張 勇兵(チヨウ ユウヘイ)


2008-12 -- 2009-04IEEETPC, The 4th Int. Conf. Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN08)
2009-01 -- 2009-10Int. Conf. Communications and Mobile Computing
2008-09 -- 2009-02IEEETPC, Int. Workshop Sensor Networks and Embedded Systems
2007-08 -- 2007-08IEEETPC, 16th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks
2007-12 -- 2007-12IEEETPC, IEEE Asia-Pacific Service Computing Conference
2007-05 -- 2007-05IFIPTPC, IFIP International Conference on Networking (Networking 2007)
2005-09 -- 2005-09The Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symp. (APNOMS2005)
2006-10 -- 2006-10The 4th Int. Conf. Cooperative Internet Computing (CIC2006)
2006-07 -- 2006-07Int. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conf. (IWCMC2006)
2004 -- 2005電子情報通信学会特集号編集委員