山本 幹雄(ヤマモト ミキオ)


  • Spontaneous speech understanding for a dialogue system(共著)
    山本 幹雄
    ESCA workshop on spoken dialogue systems/p.25-28, 1995-01
  • A menu-guided spoken dialog system and its Evaluation
    山本 幹雄
    Symbiosis of Human and Artifact:Human and Social Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction/p.547-552, 1995-01
  • Insertion of interjectory response based on prosodic information
    Y.Okato; K.Kato; M.Yamamoto; S. Itahashi; +山本 幹雄
    Proceedings of the Third IEEE Workshop on Interactive Voice Technology for Telecommunications Applications (IVTTA-96)/p.85-88, 1996-10
  • メニューによりガイドされた文節単位発声による音声対話システム
    山本 幹雄
    情報処理学会論文誌/37(4)/p.461-470, 1996-01
  • 人間の理解手法を用いたロバストな音声対話システム
    山本 幹雄
    情報処理学会論文誌/37(4)/p.471-482, 1996-01
  • A re-estimation method for stochastic language modeling from ambiguous observations
    山本 幹雄
    Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Very Large Corpora/p.155-167, 1996-01
  • Development of ASJ continuous speech corpus --- Japanese Newspaper Article Sentences (JNAS) ---
    Shuichi Itahashi; Mikio Yamamoto; Toshiyuki Takezawa; Tet...
    Proc. Of COCOSDA’97/p.1025-1028, 1997-09
  • Several measures for selecting suitable speech corpora
    S. Itahashi; N. Ueda; Mikio Yamamoto
    Eurospeech '97 Proceedings (European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology)/4/p.1751-1754, 1997-10
  • 韻律情報を用いた相槌の挿入
    岡登洋平; 加藤佳司; 山本幹雄; 板橋秀一
    情報処理学会論文誌/40(2)/p.469-478, 1999-02
  • JNAS Japanese speech corpus for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition research.
    Katunobu Itou; Mikio Yamamoto; Kazuya Takeda; Toshiyuki ...
    The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan/20(3)/p.199-206, 1999-03
  • Japanese word segmentation using similarity measure for IR
    Tomohiro Ozawa; Mikio Yamamoto; Kyoji Umemura; Kenneth W...
    Proceedings of the first NTCIR Workshop on Research in Japanese Text Retrieval and Term Recognition/p.89-96, 1999-10
  • Using Suffix arrays to compute term frequency and document frequency for all substrings in a corpus
    Mikio Yamamoto; Kenneth W. Church
    Computational Linguistics/27(1)/p.1-30, 2001-03
  • A method of automatic extraction of F0 model parameters
    Shehui Bu; Mikio Yamamoto; Shuichi Itahashi
    ISCA&IEEE Workshop on Spontaneous Speech Processing and Recognition/p.385-388, 2003-04
  • Evaluation of a method for automatic determination of F0 model parameters
    Shehui Bu; Mikio Yamamoto; Shuichi Itahashi
    Proceedings of International Conference: Speech Prosody 2004/p.1-4, 2004-08
  • Relevance feedback models for recommendation
    Masao Utiyama; Mikio Yamamoto
    Proceedings of the Conference of Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing(EMNLP2006)/p.449-456, 2006-08
  • Document level optimization in speech recognition
    Nakazato Rie; Kugatsu Sadamitsu; Mikio Yamamoto
    4th Joint meeting of the acoustical society of America and the acoustical society of Japan, 2006-11
  • Sentiment analysis based on probabilistic models using iner-sentence information
    Kugatsu Sadamitsu; Satoshi Sekine; Mikio Yamamoto
    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2008)/p.4, 2008-05
  • Producing a Test Collection for Patent Machine Translation in the Seventh NTCIR Workshop
    Atsushi Fujii; Masao Utiyama; Mikio Yamamoto; Takehito Utsuro
    Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2008)/p.4, 2008-05
  • Integrating a Phrase-based SMT Model and a Bilingual Lexicon for Human in Semi-Automatic Acquisition of Technical Term Translation Lexicon
    Yohei Morishita; Takehito Utsuro; Mikio Yamamoto
    Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas/p.153-162, 2008-10
  • Toward the Evaluation of Machine Translation Using Patent Information
    Atsushi Fujii; Masao Utiyama; Mikio Yamamoto; Takehito Utsuro
    Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas/p.97-106, 2008-10
  • Diversion of hierarchical phrases as reordering templates
    Mikio Yamamoto; Jyunya Norimatsu; Mitsuru Koshikawa; Taka...
    Proceedings of NTCIR-7 Workshop Meeting/p.466-470, 2008-12
  • Evaluating effects of machine translation accuracy on cross-lingual patent retrieval
    Atsushi Fujii; Masao Utiyama; Mikio Yamamoto; and Takehi...
    Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2009)/p.674-675, 2009-07
  • Exploiting patent information for the evaluation of machine translation
    Atsushi Fujii; Masao Utiyama; Mikio Yamamoto; Takehito U...
    MT Summit XII 3rd Workshop on Patent Translation, 2009-08
  • Meta-evaluation of automatic evaluation methods for machine translation using patent translation data in NTCIR-7
    Hiroshi Echizen-ya; Terumasa Ehara; Sayori Shimohata; Ats...
    MT Summit XII 3rd Workshop on Patent Translation, 2009-08
  • Long-Distance Hierarchical Structure Transformation Rules Utilizing Function Words
    Chenchen Ding; Takashi Inui; Mikio Yamamoto
    Proceedings in the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation 2011/p.159-166, 2011-12
  • さらに表示...