掛谷 英紀(カケヤ ヒデキ)
- 論文
- MOEVision: simple multiview display with clear floating image
掛谷 英紀
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE)/6490/p.64900J, 2007 - Realization of electronic 3D display combining multiview and volumentric solutions
掛谷 英紀
Proc. SPIE 6490/p.64900Y, 2007 - Teleoperation interface for mobile robot with perspective-transformed virtual 3D screen on PC display
掛谷 英紀
Proc. SPIE 6055/pp.0Y1-0Y10, 2006 - Combining volumetric edge display and multiview display for expression of natural 3D images
掛谷 英紀
Proc. SPIE 6055/pp.1Y1-1Y9, 2006 - SD&A 2006
掛谷 英紀
日本バーチャルリアリティ学会誌 = Journal of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan/11(1)/pp.46-47, 2006-03 - 3008 環境問題と言論責任保証(J25-2 環境問題と法制度(2),J25 環境問題と法制度,2005年度年次大会)
掛谷 英紀
年次大会講演論文集/2005(7)/pp.191-192, 2005-09 - A deposit system which guarantees liability for press and speech to establish reliable risk communications
掛谷 英紀
Proc of MDAI 2005/p.74, 2005 - Stereoscopic Display Which Shows 3D Natural Scenes without Contradiction of Accommodation and Convergence
掛谷 英紀
Proc. SPIE 5664/pp.488-494, 2005 - Multiview Autostereoscopic Display with Floating Real Image
掛谷 英紀
Proc. SPIE 5291/pp.255-264, 2004 - Stereoscopic Display Using Cylindrical Lenses for Induction of Proper Accommodation
掛谷 英紀
SID' 04 Digest of Technical Papers/pp.482-485, 2004 - FLOATS V: Real-Image-Based Autostereoscopic Display with TFT-LC Filter
掛谷 英紀
SID’04 Digest of Technical Papers/pp.490-493, 2004 - Camera System for Autostereoscopic Display with Floating Real Image
掛谷 英紀
Proc. SPIE 5291/pp.389-395, 2004 - Real-Image-Based Autostereoscopic Display Using LCD, Mirrors, and Lenses
掛谷 英紀
Proc. SPIE 5006/pp.99-108, 2003 - Autostereoscopic Display with Real-image Virtual Screen and Light Filters
掛谷 英紀
Proc. SPIE 4660/pp.349-357, 2002 - Fast Combinatorial Optimization with Parallel digital Computers
掛谷 英紀
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks/11/p.1323-1331, 2000-01 - Geometry of Neural Networks with Asymmetric Weight Matrices
掛谷 英紀
IEEE SMC`99/(Ⅰ)/pp.402-407, 1999 - Space-shared Communication based on Truly 3D Information Space
掛谷 英紀
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1999 - 3D Display System for Reality-Enhanced Teleoperation
掛谷 英紀
IEEE SMC '99/(V)/pp.1129-1134, 1999 - Selective retrieval of memory and concept sequences through neuro+windows
掛谷 英紀
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks/10/p.182-185, 1999-01 - Parallel and synchronous search for combinatory quasi-optimum solutions
Kakeya Hideki
Proc. of ICNN '97/(2)/pp.1284-1288, 1997 - Capacity expansion and concept formation in sequential associative memory
掛谷 英紀
Proc. of ICNN '97/(2)/pp.1332-1337, 1997 - Analysis and improvement of associative memory from the viewpoint of linear algebra
掛谷 英紀
Intelligent Engineering Systems Through Artificial Neural Networks/(4)/pp.121-126, 1994
- MOEVision: simple multiview display with clear floating image