亀田 能成(カメダ ヨシナリ)
- 論文
- A Virtual Camera Controlling Method Using Multi-Touch Gestures for Capturing Free-Viewpoint Video
亀田 能成
11th Europian Interactive TV Conference/pp.67-74, 2013-06 - USBブータブルなAR/MRプログラム開発・検証環境(Casper Cartridge Project)
亀田 能成
電子情報通信学会会誌/96(7)/pp.512-515, 2013-07 - Facial Micro-Expression Detection in Hi-Speed Video Based on Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
Polikovsky Senya; Kameda Yoshinari; Ohta Yuichi
IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS/E96D(1)/pp.81-92, 2013-01 - Three Dimensional Pose Estimation of an Articulated Object from its Silhouette Image
Yoshinari Kameda; Michihiko Minoh; and Katsuo Ikeda
Proceedings of Asian Conference on Computer Vision '93 (ACCV '93)/p.612-615, 1993-11 - Three Dimensional Motion Estimation of a Human Body Using a Difference Image Sequence
Yoshinari Kameda; Michihiko Minoh; and Katsuo Ikeda
Proceedings of Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision '95 (ACCV '95)/p.181-185, 1995-12 - シルエット画像からの関節物体の姿勢推定法
亀田 能成; 美濃 導彦; 池田 克夫
電子情報通信学会論文誌/J79-D-II(1)/p.26-35, 1996-01 - A Collision Detection Method for Interacting with Virtual Weaven Cloth
Tomotaka Ogino; Yoshinari Kameda; Yoshiyuki Sakaguchi; Mi...
Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia/p.129-134, 1996-09 - A Human Motion Estimation Method Using 3-Successive Video Frames
Yoshinari Kameda; Michihiko Minoh
Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia/p.135-140, 1996-09 - Three Dimensional Model Based Interpretation of Dynamic Situation in a Lecture Room
Michihiko Minoh; Yoshinari Kameda
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Cooperative Distributed Vision/p.177-194, 1997-11 - High Speed 3D Reconstruction by Video Image Pipeline Processing and Division of Spatio-Temporal Space
Yoshinari Kameda; Takeo Taoda; and Michihiko Minoh
Proceedings of IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications/p.406-409, 1998-11 - 時空間の分割とビデオ画像のパイプライン処理による高速三次元再構成
亀田 能成; 太尾田 健男; 角所 考; 美濃 導彦
情報処理学会論文誌/40(1)/p.13-22, 1999-01 - A Live Video Imaging for Multiple Users
Yoshinari Kameda; Hideaki Miyazaki; and Michihiko Minoh
Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'99)/2/p.897-902, 1999-06 - Studies of Automatic Video Generation from Real World
Yoshinari Kameda; Michihiko Minoh; and Katsuo Ikeda
Proceedings of The Second AEARU Workshop on Web Technology/p.57-62, 1999-10 - 複数のカメラを用いた複数ユーザに対する講義の実時間映像化法
宮崎 英明; 亀田 能成; 美濃 導彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌/J82-D-II(10)/p.1598-1605, 1999-10 - シルエット画像に基づいて個人体形を反映する3次元形状モデルの変形法-仮想試着室の実現に向けて
今尾 公二; 亀田 能成; 美濃 導彦; 池田 克夫
電子情報通信学会論文誌/J82-D-II(10)/p.1684-1692, 1999-10 - Distance Learning Environment Based on the Interpretation of Dynamic Situation of Lecture Room
Michihiko Minoh; Yoshinari Kameda
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Cooperative Distributed Vision/p.283-301, 1999-11 - High Speed 3D Reconstruction by Spatio-Temporal Division of Video Image Processing
Yoshinari Kameda; Takeo Taoda; and Michihiko Minoh
The Transactions of the IEICE D/E83-D(7)/p.1422-1428, 2000-07 - A Live Video Imaging Method for Capturing Presentation Information in Distance Learning
Yoshinari Kameda; Kentaro Ishizuka; and Michihiko Minoh
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2000)/3/p.1237-1240, 2000-08 - Estimation of the Location of Joint Points of Human Body from Successive Volume Data
Masaaki Iiyama; Yoshinari Kameda; and Michihiko Minoh
Proceedings of IAPR 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition/3/p.699-702, 2000-09 - A Nobel Distance Learning System for the TIDE Project
Keisuke Yagi; Yoshinari Kameda; Motonori Nakamura; Michih...
Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education / International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction (ICCE/ICCAI)/p.1166-1169, 2000-11 - Imaging a 3D Lecture Room by Interpreting its Dynamic Situation
Michihiko Minoh; Yoshinari Kameda
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on the Cooperative Distributed Vision/p.371-412, 2001-03 - UCLAとの遠隔講義プロジェクトTIDEにおけるシステム構成
八木 啓介; 亀田 能成; 中村 素典; 美濃 導彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌/J84-D-II(6)/p.1132-1139, 2001-06 - Multi-Camera Live Video Imaging
Yoshinari Kameda
AI Laboratory Abstract, 2001-09 - 未知光源環境での物体形状と反射特性のボクセル独立な再構成法
飯山 将晃; 青木 啓史; 亀田 能成; 美濃 導彦
情報処理学会論文誌/42(12)/p.3185-3193, 2001-12 - Controlling a Camera with Minimized Camera Motion Changes Under the Constraint of a Planned Camera-Work
Yasutaka Atarashi; Yoshinari Kameda; Masayuki Mukunoki; K...
Proceedings of International Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Understanding for Visual Information Media in Cooperation with ACCV 2002/p.9-14, 2002-01 - さらに表示...
- A Virtual Camera Controlling Method Using Multi-Touch Gestures for Capturing Free-Viewpoint Video