櫻井 鉄也(サクライ テツヤ)
- 会議発表等
- Spectral Clustering with Adaptive Similarity Measure in Kernel Space
Ye Xiucai; Sakurai Tetsuya
International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Learning (SCML2019)/2019-04-26--2019-04-29 - Experimental Analysis of the Tournament Size on Genetic Algorithms
Lavinas Yuri; Aranha Claus de Castro; Sakurai Tetsuya; La...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)/2018-10-7--2018-10-10 - 計算科学における、AI、データ活用との連携のあり方
櫻井 鉄也
公開シンポジウム 「AI時代のもの・コトづくりに向けた新たな計算科学活用 における課題と期待」/2019-02-14--2019-02-14 - デジタルイノベーションとAI技術
櫻井 鉄也
つくばサイエンスアカデミー(SAT)テクノロジーショーケース/2019-01-29--2019-01-29 - Development of an Eigen-analysis Engine for Large-scale Simulation and Data Analysis
Sakurai Tetsuya
SPPEXA Annual Plenary Meeting 2019/2019-01-22--2019-01-23 - Simulation and Data Collaboration in the Digital Age
Sakurai Tetsuya
2018 Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference/2018-12-21--2018-12-23 - 最新のAI技術と教育分野における応用の展望・可能性
櫻井 鉄也
AI/ビッグデータ時代の教育を考察する/2018-09-21--2018-09-21 - An Eigen-analysis Engine for Large-scale Simulation and Data Analysis Simulation and Data Analysis
Sakurai Tetsuya
Workshop on Computational Methods for Eigenvalue Problems/2018-08-14--2018-08-17 - Matrix Computation-based Approach for Large-scale Simulation and Data Analysis
Sakurai Tetsuya
2018 The Second International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics/2018-06-08--2018-06-10 - AI技術を用いたデータとシミュレーションの統合活用
櫻井 鉄也
MSC Software 2018 Users Conference/2018-05-30--2018-05-30 - サイバー世界とフィジカル世界を結ぶモデリングとAI
櫻井 鉄也
未来社会創造事業「超スマート社会実現」領域 ワークショップ/2018-05-25--2018-05-25 - 人を支援するAIと解析エンジン開発
櫻井 鉄也
日本臨床分子医学会/2018-04-13--2018-04-14 - Unsupervised Feature Selection by Data Structure Learning
Ye Xiucai; Sakurai Tetsuya
11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing/2019-2-22--2019-2-24 - Experimental Analysis of the Tournament Size on Genetic Algorithms
Lavinas Yuri; Aranha Claus; Sakurai Tetsuya; Ladeira ...
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)/2018-10-07--2018-10-10 - Structure-Preserving Technique in the Block SS-Hankel Method for Solving Hermitian Generalized Eigenvalue Problems
Imakura Akira; Futamura Yasunori; Sakurai Tetsuya
12th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM)/2017-09-10--2017-09-13 - Large Scale Spectral Clustering Using Sparse Representation Based on Hubness
Ye Xiucai; Li Hongmin; Sakurai Tetsuya; Liu Zhi
IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI)/2018-10-08--2018-10-12 - Memory-Saving Technique for the Sakurai-Sugiura Eigenvalue Solver Using the Shifted Block Conjugate Gradient Method
Futamura Yasunori; Sakurai Tetsuya
2nd International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems - Algorithms, Software and Applications in Petascale Computing (EPASA)/2015-09-14--2015-09-16 - Eigenspectrum Calculation of the O(a)-Improved Wilson-Dirac Operator in Lattice QCD Using the Sakurai-Sugiura Method
Suno Hiroya; Nakamura Yoshifumi; Ishikawa Ken-Ichi; Ku...
2nd International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems - Algorithms, Software and Applications in Petascale Computing (EPASA)/2015-09-14--2015-09-16 - Numerical Integral Eigensolver for a Ring Region on the Complex Plane
Maeda Yasuyuki; Sakurai Tetsuya; Charles James; Povolo...
2nd International Workshop on Eigenvalue Problems - Algorithms, Software and Applications in Petascale Computing (EPASA)/2015-09-14--2015-09-16 - スペクトラル特徴量スケーリングの多クラス分類問題への拡張
松田 萌望; 保國 惠一; 今倉 暁; 櫻井 鉄也
日本応用数理学会2018年度年会, 名古屋/2018-09-03--2018-09-05 - Network organization of cortical neurons across waking and sleep in naturally behaving mice
大山 薫 (Ohyama K.); Morikuni K. (保國 惠一); Matsumoto S. (松本 ...
第42回日本神経科学大会, 神戸/2018-07-26--2018-07-29 - Overview of ESSEX-II - Equipping Sparse Solvers for Exascale -
Sakurai Tetsuya
SPPEXA Workshop Japan 2017/2017-04-06 - Development of a Scalable Parallel Eigensolver for Large-scale Simulations and Data Analysis
Sakurai Tetsuya
SPPEXA Workshop Parallel Programming Models/2017-10-18 - Development of a Hierarchical Parallel Solver for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems
Sakurai Tetsuya
JST/CREST International Symposium on Post Petascale System Software/2017-12-12 - Development of an Eigen-analysis Engine for Large-scale Simulation and Data Analysis
Sakurai Tetsuya
2nd International Symposium on Research and Education of Computational Science (RECS)/2017-12-19 - さらに表示...
- Spectral Clustering with Adaptive Similarity Measure in Kernel Space