河辺 徹(カワベ トオル)


2010 -- (現在)International Journal of Science, Technology and ManagementAn editorial board member
2012 -- (現在)Lecture Notes in Information Science and TechnologyAssociate Editor-in-Chief
2012 -- (現在)International Journal of Electrical and Control Engineering TrendAn editorial boad member
2011 -- (現在)International Journal of Engineering and IndustriesAn editor
2012 -- (現在)International Association of Science & Engineering CongressAn editorial board member
2010-01 -- (現在)A member of editorial board of "International Journal of Science, Technology and Management"
2008-10 -- 2010-03計測自動制御学会制御部門 組込み制御システムのモデルベース開発調査研究会 運営委員会 委員
2005-02 -- 2008-02計測自動制御学会制御部門 事業委員会 委員
2011-12 -- (現在)An editorial board member of "The International Association of Science & Engineering Congress"
2011-11 -- (現在)An editor of "International Journal of Engineering and Industries"