kato; T. Watanabe; S. Ohtani
Phys. Rev. A/64/p.032716, 2001-01 - Electron spectroscopy of doubly excited states in He produced by slow collisions of He2+ ions with Ba atoms
K. Iemura; S. Ohtani; H. Suzuki; J. Takeda; S. Machida; K...
Phys. Rev. A/64/p.62709, 2001-01 - Ionization of atomic hydrogen by antiproton impact: a direct solution of the time dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation"
X. M. Tong; T. Watanabe; D. Kato; and S. Ohtani; +仝 ショウ民
Phys. Rev. A/64/p.022711, 2001-01 - Energy Structure of Hollow Atoms or Ions in the Bulk of Metallic Materials
X.M. Tong; D. Kato; T. Watanabe; H. Shimizu; C. Yamada; S...
Phys. Rev. A/63/p.052505, 2001-01 - Mechanisms of giant resonance in 4d photoionization of Eu
X. M. Tong; D. Kato; T. Watanabe; S. Ohtani; +仝 ショウ民
J. Phys. B/33/p.717-725, 2000-01 - Charge capture and impact excitation processes in H+ and He+ collisions, A case study by the time-dependent Schrodinger equation method
X. M. Tong; D. Kato; T. Watanabe; S. Ohtani; +仝 ショウ民
J. Phys. B/33/p.5585--5591, 2000-01 - Time-dependent Schrodinger equation method, Application to charge transfer and excitation in H and H+ collisions
X. M. Tong; D. Kato; T. Watanabe; S. Ohtani; +仝 ショウ民
Phys. Rev. A/62/p.052701, 2000-01 - High energy operation of the Tokyo-electron beam ion trap present status
H. Kuramoto; H. Shimizu; N. Nakamura; F. J. Currell; D. ...
Rev. Sci. Inst./71/p.687-689, 2000-01 - Time-Dependent Approach to High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Quantum Dynamics of Rydberg Atoms in Crossed Magnetic and Electric Fields
X. M. Tong; S. I. Chu; +仝 ショウ民
Phys. Rev. A/61/p.031401(R), 2000-01 - Probing the Spectral and Temporal Structure of High-Order Harmonic Generation in Intense Laser Pulses
X. M. Tong; S. I. Chu; +仝 ショウ民
Phys. Rev. A/61/p.021802(R), 2000-01 - Multiple High-Order Harmonic Generation in the Presence of Intense Laser and Static Magnetic Fields
X. M. Tong; S. I. Chu; +仝 ショウ民
J. Phys. B/32/p.5593-5603, 1999-01 - Recent New Developments of Steady-State and Time-Dependent Density Functional Theories for the Treatment of Structure and Dynamics of Many-Electron Atomic, Molecular, and Quantum Dot Systems
S. I. Chu; X. M. Tong; X. Chu; D. Telnov; +仝 ショウ民
J. Chin. Chem. Soc./46/p.361, 1999-01 - Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory with Optimized Effective Potential and Self-Interaction Correction: Application to the Study of Multiple High-Order harmonic Generation of He in One- and Two-Color Intense Laser Fields
X. M. Tong and S. I. Chu
Phys. Rev. A/57/p.452-461, 1998-01 - Time-Dependent Approach to High-Resolution Spectroscopy: Application to the Photoabsorption Spectrum of Classically Chaotic Hydrogen Atoms in Magnetic Fields
S. I. Chu; X. M. Tong; +仝 ショウ民
Chem. Phys. Lett./294/p.31-34, 1998-01 - On the Generation of Circularly Polarized Multiple High-Order Harmonic Emission From Two-Color Crossed Laser Beams
X. M. Tong; S. I. Chu; +仝 ショウ民
Phys. Rev. A/58/p.R2656, 1998-01 - Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory With Optimized Effective Potential and Self-Interaction Correction : Application to the Study of Coherent Control Multiple High-Order Harmonic Generation of He Atoms in Mixed Laser Fields
X. M. Tong; S. I. Chu; +仝 ショウ民
Int. J. of Quantum Chem./69/p.293-303, 1998-01 - The relativistic density functional theory with optimized effective potential and self-interaction correction for atomic ground state with 2 < Z < 106
X. M. Tong; S. I. Chu; +仝 ショウ民
Phys. Rev. A/57/p.855-863, 1998-01 - Density-Functional Theory with Optimized Effective Potential and Self-Interaction Correction for Ground States and Autoionizing Resonances
X. M. Tong; S. I. Chu; +仝 ショウ民
Phys. Rev. A./55/p.3406-3416, 1997-01 - さらに表示...
- Self-interaction-free density-functional theoretical study of the electronic structure of spherical and vertical quantum dots