古川 宏(フルカワ ヒロシ)
- 論文
- Diversification of Symptom Description and Causal Reasoning for Higher Credibility of Computer-Assisted Diagnosis in Nuclear Plants "Jointly worked"
古川 宏
Proceedings of the ANS Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Man-Machine Interface Technologies/p.427-434, 1993-04 - Information Diversification for Improving Diagnostic Reliability in Complex Dynamic Processes "Jointly worked"
古川 宏
Proceedings of the IMACS/SICE International Symposium on Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems '92/p.831-836, 1992-09 - Elicitation of Expert Knowledge by Structural Learning of Neural Network with Application to Accelerator Diagnosis "Jointly worked"
古川 宏
Proceedings of IIZUKA'92 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks/p.827-831, 1992-07 - Acquisition of Diagnostic Knowledge Using Neural Networks with Application to Accelerator Operations "Jointly worked"
古川 宏
Proceedings of the 8th Power Plant Dynamics, Control & Testing Symposium/p.17.01-17.09 (9頁), 1992-05
- Diversification of Symptom Description and Causal Reasoning for Higher Credibility of Computer-Assisted Diagnosis in Nuclear Plants "Jointly worked"