木塚 徳志(キヅカ トクシ)
- 論文
- Atomic Configuration and Conductance of Tantalum Single-Atom Contacts and Single-Atom Wires
Kizuka Tokushi; Murata Satoshi
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/86(9)/pp.94601-1-7, 2017-09 - Atomistic Structural Dynamics and Current Density Variations during the Transformation from Crystalline to Amorphous States in Tantalum Nanocontacts
Murata Satoshi; Kizuka Tokushi
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan/86(3)/pp.34601-1-34601-5, 2017-02 - Development of 2000 K Class High Temperature In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanostructured Materials via Resistive Heating
Terasawa Tomo-o; Kikuchi Shogo; Tezura Manabu; Kizuka ...
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/17(4)/pp.2848-2851, 2017-04 - Structures and electrical properties of single nanoparticle junctions assembled using LaC2-encapsulating carbon nanocapsules
Tezura Manabu; Kizuka Tokushi
Scientific Reports/6/p.29708, 2016-07 - Plastic Flowlike Deformation and Its Relation to Aperiodic Peaks in Conductance Histograms of Molybdenum Nanocontacts
Yamada Kohei; Kizuka Tokushi
Journal of The Physical Society of Japan/85(10)/pp.1-4, 2016-10 - Bias voltage dependence of silver and molybdenum single-atom-width wire formation
Yamada Kohei; Kizuka Tokushi
Nanoscience and Nanotecnolgy Letters/8(8)/pp.702-704, 2016-8 - Free-Space Nanometer Wiring via Nanotip Manipulation
Kizuka Tokushi; Ashida Shin
Scientific Reports/5/p.13529, 2015-08 - Critical Shear Stress of Rhodium Nanocontacts Studied by In Situ High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy
Ohko Takayuki; Kizuka Tokushi
Jornal of Nanoscinece and Nanotechnology/15(7)/pp.5180-5183, 2015-07 - Structure and Conductance of Aluminum Nanocontacts Studied by In Situ High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy
Ohko Takayuki; Kizuka Tokushi
Jornal of Nanoscinece and Nanotechnology/15(7)/pp.5484-5486, 2015-07
- Atomic Configuration and Conductance of Tantalum Single-Atom Contacts and Single-Atom Wires