仝 暁民(トン ショウミン)


  • Theoretical Study of Multiple High-Order Harmonic Generation by Intense Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Fields: A New Generalized Pseudo-spectral Time-Dependent Method
    X. M. Tong; S. I. Chu; +仝 ショウ民
    Chem. Phys./217/p.119-130, 1997-01
  • Triply differential cross section and polarization correlations in electron bremsstrahlung emission
    C. D. Shaffer; X. M. Tong; R. H. Pratt; +仝 ショウ民
    Phys. Rev. A/53/p.4158, 1996-01
  • Relativistic Multichannel Theory Scaling Behavior of Multichannel Quantum-Defect Theory Parameters Along the Ne-Like iso-Electronic Sequence
    Y. Zou; X. M. Tong; J. M. Li; +仝 ショウ民
    Chinese Physics Letters/13/p.269-272, 1996-01
  • Theoretical studies on the electronic excited states of C60
    L. Liu; X. M. Tong; J. M. Li; +仝 ショウ民
    Acta Phys. Sinica/45/p.760, 1996-01
  • Studies on the transition matrix elements from initial channel to final channel for Rb atom
    J. G. Wang; X. M. Tong; and J. M. Li; +仝 ショウ民
    Acta Phys. Sinica/45/p.13, 1996-01
  • Fine structure inverse of Rb atoms
    J. Yan; P. H. Zhang; X. M. Tong; J. M. Li; +仝 ショウ民
    Acta Phys. Sinica/45/p.1978, 1996-01
  • Abnormal branching ratios in the laser-excited Rydberg series of Yb+, Ba+, Sr+
    R.C. Zhao; W. Huang; X.Y. Xu; X.M. Tong; Y.Z. Qu; C.B. X...
    Phys. Rev. A/53/p.3994, 1996-01
  • Theoretical studies on the first ionization potential for Co_n clusters
    J. Li; X. M. Tong; J. M. Li; +仝 ショウ民
    Acta Phys. Sinica/44/p.1727, 1995-01
  • Heat-energy deposition in an x-ray material interaction: Method and application to Si, Be materials
    X. M. Tong; H. Yamaoka; H. Nagasawa; T. Watanabe; +仝 ショウ民
    J. Appl. Phys./78/p.2288, 1995-01
  • Theoretical calculation of atomic structure: relativistic multichannel theory
    W. Huang; Y. Zou; X. M. Tong; J. M. Li; +仝 ショウ民
    Phys. Rev. A/52/p.2770, 1995-01
  • Electron impact excitation cross section and rate: revised Bethe formula
    Y. Z. Qu; J. G. Wang; X. M. Tong; J. M. Li; +仝 ショウ民
    Chinese Physics Letters/12/p.581-584, 1995-01
  • Relativistic effect in electron atom collision process
    Y. Z. Qu; X. M. Tong; J. M. Li; +仝 ショウ民
    Acta Phys. Sinica/44/p.1719, 1995-01
  • Relativistic multichannel theory: theoretical calculations of atomic energy levels and physical parameters
    Y. Zou; X. M. Tong; J. M. Li; +仝 ショウ民
    Acta Phys. Sinica/44/p.50, 1995-01
  • New developments in the theory of Bremsstrahlung
    R. H. Pratt; C. D. Shaffer; N. B. Avdonina; X. M. Tong; V...
    Nucl. Instr. & Methods B/99/p.156-159, 1995-01
  • 高輝度X線照射による初期エネルギー付与のシミュレーション
    渡部力; 仝暁民; 山岡 人志
    放射光/8(2)/p.151-163, 1995-01
  • Relativistic multichannel theory: theoretical studies of excited energy structure of Ar atom
    X. M. Tong; Y. Zou; and J. M. Li; +仝 ショウ民
    Chinese Physics Letters/12/p.351-354, 1995-01
  • relativistic theoretical calculation of OIII: radiative transition rates and the bowen mechanism in planetary nebulae
    X. M. Tong; Y. Zou; J. M. Li; X. W. Liu; +仝 ショウ民
    Chinese Physical Letters/11/p.69-73, 1994-01
  • Correlation function of liquids alkali metal near freezing
    X. Z. Yan and X. M. Tong
    Phys. Rev. B/49/p.6608, 1994-01
  • Relativistic effect of atomic radiative processes
    X. M. Tong; L. Liu; J. M. Li; +仝 ショウ民
    Phys. Rev. A/49/p.4641, 1994-01
  • Simulation calculation on electronic processes under intense X-ray and electron beam irradiation
    T. Watanabe; N. Yamamoto; and X. M. Tong; +仝 ショウ民
    Nucl. Instr. & Methods A/327/p.31-33, 1993-01
  • Direct Extraction of Sodium Negative-Ions from Sodium Plasma
    H. Yamaoka; M. Wada; M. Sasao; X. M. Tong; J. Fujita; +仝 ...
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. I/32/p.3659-3663, 1993-01
  • Theoretical studies of the X-ray mirror surface
    X. M. Tong; H. Yamaoka; T. Uruga; and E. Arakawa; +仝 ショウ民
    Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. V/32/p.L502-505, 1993-01
  • Hard X-ray interaction with materials--heat load analysis of SPring-8 MPW beamline
    X. M. Tong; H. Yamaoka; Y. Sakurai; and T. Watanabe; +仝 ...
    Synchrotron Radiation Research/5/p.217, 1992-01
  • A Vacuum protection system for the front end of Spring-8
    S. Munekawa; Y. Sakurai; X. M. Tong; and H. Nagasawa; +仝 ...
    Rev. Sci. Instrum./63/p.376-379, 1992-01
  • Heat load study on SPring-8 beamlines --- II. thermal problems of beamline optics
    H. Yamaoka; X. M. Tong; T. Uruga; Y. Sakurai; +仝 ショウ民
    SPIE/1739/p.522, 1992-01
  • さらに表示...