加藤 和彦(カトウ カズヒコ)
- 論文
- A Flexible Data Migration Strategy for Power Savings in Distributed Storage Systems
Koji Hasebe; Sho Takai; 加藤 和彦
7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SmartGreens 2018), 2018-03 - Traffic Management for Last-Mile Public Transportation Systems Using Autonomous Vehicles
Koji Hasebe; Kazuhiko Kato; Hirotake Abe; Ryutaro Akiya; ...
International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 2017-09 - BMCArmor: A Hardware Protection Scheme for Bare-metal Clouds
Fukai Takaaki; Satoru Takekoshi; Kohei Azuma; Takahiro S...
9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2017-12 - HayACK: Exploiting Characteristically Diverse Paths to Achieve Quick ACKing in MPTCP
Yusuke Morikoshi; Hirotake Abe; 加藤 和彦
9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom WS), 2017-12 - OS-Independent Live Migration Scheme for Bare-metal Clouds
Fukai Takaaki; Omote Yushi; Shinagawa Takahiro; Kato Kaz...
Proceedings of Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2015-12 - Modeling and virtualization for secure computing environments
Kato Kazuhiko
ASIAN 2007: Advances in Computer Science – ASIAN 2007. Computer and Network Security, 2007-12 - ソーシャルネットワークのダイナミクスにみる,ゆらぎ,応答,進化
佐藤 晃矢; 岡 瑞起; 橋本 康弘; 池上 高志; 加藤 和彦
日本物理学会講演概要集/71(1)/p.2899, 2016-03 - Power-Aware Autonomous Distributed Storage Systems for Internet Hosting Service Platforms
Okoshi Jumpei; Hasebe Koji; Kato Kazuhiko
Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Software Defined Systems, 2013 - Towards Robust Tuning of Hadoop by using Design of Experiments Approach
Sugiki Akiyoshi; Kato Kazuhiko
Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Software Defined Systems, 2013 - Elements and Composition of Software-defined Data Centers
Sugiki Akiyoshi; Kato Kazuhiko
Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Software Defined Systems, 2013 - Decentralized Management for Power Optimization in Cloud Data Centers Using VM Migration
SHARIFUL Islam A.K.A.Md.; Hasebe Koji; Kato Kazuhiko
Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Software Defined Systems, 2013 - An Extensible Cloud Platform Inspired by Operating Systems
加藤 和彦
Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Software Defined Systems, 2013 - Protection and recovery of disk encryption key using smart cards
Omote Kazumasa; Kato Kazuhiko
Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Software Defined Systems, 2013 - Transparent VPN failure recovery with virtualization
Matsuhashi Yohei; Shinagawa Takahiro; Ishii Yoshiaki; Hirook...
Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Software Defined Systems, 2013 - A thread facility based on user/kernel cooperation in the XERO operating system
加藤 和彦
Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. in Computer Software and Applications Conference, 1991-10 - Persistently Cached B-Trees
加藤 和彦
IEEE Transactions and Knowledge and Data Engineering/15(3)/pp.706-720, 2003-05 - OS-Independent Live Migration Scheme for Bare-metal Clouds
Takaaki Fukai; Yoshi Omote; Takahiro Shinagawa; Kato Kazuhiko
In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, Dec 2015. doi:10.1109/UCC.2015.23 (Best paper award)/pp.80-89, 2015 - Testing Device Drivers against Hardware Failures in Real Environments
Satoru Takekoshi; Takahiro Shinagawa; Kazuhiko Kato
In Proceedings of the 31st ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2016), 2016 - A Game Theoretic Approach to Power Reduction in Distributed Storage Systems
Hasebe Koji; Sawada Takumi; Kato Kazuhiko
Journal of Information Processing/24(1)/pp.173-181, 2016 - Yule-Simon過程によるタグ共起ダイナミクスのモデル化と分析
佐藤 晃矢; 岡 瑞起; 橋本 康弘; 加藤 和彦
人工知能学会論文誌/30(5)/pp.667-674, 2015 - Improving Agility and Elasticity in Bare-metal Cloud
Yushi Omote; Takahiro Shinagawa; Kazuhiko Kato
Proc. of ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)/pp.145-159, 2015-04 - Power-Saving in Storage Systems for Cloud Data Sharing Services with Data Access Prediction
長谷部 浩二; 大越淳平; 加藤 和彦
IEICE transactions on information and systems/98(10)/pp.1744-1754, 2015-10 - 日本ソフトウェア科学会第30回大会報告
加藤 和彦
コンピュータ ソフトウェア/31(2)/pp.2_12-2_18, 2014-4 - 予見化によるシームレスなスケーラビリティと統合的システム復旧を実現するクラウドシステム
石井 嘉明; 矢野 恭平; 廣岡 誠之; 杉木 章義; 加藤 和彦
全国大会講演論文集/2012(1)/pp.1-3, 2012-03 - クライアント,ネットワーク,サーバ環境を統合したディペンダブルクラウドの検証
廣岡 誠之; 石井 嘉明; 矢野 恭平; 杉木 章義; 加藤 和彦
全国大会講演論文集/2012(1)/pp.3-5, 2012-03 - さらに表示...
- A Flexible Data Migration Strategy for Power Savings in Distributed Storage Systems