延原 肇(ノブハラ ハジメ)
- 会議発表等
- 時系列相関に基づく同一ハッシュタグツイート群からの表記ゆれ対策辞書構成法の提案
久野雄一郎; 澤勢一史; 延原肇
*EMPTY*____/2012-03 - 教室間移動時間最適化を目的としたマルチエージェントシミュレーションとGAの統合
前川廣太郎; 澤勢一史; 延原肇
第38回ファジィワークショップ____/2012-03 - A lattice structure visualization by formal concept analysis and its application to huge image database
Nobuhara Hajime
IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering - Max-Plus Algebraic Agent Description and Its Application to Various Social Systems
Nobuhara Hajime
World Automation Congress 2008 - Approximation by Shepard type pseudo-linear operators and applications to Image Processing
Bede Barnabas; Schwab Emil Daniel; Nobuhara Hajime; Rudas...
Session on Recent Advances in Soft Computing in Image Processing - Multi-channel Representations of Max-Plus Algebra Based Wavelet Transform and Their Application to Video Coding
Nobuhara Hajime; Bede Barnabas
1st IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications (SOFA 2005)
- 時系列相関に基づく同一ハッシュタグツイート群からの表記ゆれ対策辞書構成法の提案